First Summoning: The Cliché Goblin Scenario

Chapter 9: First Summoning: The Cliché Goblin Scenario.







And most of all; Lowliest of all Monsters.

'That is what everyone thinks, and also what I thought, when taking up the quest'.



And sadistic.

'That is what they truly are, and what I'm currently experiencing first hand'.

In a dark stone chamber, a rather unsettling and disturbing scene was playing. Goblins could be seen everywhere in the cave, some bald while others have shaggy hair or facial hair. Some bigger than the size of a grown man, while others about the size of a child.

Several of these goblins could be seen surrounding a young woman who was stripped naked and had numerous gashes on her body.

'How? Why did this happen? How did this happen? Supreme God-sama? Why are you not helping? Was I unfaithful? Did I commit a sin? Please answer me!'


The young woman's light blue eyes seemed to lose their lustre when she was met by a silence. Instead, a large goblin was walking closer to her, with a torch in its hand. The young woman could see that the surrounding goblins were enjoying the scene, they didn't even rape her yet, because they knew she couldn't escape.

'Supreme God-sama?' The young woman inwardly called out one last time, grasping at her last hope, the god that she worshiped her whole life.


Once again, no answer came. At this point, young girl had completely given up any hope, and watched as the burning torch moved to her eyes.

'If Supreme God-sama won't answer my call, maybe I should call out for the demons? I wasn't the one who abandoned Supreme God, he abandoned me. So I wouldn't be in the wrong right? No! What am I thinking?! How could I turn to the vile demons?! Maybe this is just a test by Supreme God-sama, to see if I can keep my faith in him even after experiencing all this'.

The previous dim eyes of the girl regained some life, though it quickly disappeared after looking at the fat goblin who was centimetres away from her.

'Someone. Anyone. Please…help me'. And the moment the thought passed her mind, the world lost colour and time slowed down, before a holographic screen appeared before her.


[The 'Depraved Eldritch Demoness of Endless Luxuria' has recognised your desire to live at any cost and is willing to lend a tenta-Hand to you at a cost.]

[Do you want to summon 'her' to LIVE?]


'W-what?' The young girls eyes shone in hope when she saw the second panel, she reread it everything to double-check that she wasn't hallucinating, and when she did, she realised something.

'Demoness? A demon heard my pleas? Should I accept? Would it count as being unfaithful to the Supreme God?' These thoughts plagued her mind, but she couldn't continue with them as another panel appeared.

[Do you not want to rescue the others?]

'Others?' The girl questioned in confusion.

[Did you think that you were the only one in this cave?]

'You mean!'

[Yes. Those pests have kidnapped other women. So would you like to summon the Demoness and save those women from suffering?]


'Supreme God-sama…Please forgive me. I cannot allow those women to suffer any longer'. The young girls previous dim eyes were now resolute.

'I accept'.

[Ding! Summoning the Demon…She will arrive in five seconds…5…4….3….2…1]

The colour returned to the world and time once again flowed at a normal pace, however the goblins didn't make any movements on the young girl, as they were too busy watching in shock as the space started to distort before a portal formed.

Suddenly, a feeling washed over everyone. It felt heavy, no-heavy was an understatement, it felt as if the whole world was dropped on to their shoulders.

They didn't need to wait long before soft steps could be heard echoing out from the portal. And soon enough, a tall supernaturally beautiful woman stepped out, and the feeling that was blanketing the goblins intensified exponentially. They could all feel it, the feeling of absolute POWER that radiated from her.

The moment they gazed at her, they all collapsed, like a puppet who's strings have been cut.

Everyone except for her who summoned this being that is.

'Beautiful…Is she really one of those vile demons? She has the horns, tail and wings. But even then she's still beautiful'. The young girl thought as she started into those bewitching purple eyes.

Though she was broken out of her thoughts when the Demoness started talking, as she looked at the large goblin who collapsed on his knees the moment she arrived.

"Pardon me. I feel sick when I'm looked down at by someone 'smaller' than me". The demoness' voice was not loud or quite, but it was still able to reach her ears. And the moment she heard her voice, she couldn't help but want to hear it more.

Even though the young girl was captivated by the demoness' voice, she was able to notice something. There was no disgust, mockery or hate as the demoness looked at the goblin, only superiority.

While the young girl was staring at Demoness their eyes suddenly locked, and the moment it did, she couldn't help but shiver. The superiority in her eyes were all gone, replaced by the gaze of a predator. Though when the girl blinked, the hungry gaze of the demoness was no longer there.

'Was I hallucinating?'





[Your first summon request has arrived from the World of Goblin Slayer!]

[Difficulty: Easier than Easy]

[Clearing Conditions: Save the Female Bishop from Goblins.]

[System Rewards: 10,000 Hell Points, Lottery Ticket(Copper)]

[Summoning Reward: TBD(Provided By Summoner)]

[Will you accept the summon?]

[Y / N]

'Oh? A summoning. And it's just killing a bunch of goblins. Hm, Hell Points? That's obviously for the Hell shop. But Goblin Slayer world huh? If I remember correctly, female bishop was what Sword Maiden was called in the past. I guess I have a good reason to accept this now'. Valerie thought, as she mentally accepted.

[Warning: You have 10 Minutes until you are summoned.]

'I guess I'll go change. Hm? I remember I have a several sets of my past life's high school uniform'. Valerie picked up Sabrina from her lap, before putting her on the sofa.

"What's wrong Valerie?" Amelia asked, since she saw Valerie spaced out and then stand up.

