Chapter 22: Uncle Zach gets arrested

When Steven told uncle Zach he did not understand so he said that Steven should follow him there and uncle Zach finally got to the staff room and saw a student that he thought it was Max and he was happy that he found Max.

So uncle Zach pointed the gun at the student and killed him but When uncle Zach looked at the student's face he was surprised to see that it was not Max that was there but another student and uncle Zach became angry again and shot four teachers then he realised that he didn't have any bullet left so he through the gun away and searched the remaining room and he got to the last room and in the last room that is where Max is hiding.

Before uncle Zach could enter the room the police came and arrested uncle Zach and they took him to prison even as uncle Zach was arrested Max still wanted to tell the police that it is uncle Zach that killed his parents so the police asked Max for proof and Max wanted to bring the paper that uncle Zach wrote but he only brought the part were uncle Zach said he killed his parents.

At first they gave uncle Zach a pen and paper to write a sentence. After uncle Zach wrote it they carried it and matched it with the paper that Max brought and they saw that the handwriting was the same so they believe Max and charged uncle Zach for murder of two parents, five teachers and a student, he also added attempted murder of another student.

Max was happy that they arrested the person that killed his parents but he was not happy that it was his uncle that killed his parents but this time Max was not thinking why his uncle will do that because the paper that uncle Zach wrote on told Max everything that he needed to know.

After Max has done everything he needed to do, the driver carried Max back home and Max was so sad and when he got home he didn't bother to go to school because of what happened to him so he stayed at home.But he remembered that the whole school protected him so he went to go and thank them and he came back home.

But that was not the end of uncle Zach because he had a plan that will help him escape from prison and he will have another chance to kill Max.