Skills, More Skills, and Treasure?

Chapter 7: Skills, More Skills, and Treasure?

[Eldritch Form(Active)]

[Description: Upon activation, the user reverts to their true form. A form that can attract a few and scare many, or vice versa.]

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[Malleable Anatomy(Active)]

[Description: A lesser form of shapeshifting. User can modify their physiological features to a limited degree. This involves removing or concealing a body-part, changing skin tone, hair colour etc.]

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[Madness Aura(Active)]

[Description: Upon activation, you release an aura of madness and insanity that can drive others insane if they stare at you.]

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[Eldritch Influence(Passive)]

[Description: Those that follow you will slowly be guided onto your path. The path of an Eldritch. Once your influence on an individual reaches a certain threshold, you can share a skill with them.]

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[Description: As long as you have stamina or demonic energy, you can regenerate. Additionally, you can stop the regeneration at your own discretion.]

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[Erotic Pheromones(Active)]

[Description: The user can generate powerful, aphrodisiac, seductive bodily emissions which can induce extreme amounts of sexual attraction and desire towards the user. Inhaling great amounts of users pheromones leaves the target(s) unable to harm the user or resist the users commands.]

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[Eldritch Language(Passive)]

[Description: A language only understood and spoken by Aberrant beings.]

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[Realm Connection: Outer Void (Inactive)]

[Description: A Skill that represents your connection to the Outer Void, the dwelling of the Outer Gods and other High-level Eldritch.

Note: Connection is currently inactive.]

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[Mark of Desire(Active)]

[Description: A mark of ownership. The mark creates a telepathic link that bypasses space and time. Anyone you have marked is completely immune to any sort of control or charm. Additionally, with consent, marked individuals can share skills for 1 hour a day.

Note: To fully activate the mark, Host needs to cum inside the marked individual.]

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[Heavenly Tentacles(Active)]

[Description: Tentacles of a perverted nature that have a myriad of uses. These tentacles can secrete fluids that increase sensitivity, remove the pain of virginity loss, release oil that can be used as lube. The tentacles can also be changed into a sexual organ. Additionally, it is possible to change the size and toughness if demonic energy is provided.]

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[Soul Absorption(Active)]

[Description: As a demon it is only natural you absorb the souls of humans or other demons to strengthen your Aberrant Demonic soul.]

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[Succubus Form(Active)]

[Description: As you are currently in your human form, your succubus skills cannot be used to their fullest. Upon activation of this skill, wings sprout from your back, horns grow from your head, and your tail is released. Additionally, you can use your Demon and Succubus skills to their fullest.]

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[Description: Succubi can enchant any creature weaker than them to do their bidding.]

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[Unnatural Beauty(Passive)]

[Description: The succubus will be beyond the beauty of a normal human woman and is completely irresistible.]

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[Dream Manipulation(Active)]

[Description: Succubi can manipulate others' dreams, high-level ones can turn dreams into reality.]

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[Illusion Manipulation(Active)]

[Description: Succubi can put their opponents under illusion and manipulate this illusions as they wish. They can cause targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are.]

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[Lust Empowerment(Passive)]

[Description: You are a Lust Demon, as such you use lust to strengthen your body, demonic core and soul.]

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[Note: Abilities can get stronger or unlock new effects the more your strength increases.]

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"The descriptions and names sure are interesting to say the least". Valerie commented in amusement, especially at the irony of her [Heavenly Tentacles] and demon race.

"And I guess I'm also immortal now, well I already was with semi-immortality skill, but now with my regeneration and Infinite stamina bloodline ability I can regenerate endlessly."

"Hmm? Realm connection…Outer Void, Outer Gods…Why does it feel like I'm destined to become a grotesque mass of flesh. Actually I kind of am one, I still remember that crazy girl who asked me to fuck her in my true form. What was her name again….Oh, I think it's was Julia Phillips Lovecraft". Valerie smiled slightly, recalling that degenerate woman who loved her tentacles.

Valerie turned her attention back to her status and looked at her [Traits], she ignored the wings, claws, horns and tail, and went to the last one.

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[Alien Mind]

[Description: An ability found even in the weakest of Outer Gods. Your mind has distorted beyond belief and you can no longer be called sane. Telepathy or Mind Control will not work on the Host and if continued probing happens, it will backfire. Mental and dream based powers also cannot work on you with only one exception, as you are not an Outer God, your mind can be read if the user is in contact with you.]

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"I see, so this is what Lilith meant. But I disagree, I'm clearly perfectly sane. Don't you agree system?"


Valerie's lips twitched at it's silence. It was quite obvious it didn't agree with her. She just shook her head and moved onto the next skill, a skill any reincarnator would love to have.