"Don't worry I'm just feeling tired so I'll be sleeping early".

Amelia raised an eyebrow and said, "Is that so? Goodnight".

"Goodnight Valerie~! Don't forget to make the waffles and pancakes in the morning!" Sabrina reminded.

Valerie smiled and said, "Don't worry I'll be sure to make it. As for you, Sayu, you can sleep in either Sabrina, Amelia's or the guest room, since we three always sleep together".

"Alright-!" Sayu froze as she realised what Valerie just said. 'They sleep together? 3 girls in one small bed? There's no way all they do is sleep right? And Amelia and Sabrina are sisters…Does that mean…'

Valerie and Amelia smiled amusedly when they saw her face turn red in embarrassment as she was lost in her thoughts.




~7 Minutes Later in Valerie's Room~

"So you have a System that allows you to be summoned without needing to enter the . And it also has a lottery, inventory and the Hell Shop?" Amelia asked as she watched Valerie hang her tie around her neck, and leave the first three buttons of her shirt open, giving her a view of Valerie's cleavage.

"Yep! That's about it. Anyways you like what you see~". Valerie smirked as she put her arms under her breasts and pushed them up.

"I do". Amelia answered while biting her lips.

"If I didn't have to go to this summon, I would of already pushed you down and have my way with you until the morning". Valerie commented as she ogled Amelia who was wearing a similar vest and shorts that she previously wore.

"And since I can't put you through the sexercise I'll settle for this". She wrapped her arm around Amelia's waist and pulled towards her body, causing their boobs to squish against each other.

"I'll be having a quick snack". Valerie's rosy lips quickly met Amelia's and a battle started. The kiss started slow before quickly turning into a heated one, there tongues intertwined as they exchanged saliva.

Valerie moved her hand downwards and slipped her hand into Amelia's shorts and grabbed her big juicy ass. She moulded and kneaded it while Amelia moaned in her mouth.

Amelia felt something hard against her belly and moved her hand down to grab it, but Valerie ended the kiss and grabbed her hand before she could.

"If you do that now I won't be able to hold back". Valerie who's cheeks were slightly rosy commented, as the previous bulge sticking out of her skirt disappeared. 'No blue balling for me today. Malleable anatomy for the win baby~!'

"I…Know". Amelia said with a understanding smile.

Valerie nodded and looked at Kali who was walking towards her, "I know you want to come with me, but I don't think I can take you. So stay here and be a good girl".

"Woof! Woof!" Kali nodded and saluted.

Valerie and Amelia chuckled at her action, before they both turned around, and saw space distorting as a purple portal suddenly formed.

"I guess this is for you". Amelia commented as she carefully watched the portal.

"That's right~" Valerie nodded with a hand on her chin. 'I wonder what sort of entrance I should make? Should I just stick my tentacles in the portal and kill whatever's on the other side? Nah. I don't want to dirty myself by touching goblins. Or should I use my charm and recreate the; "Lelouch Vi Brittania commands you!' scene. That's not a bad idea actually, but it would be even better with an audience, so I'll save it for the future. Hm? Why I don't I do that instead'.

'[Succubus Form]'

'[The One]'

"??!!!" Amelia snapped her head in Valerie's direction when she suddenly felt her senses warning her of danger. And when she locked eyes with Valerie, the feeling became more pronounced.

"Valerie?" Amelia called out with slight wariness.

'Hm? Why is she acting like there's an enemy around?' Valerie thought as she answered, "Speak".

Both woman's eyes widened in surprise-or well Valerie tried to, when they heard the tone she spoke in. It was not loud or quiet, it was in fact normal, but it was laced with authority and power.

'Is this the cliché indomitable pride? The one that doesn't allow me to show any weakness or emotions. I guess I'm Escanor V.2'. Valerie thought amusedly as she imagined the fun things she could do with this skill.

Seeing the growing concern and cautiousness on Amelia's face, Valerie said, "You need not worry. This is merely a skill of mine. I'll allow you to ask questions when I return, for now I shall go, this system has been barraging me with notices".

Amelia nodded slightly in acceptance since she trusted Valerie.

"Good". Amelia's lips twitched at Valerie's tone, and she watched Valerie pass through the portal, before both disappeared.


"What a dangerous skill, though from what I can see it'll only work perfectly if her opponent is unaware of her strength and if they have a weak will and mind". Amelia analysed while releasing a sigh.

Other side of the portal.

'Disgusting'. That was Valerie's first thought as she got assaulted by a nasty smell.

Her eyes then landed on the green rough-skinned humanoids with pointy ears, claws, fangs, and long noses that were lying on the floor.

'No surprise there I guess. There's no way a goblins mind is strong enough to withstand this skill. Even the big hobgoblin dropped, I guess this is the perfect time to say one of my idols lines'. Valerie stared at the hobgoblin that was on its knees even with its mind broken.

"Pardon me. I feel sick when I'm looked down at by someone 'smaller' than me". And as if it could hear her, the body that was on its knees fully dropped.


'Coincidence? I think not'. Valerie stared at the corpse for a few seconds before shifting her gaze to the naked young blonde hair and blue eyed girl. 'That is young Sword Maiden alright. But she doesn't have the sinful body that all the cultured men adore. I guess I'll have to wait a few years'.


Valerie deactivated and made her way to her client. Once she was in front of the young girl, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she smirked and said, "I ask you. Are you my master?"



Alternative Title: Are you my master?