Chapter 34: Black belt fight

And when he was done he picked up his phone and started using it then Max realised that he had a message from Andrew on WhatsApp.

Andrew(message): Max what time do you close from training.

Max(message): Well I start by 7:00am and end by 10:00am.

Andrew(message): So we will start by 10:30am so get ready.

Max(message): Okay.

Then Max dropped his phone watched some TV and then he put off the TV and read for 30mins then he went to bed and slept off.

On Friday Max woke up late so he quickly ate his breakfast and he woke his driver up and he rushed to bath and dressed up before he took Max there.

When they got there they have already started and then Max saw Andrew and he went to Andrew and asked.

Max: How many fights did I miss.

Andrew: About 2 or 3.

Max: That much.

Andrew: Yeah, this is the fourth match so just watch.

Max: One last question.

Andrew: What.

Max: Is the fight interesting.

Andrew: Yeah it's very interesting and takes a long time before a fight end.

Max: No wonder.

Andrew: No wonder what.

Max: Because it's 20 minutes after nine and we are only in the fourth match.

Andrew: That's true, so it might be a while before this fight end.

Max: So what should we do now.

Andrew: Well do anything you want to do.

Max: What about you.

Andrew: Me, well I want to watch the match.

Max: So you are not interested in talking.

Andrew: Not right now because I like this match.

Max: But you are talking right now.

Andrew: Max, later please I want to learn new skills now.

Max: Okay I will go.

Max left Andrew and went to his seat and sat down with Richard and watch the fight. Suddenly, moments before Max sat down he heard screams from you crowd and when he looked at the match the fight was already over and Max was surprised and he didn't know what happened but Richard took a video and when Max asked what happened Richard showed him the video.

As Max was looking at the video he saw that one of the black belts kicked the other so fast that people could barely see his leg moving and the person he kicked flew out of the ring and when people gathered the person they saw that he was unconscious.

Then they announced him as the winner and his name was David and he was Daniel's older brother so he would be very strong.

It was no surprise that at the semifinals, David will be there but it took a long time and it was 10 minutes after 4 and it was late. They took a short break before they continued and Richard found it as a chance to go and buy snack for Max because Max was hungry. When he came back Max quickly rushed the food before they started but he was not fast enough so he watched the fight while eating his food and at the end David came out victorious and won first place and they gave him the same prize as everyone else and everyone ended you leaving by 6:00pm and it's the speech that they said that made the time longer.

When Max got home he sat down on his sitting room chair very tired and hungry so he ate dinner and watched TV and sometimes he was using his phone but when it was time to sleep he quickly read his book for 10 minutes then he went to bed.