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[Space Magic]

[Description: You are able use a form of magic that is related and based on the universal force of space.]

[Current Spells: Spatial Tunnel]

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Valerie smiled widely seeing this skill. Skills and abilities are usually inherited or learnt, and Valerie was sure she didn't learn space magic. Yes, the previous her who didn't have memories of her past life was aware of the supernatural, but that was also the reason she didn't leave much, though a major factor was all the leering she got from men. Her previous self was a introverted NEET!

'I still can't believe that was actually me, all I did was play those VR games. YGGDRASIL, was it's name if I recall, from the Overlord anime. Sadly the game is shutting down in a month, I wonder if Momonga will still get transported? After all this Earth isn't dystopian.

All though I'm a little sad that the game is shutting down, it no use crying over it, and I would rather not go to the New World when this world has a lot to offer'. Valerie shook of the useless thoughts and went back to her main interest.

"As I was thinking before, if 'that' goddess is my neighbour, then that also means 'that' Succubus exists, and is my 'mother' in this world. After all, I did inherit the Space magic that she and my older sister have. Haha~ A mother, older sister and a little sister…It seems this life will be really fun~!" Valerie chuckled lightly, whilst looking forward to the future.

(A/N: I wonder if anyone can guess who they are~ It's really obvious~!)

Kali who was walking by Valerie's side tilted her head in confusion at her mistress'…evil laugh?

'Maybe mistress wants to eat some souls now that she awakened her demonic core?' Kali nodded to herself, finding her deduction reasonable.

Valerie, who was unaware of her pet's misunderstanding stared at the status in interest.

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[Blessing of Lilith, The Primordial Entity of Sins and @%#?!$: The blessing of a being who has existed since the beginning of everything.

Skills and Effects:

-You can now, unlike regular demons get stronger by partaking in and absorbing sins other than Lust. As you are no longer tied to one sin, your room for growth is infinite.

-10% chance of gaining a Skill or Trait of something you consume, along with being able to digest any matter regardless of size and without danger for your stomach.[Gluttony]

- The One(Active): Instil fear into the opponents' minds and show them how it feels like to stand before the physical manifestation of power itself. The stronger a person's will and mind is, the weaker the effect of this skill. [Pride]

-Shambles(Active): You can reduce the strength of your opponent for 5 Minutes.

Cool-down: 5 Minutes. [Envy]

-Treasure Hoarder(Passive): You can sense the presence and rarity of a nearby treasure.[Greed]

-Flash(Active): You can accelerate, decelerate or change directions instantly or at near instantaneous speeds. [Sloth]

-Tranquil Fury(Passive): You can attack in full rage while retaining control and are able to attack with the relentless strength of a madman while gaining the speed and precision of a surgeon. [Wrath]

-Demonic Eyes of Destruction [???]

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"Unholy fuck, that's one broken blessing. Should I say as expected of a Primordial entity?" Valerie exclaimed in wonder.

"Still, these skills and effects are helpful, and they are each based off a deadly sin apart from lust. But it's understandable, I literally have the Primordial Lust Bloodline. Though the last one is quite interesting, if I recall it's from that misfit of demon academy anime. Does it have something to do with Lilith's hidden title?" Valerie mused, as a unique red pattern appeared on her sapphire eyes briefly before disappearing.

"Well, it doesn't matter as of now. Instead, I'll check out the last abilities".

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Primordial Lust Bloodline(20% Unlocked):


[Perfect Form]

[Description: You have a body and mind that is perfectly optimized, totally efficient, with absolutely no wasted energy or effort on their part. An example is when you pick up a sword, your body automatically adopts a perfect form. Even when injured, your mind and fighting skills does not degrade due to pain.]

[Infinite Stamina]

[Description: It's in the name. What more do you want to know?]

[Eternal Lust Flames]

[Description: The pink flames of Primordial lust that traps people in an eternal illusion of lust.]

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"Eternal Lust Flames…" Valerie muttered, and the next second, bright purplish-pink flames appeared above her palm.

"Impressive. Hm? What's wrong Kali?" Valerie questioned, as she saw her trembling.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Translation: M-mistress. That flame is too dangerous.

A look of realisation appeared on Valerie's face, before she dismissed the pink flames.

"My bad, I kinda forgot these flames are directly from a primordial blood-!" Valerie halted midway, as she felt her blessing skill react.


Kali also stopped and sniffed the air, 'Human'.

Valerie walked towards the end of the block, each step bringing her closer to the treasure. She looked around a little to see if there was anything noteworthy, but all she saw was a girl sitting under a lamppost with her head tucked into her knees.

'Is she the treasure?' Valerie thought with a speechless expression, as she felt her skill reacting strongly.


[A girl under a lamppost! Who could it be!]