First Summoning [3]: Divinity Devouring

Chapter 11: First Summoning [3]: Divinity Devouring

The Dungeon of the Dead is a notorious dungeon located in the far North. It is said to be the deepest of all dungeons, consisting of ten levels, and serves as the residence of the Demon Lord. It houses monsters of all kinds and spews a plague of undeath and pestilence throughout the Four-Cornered World.

(A/N: Four-Cornered World is the where Goblin Slayer takes place.)

To counter the surge of monsters a fortress city was built in front of the dungeon, which accommodates adventurers who wish to challenge it, though many die trying.

Currently, above the skies of the Fortress city and unbeknownst to everyone, a shadow whizzed passed and moved further North.

A closer look at the shadow reveals a devilishly beautiful woman with purple eyes and silver hair. Her figure is voluptuous, with large breasts and wide hips. This was of course Valerie.

"So you want me to devour all the creatures and sin essence in the dungeon?" Valerie asked, as her enhanced senses picked up dozens of people who were chatting.

[Yes, you need strengthen yourself for the moment you Devour the curse. A process of regeneration and destruction, an with each cycle your soul will get stronger…If you survive.] Luxuria explained.

Valerie narrowed her eyes and inquired, "What are the the chances of me surviving?"

[Eh? It's surprisingly high, I would say it's guaranteed.] Luxuria said in a matter of fact tone.

"Really?" Valerie said with a raised eyebrow.

[If a normal Lesser demon came in contact with Divine Energy they would be completely wiped out. Not even their demonic soul would remain.] Luxuria asserted solemnly.

"Is that so?"

[Yup~ Your soul is not as weak as you think Valerie.]

"I see…Anyways I've been curious about something for a while, what are the ranks for Demons?"

[Hm? You didn't ask the system? Well whatever, I'll explain. It's actually easy to remember, starting from weakest to strongest it is; Lesser Demon, Greater Demon, High Demon, Demon Lord, and Demon King.]

"Is that all? What's after Demon King?" Valerie asked, furrowing her brows.

[There's no need to worry about it for now. Become a Demigod, or should I say Demon King first. All I'll tell you about the next rank is the general name; Demon God.]

"Demon God…Are you at that level or…" Valerie's words trailed.

[Of course I'm above it.] Luxuria scoffed.

"I see…So what is the Demon Lord's strength? Is his strength equivalent to a Demon Lord rank just as his title suggests?"

[Nope~ That guy is just a High Demon who's revelling in a title given by the humans of this world. While his minions that call themselves Greater Demons are barely equivalent to Lesser Demons.]

"High Demon huh…Are you sure that I can kill him? I've never fought a Demon, and I'm already fighting someone who's 2 ranks higher than me". Valerie asked as she caught sight of her destination, and noticed people entering and exiting.


[If you were an ordinary Lesser Demon, than no, even if you just had my Bloodline it would be difficult and almost impossible. But you are different, not only are you my Daughter, you are something more. And you also have Big sis' blessing, which are absolutely broken, so factoring all those, it's basically impossible for you to lose.] Luxuria explained.

"Now that you mention it, I really do have a lot broken skills, especially ones that can cause debuffs. [The One], [Shambles], [Madness Aura], [Magic Eyes of Destruction]. And on top of those there's the Bloodline suppression… Damn~ I really am a broken character". Valerie chuckled in amusement.


"What's up?" Valerie stopped and questioned, ignoring the adventurers who had spotted her flying above the dungeon.

[Wait for the curse.]

Valerie looked back and noticed the Divine Curse moving towards her at insane speeds.

"It's going to reach me in 5…4…3…2..1…" Right as the ball of light was going to enter Valerie's chest, she quickly leaned to the side and snapped her head forward, swallowing the light ball.

"I don't feel any pain- Oh Fuck me and my big mouth!" Valerie's face contorted due to the sudden pain, and she quickly realised that some of her cells were being slowly destroyed. However , the moment her cells were destroyed, new ones appeared simultaneously. All this was thanks to her [Regeneration] and [Infinite Stamina] which gives her body Infinite Regeneration.

