First Summoning [2]: A God’s Wrath and Pain!

Chapter 10: First Summoning [2]: A God's Wrath and Pain!

"I ask you. Are you my master?" Valerie smirked, as her now purple eyes stared into the girls light blue ones.

"Huh?" Confusion was written all over the young girl's face as she processed what Valerie just said. 'Master? Why did she call me that? Wait…If she called me master does that mean I can control her? Doesn't it mean I order her to not harm or kill anyone?'

Valerie watched as the slight fear in the girl's eyes receded and was replaced with hope and determination. She stared in interest and wondered what got the girl so confident.

"D-demon! I order you to not harm or kill any humans!"


Valerie silently stared at her while her mouth repeatedly twitched. A few seconds later she couldn't hold it back.


"Why are you laughing Demon!" The young Sword Maiden shouted, with a slight crack in her voice. 'D-did it not work?'

Valerie stopped laughing and her gaze sharpened, a wicked smile appeared on her beautiful face as she stared down at the young girl, "Did you just order me human? After I saved your life you also try to control me?"

"I…" The future Archbishop was silent, both fear and guilt apparent on her face. 'I…She saved me and yet I tried to control her. Was I in the wrong for doing that? Even if she's a demon?'

The evil smile on Valerie's face widened when she saw her conflicted look, the sadistic pleasure she felt was too much. "You know we demons have a saying".

The young girl focused her attention back on Valerie, curious about what this 'saying' was.

"A demon does whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want." The young Bishop was puzzled before her eyes widened, but she couldn't think for long as Valerie continued, "And that means I will harm, kill and devour humans as I please".

"No! I won't let you!" The blonde girl glared at Valerie with a defiant look.

"Oh?" Valerie raised an eyebrow as she started releasing a purplish-black aura from her whole body. "And how will you stop me in that pathetic state? I can kill you right now and go on a rampage. Even those Platinum Ranked adventures wouldn't be able to stop me". 'But of course I won't tell her that, the so called Hero could kill me if she gets the Gods help. As for the Demon Lord, he should be even easier, even if he's not a Lust Demon, if I release my aura I can weaken him greatly'.

"W-what is that Vile aura?!" The blonde stuttered as she felt the repulsive energy. She then remembered what Valerie said and couldn't help but grit her teeth, 'What should I do? What she said about being able to kill platinum ranked adventures might be true, after all her mere presence killed those goblins. I can't gamble on a chance so I have to think of something. Wait…That screen from before said something about a cost, Maybe…'

'Maybe I went too far?' Valerie thought as she effortlessly manipulated her demonic energy. 'It seems that is not only limited to using my body and mind efficiently but also my demonic energy. I guess it makes sense as it is also part of my body'.

"Demon. In exchange for not harming anyone I'll give you my entire being. Is that a suitable cost?" The young Bishop said with a firm tone and hopeful look.


[Acceptable summoning reward detected!]

[Do you want to accept the Entity -Thea- as your summoning reward?]

[Yes / No]

'Thea? As in Goddess? I guess people of this world do have names. Well it is real life after all, and it would be weird to call people by titles? Anyways back to the screen, I don't see any reason in declining her offer, and it's not like I'll actually eat humans. I did it just to mess with her'. Valerie mused as she accepted the reward.

[Congratulations! You have received Entity -Thea-!]


[You have subjugated a Human!]

[You have subjugated an individual belonging to entity -Supreme God-]

[Warning! Entity -Supreme God- has been alerted of the changes!]

"WHO DARES TAKE WHAT IS MINE!" A shout of unknown origins boomed across the whole world making everyone jump in surprise and fear.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid god! Some people have sensitive ears!" Valerie shouted as she held her elf-like ears.

Unknown Location.

Several entities, were around a rather large table, discussing amongst themselves. Suddenly, one of them, who seemed to be made up of pure light and radiated an aura of virtue and justice stopped when he felt a connection he had to an individual sever.

"WHO DARES TAKE WHAT IS MINE!" The entity's sudden outburst startled the others around him, and they turned their focus onto him.

"Old man, what's got your pants in a twist?" One of the entities in the room questioned in interest. The entity was a woman of unearthly beauty who has gold eyes and blonde hair decorated with flowers. Her figure is voluptuous, with large breasts and wide hips. She wore clothing that just barely covers her nipples, behind, and privates.


"How dare she! It's always them! Last time it was Asmodeus and now her child?! That abominable spawn of Lust!" The entity made of pure light screamed with unbridled fury, as the unpleasant memories of the Primordial Sin of Lust fucking his wife replayed in head.

"Brother! Stop! Don't do it!" A woman who looked liked an Elf with whiteish-blonde hair, rainbow coloured eyes and fairy-like wings shouted in horror, as the entity of pure light pointed his hand in a certain direction and a ball of light appearing before disappearing.


The entity of light frowned as he looked towards her and said, "I didn't forget about the , that's why I just placed a Divine Curse on her".

"No! Why would you even do that in the first place! That girl is not only the spawn of Lust! She is also blessed by 'HER'!" The Fairy-Elf woman yelled with fear all over her face.

The entity of light froze and stuttered, "B-by 'HER' d-do you mean L-lady Lilith?"

The Elven woman just nodded with a grim expression on her face, as the other's looked at them in confusion.

"Oh~? Fufu~ It seems like you youngsters still remember little old me~ And yet you still dare to touch what is mine~?" A bell like laugh resounded in the whole room, making everyone present stiffen.

