Max wanted to read more but he heard footsteps so Max hid behind a table and was watching to see who was there then he saw his uncle holding a gun and was looking for Max.
After Max uncle past the table were Max was hiding Max ran up the stairs but the uncle heard him and fired a gunshot at the direction that Max was running and Max runs out of the basement just in time and he also dodges it and ran out of the building and also ran to the only place that he knew was safe which was his school and after Max got to his school he reported to the teachers and ran to a class to hide but his uncle still followed him to his school.
When uncle Zach got to the entrance of Max school he asked one of the teacher "Where is Max."
The teacher replied "Max, I did not see him here."
Uncle Zach said "Your lying I saw Max enter inside this school."
The teacher replied " Well I did not see anybody pass here."
Uncle Zach became angry that he shot the teacher and entered inside the school leaving the teacher to die outside and uncle Zach went from class to class looking for Max and since it was early there were not a lot of students in the school.
As more people were coming to Max school they stopped and turned back when they saw the teacher covered in blood even Max best friends were not inside the school there were among the people that saw the dead teacher and left.
Elliot even use his phone to call the police and the police said that they would be coming soon but inside the school uncle Zach continued to search the classes until he got to Max class when he entered inside Max class he asked the students if they saw Max and they said no so Uncle Zach became angry that he could not find Max so he wanted to check the staff room if Max was hiding there.
Uncle Zach grabbed one of the students in Max class named Steven and ordered Steven to tell him were the staff room was.When Steven told uncle Zach he did not understand so he said that Steven should follow him there and uncle Zach finally got to the staff room and saw a student that he thought it was Max and he was happy that he found Max.