Yes, her body only, her soul on one the hand had no such abilities. And the moment she ate the Divine Curse, the Divine Energy started eating at her Demonic Soul. However at the same moment, a euphoric feeling erupted throughout her whole body.

"Ahh~" A moan left Valerie's mouth while her face flushed as she felt the rush of Wrath and Hate Essence from the Divine Curse strengthening her Demonic Core and Soul.

[Quickly go inside the dungeon.] Luxuria reminded.

"Alrighty~" Valerie immediately flew towards the massive entrance, passing the adventures who tried to jump her.

"The Demon has entered the Dungeon!"

"Quick! Report its appearance to the Temple and the Guild!"

Inside the Dungeon of the Dead.

[Right, now left. Keep going forward, then take a left.]

Valerie had been following Luxuria's directions for the past half an hour, killing and absorbing the souls of everything that crossed her path. Whether they be humans or monsters, she devoured them all without a shred of mercy. Even as her body and soul was slowly being eaten by the Divine Energy, which instantly regenerated with the help of the Wrath & Hatred in the curse and souls in the dungeon, again and again in an endless cycle.

If it wasn't for the pain she experienced when she became an Eldritch and acquired [Alien Mind], Valerie would have already fainted over the terrible pain that this method could inflict.

(A/N: I don't think anyone would want to see fights or more like massacres against weak monsters. So I skipped passed it and will go on to the fight against the Demon Lord).

"So this is it huh. I can feel several presence's and one of them is leaking Demonic Energy too. A fellow True Demon, eh?" Valerie spoke aloud. She had several pinkish-purple tentacles coming out of her body, though that wasn't anything new, it was her hands or claws to be precise.

Valerie's unblemished slender and smooth hands was no more, instead it was replaced with razor-sharp purple devilish claws that would send chills down anyones back.


[There is no such thing as 'fellows' among Demons—well there are exceptions like Sabrina and Amelia—but demons step upon each other to rise up and grow stronger. So go in there and maim, kill, devour him.]

Luxuria-nay, Asmodeus said with a noticeable edge in her tone.

"That's what I planned. Hopefully his soul is tastier than those rough looking men from Floor 2, the rookie hunters if I recall". Valerie commented as a certain idea came to mind.

"Since this is the Boss battle let's use this…"

'[Eldritch Form]'


Valerie exploded.




Not into a puddle of blood though.

The moment Valerie activated her ability, her demonic red coloured soul suddenly became incredibly twisted and moved wildly as if it had gained consciousness of its own.

Tentacles exploded from her body as her flesh expanded outwards before contracting, however instead of returning to normal, the flesh wrapped around her whole body; her hair, tail, wings and horns.

Valerie's soul was now a mixture of pink, purple, orange and scarlet colors, twisting as if it were an endless chaotic void. Demonic energy was released from her Soul, as a insanity inducing malevolent atmosphere was generated from her entire being.

[As a result of transforming into your True Form, 'Madness Aura' has automatically activated!]

Valerie's was now in her True Form. A true Demon-Eldritch hybrid.

Her whole body was now a dark purple colour, and seemed to shift with dozens of tentacles dancing around her. Her mouth now reached from ear to ear, and when she opened it, an endless black hole along with long sharp teeth were revealed. Her sclera was completely black and her eyes scarlet red, though it flickered to gold every once in a while.

[Impressive~ Your Eldritch and Demonic natures which were previously separated have now completely fused. Even your demonic energy is now more chaotic and dense. ] Luxuria analysed, noting the changes .

Valerie who now stood at a height of 300cm pushed the massive doors without any trouble


~30 seconds before Valerie transformed, other side of the door~

"Demon Lord-sama. The intruder has arrived as in on the other side of the door, how shall we proceed?" A skeleton who wore a black priest garment spoke up, as he kneeled before an enormous throne.

Sitting on the throne was a gigantic and menacing creature with demonic wings, red eyes as well as a pair of horns on the sides of his head.

