Andrew: Well the name is MAKING YOUR OPPONENT TIRED.
Max: Let me guess you haven't thought of a good name.
Andrew: Yeah.
Max: Well the skill sounds very easy to learn.
Andrew: It's very easy to learn but you are not fast enough to master it.
Max: What do you mean.
Andrew: What I mean is that you think you can do the skill because it sounds very easy but not fast enough to exact the skill.
Max: No wonder you were incredibly fast in dodging those hits you are even faster than David.
Andrew: Yeah I am so let me teach you the technique before we work on your speed and agility.
Max(excited): Okay, I'm ready.
Before they started they did some warm up. When they were ready, Andrew told Max to focus on dodging his punches then land a solid hit on him. But of course Andrew used his minimum strength and speed on Max and when Max started he found it hard to dodge it because he didn't know where Andrew's punches were going because he was faking some of the punch and it was hitting Max but did not pain him at all. Then gradually Max improved and was able to dodge all his punches and kicks perfectly but when it was time to see if Max could do it more faster Andrew increased his speed and Max was not able to dodge it anymore. So they started working on Max speed.
Max(panting): Your so fast....Andrew.
Andrew: I know but you are not fast.
Max: So what should I do.
Andrew: You need to increase your speed.
Max: I know but I have learnt the trick.
Andrew: Yes, you are a very fast learner.
Max: Thanks, so how are you going to increase my speed in a short time.
Andrew: With training.
Max: But it's impossible to increase it with training in a short time.
Andrew: I have a special training that increases your speed.
Max: I don't believe.
Andrew: Just watch and see.
Then Andrew gave Max some training to do and when Max was done, Andrew tested Max speed again. He did the same thing he did to Max before and as Andrew was increasing his speed Max was still dodging but when Andrew used 50% of his speed Max could not dodge anymore so they did different and more harder exercise that will increase Max speed and it worked very well.
Then Andrew did the training again and he used 50% and Max was dodging but when Andrew increased his speed to 70% it started being hard for Max but he could still dodge it. Then Andrew increased his speed again to 80% and it overpowered Max but it made Andrew very tired which was the whole point of the training.
Andrew: Max.
Max: What.
Andrew: You made a lot of improvement in this training.
Max: Are you sure.
Andrew: Yeah, you were even faster than me in learning the skill.
Max: Thanks for the compliment.
Andrew: Your welcome and let me tell you another secret.
Max: What.
Andrew: You will soon be faster than me.
Max: How.
Andrew: It took me a long time to be this fast but it's not like I cannot get faster but you're improving significantly and I like that about you.
Max: Thanks.
Andrew: Were you always this strong and fast.
Max: No, I used to be a weak person before I started learning martial arts.
Andrew: Interesting.
Max: So what are we going to do now.
Andrew: Train more.
Max: But it's getting late.
Andrew: Well I will send you the exercises your supposed to do.
Max: Okay.
Andrew: Bye bye
Max: Bye.
Then Andrew left the dojo and Max was locking all the doors before he could me Richard and go home. When Max finally finished locking all the doors, he ran inside the limo and Richard was taking him home and on the way Richard was talking to Max.
Richard: Max how was the training.
Max: Fine but exhausting.
Richard: But you're getting better right.
Max: Yeah.
Richard: When we get home you are going to have a bath.
Max: Okay.
When Max got home he did what Richard told him to do and went to go and bathe. When Max was done, he looked at his phone and saw the messages that Andrew sent to him and when he looked at the different types of exercises he knew it was going to be hard but he was still going to do it. Then in the afternoon, Max ate his lunch and started watching the anime he downloaded like One Piece, My Hero Academia (MHA) and Demon Slayer etc. But Max favourite was MHA and his favourite character was the main character which is Deku and his power One For All(OFA).
When Max was done watching the one that he downloaded it was already evening so Max ate his dinner and bought data so he could download more animes. After he downloaded 10 more episodes, he started to watch them and when he was done watching them he didn't have anything else to do so he put on his TV and started watching but they was also an Anime that they were showing and it is called Dragon ball super and Max liked it because it was interesting and he doesn't have to buy data to download it. But the only bad thing was that Max didn't start from the beginning of the anime so he just skipped to Dragon ball super.
When Max was done watching the anime he changed the channel and he put another thing to watch and he was watching it till it was close to the time he used to sleep and he carried his textbook out of his bag and started reading the things for third semester and when he was done reading for about 10 minutes, he went to his room and slept.