Chapter 35: Extra training (PT1)

When Max got home he sat down on his sitting room chair very tired and hungry so he ate dinner and watched TV and sometimes he was using his phone but when it was time to sleep he quickly read his book for 10 minutes then he went to bed.

The next morning Max woke up and was very happy about what Andrew was going to do to him. Max bathed using his shower and wore his martial arts uniform and when he was done he went to meet Richard who was nearly ready and when he was done him and Max went to the dojo and then he started his training. They started with some exercises before they warmed up then they started the real training. Max did everything they did he did different types of kicks, punches and even fought some of his friends but that was not what Max was thinking about. He was thinking about what Andrew was going to teach him and he got so distracted that when he was sparring with his partner, his partner beat Max and Max lost the fight.

After that fight, Max tried to maintain focus and he was able to do it so he didn't make any mistake again then after a little while Max was able to finish his training and he asked his coach.

Max: Coach can me and another boy do extra training here.

Coach: Who are you training with.

Max: A boy named Andrew.

Coach: But there is nobody like that in this dojo

Max: I know it's an outsider that use to train.

Coach: Okay but make sure you close the dojo when you are done.

Max: I will but then how will i give you the keys.

Coach: I am going to carry the keys with me and I will leave my dojo open.

Max: Okay.

Coach: So when is the person coming.

Max: About 10:30.

Coach: Okay.

Max: Thanks.

Coach: But make sure you close it.

Max: I will.

Then his coach left and Max was waiting for about 35 minutes before Andrew came and then they greeted each other and Andrew came with his uniform and belt while Max was wearing the same thing. Even Richard came out of the limo and was watching how the training was going to be.

Max: Andrew, you were five minutes late.

Andrew: Well I tried, it's because I was trekking that's why it took me a while.

Max: Well that is not a good excuse.

Richard: Max stop wasting time and train already.

Andrew: Well it is time to tell you the name of the skill.

Max: So what's the name.

Andrew: Well the name is.....