"Hmmm…She's just a mere Lesser Demon with some tricks, though her abilities will be useful. If she submits I'll forgive her-!!!" The so called Demon Lord suddenly stiffened and his red eyes quickly landed on the door to the room.

'What is this nauseating feeling?! Is it that Succubus?! That shouldn't be possible! A mere lesser lust demon cannot make me a Wrath Demon feel fear! These fakes will just die fighting her so let me just eat them'. The High Demon stood up from his throne, standing to his full height of 15ft(457.2cm).

"It's time to make yourselves useful for once. So die for me". The High Demon's demonic voice boomed in the room as he stretched his hand and absorbed the souls of each of his generals.

They didn't even have time to react before their souls were snuffed from them.

"Tch! How weak! Barely even increased my strength".


The High Demon turned his head the moment he heard the door open. The feeling of dread increased as there was no longer anything separating them.

Step-! Step-! Step-! Step-! Step-! Step-!

Footsteps sounded and soon enough, he was greeted by the one who made him feel fear.

"What the Hell…" The High Demon froze as he saw a humanoid creature who was covered in dark purple flesh that was twisting and turning. It's whole being was covered in the purple flesh, whether it be it's wings, tail or horns. Multiple tentacles danced around the creature, each had a menacing scarlet eye.

"You are just Lesser Demon! There's no way I would fear you!!!" The High Demon came out of his stupor and shouted maniacally, clearly the aura of madness radiating from Valerie was affecting him.

"@%#$£@%" An indecipherable ear piercing screech left Valerie's abyss-like maw as she signalled the High Demon 'to come'.

"SHUT UP!!!"

The ground cracked and the wrath demon disappeared from his position, reappearing in front of Valerie with a fist already closing in on her face.

"!!!" Valerie crossed her arms and wrapped herself in her tentacles to block the punch, but the next second she rocketed to the other end of the room crashing into wall.


'Ah fuck! My arms are gone-oh they're back already. Damn he hits like a truck~ Though isn't he a little weak? Well, it doesn't matter, I already tested his strength, so need to drag the fight out like some novel protagonist'. Valerie thought as she picked herself up, both her tentacles and arm already regenerated.


"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!! I'M GETTING WEAKER!!" The High Demon exclaimed as he felt his strength falling to Greater Demon rank. His eyes then landed on Valerie's figure who somehow appeared in front of him.

"You-!" The demon's body suddenly froze when his burning red eyes met Valerie's scarlet ones.

Valerie didn't know why he stopped, but she used this chance and gathered 80% of her demonic energy around her fist and aimed it at the demons' torso.

"@&$€#%" Another unclear screech left Valerie's mouth, though the High Demon somehow understood it and translated it as:

'Normal Punch'.





Then he died.


'Ugh! I really need to learn how to speak properly in this form. What I meant to say was how anticlimactic, who would have thought that [Shambles] made him a whole rank weaker'. Valerie thought to herself.

[Hurry and devour his soul before he dissipates.]

Luxuria's seductive voice sounded in Valerie's head, making her turn to the body which had its whole top half blown off. Behind the body was the High Demon, fully intact but at the same time ethereal. It's eyes once again locked with hers, then he crouched and started shivering in fear and crying.

'Pathetic'. Valerie walked up to him and opened her endless maw, 'Become my nourishment and power'.


A loud screech which rattled the whole dungeon followed, as Valerie chewed and absorbed the High Demon.

"@&£%#$" Valerie's tentacles excitedly danced around as she felt the demonic energy filling her core and soul. A ferocious look appeared in her eyes as she now eyed the demonic core on the ground as well as the demons body.

Valerie quickly extended her tendrils to both things and opened her mouth to an impossible degree, before eating them.

Crunch-! Crunch-! Crunch-! Crunch-! Gulp-!


Valerie's mind was in a delirious state as she once again felt her self getting stronger. The feeling was absolutely addicting and she wanted to last forever. Though she came out of that state due sound of repeated system notifications.

[Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding]

[You have obtained the trait !]


A/N: You don't need to tell me, I know the battle was anticlimactic.