"L-lady L-Lilith plea-AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"

A snap resounded in the room, and the Supreme God started to scream in agony as he slowly started disintegrating. First it was his body, then Divine Energy, and lastly his Soul. A Total Wipeout (A/N: Anyone get the pun).

All the Gods watched in horror as the oldest amongst them was wiped with not even a speck of him remaining.

"Well~ That is what I wanted to do, but it wouldn't be entertaining if it was so easy now, right~?" Lilith's amused voice rang out followed by another snap, and a second later everything started reversing and a figure made of pure light formed. It was as if the event never happened, thus effectively undoing any changes that occurred in said event.

"W-w-what happened?" The Supreme God questioned absentmindedly, before the previous events flooded his mind, causing him to start trembling in horror.

"Oh? Maybe I went a little easy on you?" Lilith questioned in an innocent tone, making everyone stiffen once again, while the Supreme God was literally crying tears of light.

"I'll let you live on one condition." Lilith suddenly said to the weeping God.

"I'll do a-anything!" The Supreme God shouted while on his knees.

"Good. Then you should know what your other Siblings are doing, right? Sending reincarnator's throughout the Omniverse spreading 'Virtues' and purifying all 'Sins' and 'Evil'. Find a reincarnator, and if they're able to defeat Valerie I'll let you live." Lilith explained.

The Supreme God immediately looked up in disbelief, "Really? Is that all?"

"That's all".

And everything went silent.

~Valerie's Side~

"Shut the fuck up you stupid god! Some people have sensitive ears!" Valerie shouted as she held her elf-like ears.

"What was that?" Thea questioned, as she got up slowly.

"Your so called God that's who". Valerie nonchalantly replied as she massaged her ears.

"S-supreme God-sama? But why?" Thea said in a voice full of disbelief.

Valerie smiled maliciously and gave Thea a knowing look and said, "Because I apparently 'stole' his 'belonging'".

"Stole? Belonging? What are you talking about? Speak clearly Demon!" Thea shouted in panic.

"You already know what I'm talking about". Valerie said with a sadistic smile as she stood in front of Thea, caressing her cheek. "You know but you don't want to accept. Your God…He just sees you as a possession".

"T-that is normal! A believer dies and lives for their God!" Thea retorts, though a look of realisation immediately appeared on her face.

"You realise, yet you cling onto your broken faith". Valerie sighed, before a gentle smile graced her lips as she whispered in the blonde girl's ear, "Forget about that God. You are now mine, Thea~ Now and Forever~"

Thea's body shuddered as she felt Valerie's breath tickle her ears. She was close enough to smell Valerie's intoxicating scent, her eyes glazed over and her breathing became hurried.

'Too easy~ Though I need to remove that faith she still has in that bastard'. Valerie thought as a system notice appeared in front of her.


[Valerie. Leave the cave immediately and fly North if you don't want the girl to die.] A familiar seductive voice came from the system instead of the usual monotone.

"Asmo-Luxuria?" Valerie corrected herself, and questioned as she headed towards the exit without a wasted second, "Thea, my job here is done so head back".

"Wait…" Thea tried to call out, but she was too late.

[Yes~ Yes~ It's your favourite mommy Luxuria~]

Valerie rolled her eyes and stepped out of the cave. She tensed her legs and used to instantly accelerate and take flight immediately.


"So this is how it feels to fly huh. Anyways what's the hostile energy?"

[A Divine Curse.]

"I see. Very self-explanatory, but it sounds really dangerous for a Demon, right?". Valerie replied calmly. Her trait [Alien Mind] showing it's effects along with her bloodline ability [Perfect Form], in the form of not degrading her mind.

[Indeed it is. Though in this case it's basically a boon for you. Look up and tell me what you sense.]

Valerie complied and looked behind, "That light…It's repulsive yet appealing. But repulsive all the same".

[Since it is a Divine Curse it naturally has Divine Energy. Though that's not all, usually people curse others for a reason, whether it be revenge, envy, temptation, treachery etc. So when one curses, it is always followed by the emotion or intention one had when cursing.] Luxuria explained.

"I get it now. From what I can sense, this Divine Curse is reeking of Wrath and Hate. A looooooot of it in fact, so much so that it seems unnatural". Valerie analysed, as she watched the ball of light that was hundreds of meters in the sky moving in her direction.

[I wonder why~ He's acting like someone put a green hat on him.]

"!!!" Valerie froze and immediately connected the dots. "You cucked him, huh? And now as someone who carries the name Asmodeus, all the bad things you done affect me too".


Valerie shook her head before her face turned serious, "I'm guessing you want me to absorb the Wrath and Hate radiating of the curse, right? So what do I do?"

[Eat it.] Luxuria casually answered.

Valerie with a blank face said, "Fuck wrong with u?"

[Eat it.] Luxuria repeated.

"How can I make such a risky play? Just cause I can consume any matter, it doesn't mean I can resist all the effects they may have, right? Especially something of an opposing nature". Valerie questioned, as she stared at the affect of her blessing.

-10% chance of gaining a Skill or Trait of something you consume, along with being able to digest any matter regardless of size and without danger for your stomach.

[You are right. Your regeneration only affects your body, while your soul is vulnerable. And that's why I told you to go North, a feast awaits you there.] Luxuria commented without going into detail.

"North? And a feast for a demon…" Valerie muttered to herself, as she tried to recall some of the events of Goblin Slayer. A minute later her eyes widened as she remembered what lays North.

"Demon Lord…"
