Rapidly Improving Medical Skills

Each incision on the pig skin could only increase his EXP by 0.1. Why was it double the EXP when he practiced on the white rat?

Could it be because he was practicing on living creatures?

He was both shocked and happy after making this huge discovery.

It seemed that this EXP system still had a lot waiting for him!

If he practiced incision on the white rat, his EXP would double. Then what about practicing other medical skills?

The intestines, kidneys, bladder, and other organs were all exposed after he expanded the wound.

He was not in a hurry to touch its internal organs.

Instead, he chose to suture the perforation.

[Suture EXP+0.2, Ligation EXP+0.2.]

It was all double EXP. How satisfying.

This was akin to him walking when he traveled usually but now that he was driving, he was experiencing unprecedented speed and passion.

Zhou Can had already made 14 incisions on the white rat's body unknowingly.

Every incision avoided the vital points and then closed the perforation.

It was not because he had a grudge against this white rat in his previous life, it was to keep it alive. Only then could he continuously earn double EXP.

At this moment, the clock was already pointing at midnight.

There should be more than 200 stitches in total.

Suturing on living creatures was slower than practicing on pig skin. However, it was very worth it because he earned double EXP.

He checked the EXP of his various medical skills.

[Pathology Diagnosis, Level Two. Current EXP: 89.6/100. Outstanding House Officer Level.]

It was originally 89.5, but because he read a medical book this morning and finished reading a case, it increased by 0.1.

If there was enough time, he only needed to read 104 more cases to advance it to Level Three.

Level Three would bring him to the standard of a resident doctor.

There were probably very few interns who could reach this level. Maybe only one or two especially outstanding geniuses might have reached this level at most.

If Zhou Can could raise his pathology diagnosis to level three before the House Officer recruitment, the chances of him staying would increase by at least 50%.

Pathological diagnosis accounted for an extremely high percentage of points.

It was the first and compulsory test during the interview.

It was obvious how important it was.

He sighed. Unfortunately, time was tight.

He had to work during the day and practice medical skills after work at night. He did not have time to read at all.

Moreover, reading 104 cases was not simply just skimming through. He had to think deeply and deduce it himself.

A simple case might be done in 10 to 20 minutes. If he encountered difficulties, he had to check all kinds of information and repeatedly prove it. One or two hours might not even be enough to finish such a case.

[Suture, Level Two. Current EXP: 87.8/100. Outstanding House Officer Level.]

[Ligation, Level Two. Current EXP: 89/100. Outstanding House Officer Level.]

These two medical skills were considered a pair of twins, and their EXP progress was comparable.

Zhou Can was already very satisfied with the increase in one night.

These two medical skills might have already reached Level Three if he had discovered it earlier and practiced on living creatures to increase his EXP by double.

If he bought another white rat tomorrow, he would definitely be able to upgrade them to the level of Resident Doctors before the House Officer recruitment.

[Incision, Level Two. Current EXP: 3.6/100. Inferior House Officer Level.]

The advancement of this medical skill was relatively much slower.

However, it should be enough to have the standard of a House Officer when participating in the House Officer recruitment.

[Hemostasis, Level One. Current EXP bar: 4.8/10. Failing Intern-level Hemostasis skill.]

This medical technique had now become Zhou Can's major flaw.

If he could not upgrade it to Level Two, it would definitely drag him down during the House Officer recruitment the day after tomorrow.

He looked at the white rat.

It was time to use it to practice the Hemostasis technique.

He held a scalpel in one hand and an electrocoagulator in the other.

He kept creating wounds on the white rat's body. Then, he followed with the electrocoagulator and found the right bleeding point to point at the severed blood vessels.

The electrocoagulator mainly solidified the small blood vessels through high-frequency electric currents. The blood condensed and carbonized, through the action of the electric heat, thereby achieving the goal of hemostasis.

He always made all kinds of mistakes due to his lousy skills.

They either missed the broken blood vessels or accidentally injured the surrounding tissues.

However, this situation was getting better as he continued to practice.

Every time he succeeded in the hemostasis, his EXP would increase by 0.2. This was very satisfying.

The speed at which he practiced Hemostasis was much faster than suturing and cutting.

Any cut would cause two to three bleeding points.

He basically obtained 0.2 EXP with every point he made with the electrocoagulator.

[Congratulations on upgrading your Hemostasis to Level Two! Current EXP: 0/100. Hemostasis ability: Inferior House Officer hemostasis ability.]

Zhou Can's Hemostasis technique successfully advanced to Level Two after 26 practices on the white rat.

This made him overjoyed.

He had finally made up for the shortcoming of hemostasis.

He realized that the Hemostasis Technique was so easy to upgrade. He immediately adjusted his target and rushed towards Level Three for the Hemostasis skill.

He kept cutting wounds on the white rat's body.

Then, he would stop the bleeding.

After reaching Level Two, the efficiency of his Hemostasis Technique had increased several times. Now, he could basically stop the bleeding with one point and the chances of hurting the surrounding tissues of the blood vessels had greatly decreased.

Just as he was practicing enthusiastically,

[Hemostasis EXP +0.1.]

When he tried again, it only increased by 0.1.

The white mouse's heart had stopped beating.

It was dead.

How unfortunate.

Zhou Can sighed. His current EXP for the Hemostasis Technique was 46.4/100.

It seemed that he could only wait until tomorrow to advance to Level Three.

It still had a trace of value even if it died.

He took the scalpel and began to dissect its internal organs.

When this white rat was completely unrecognizable, his incision EXP increased to 9.7/100 of Level Two.

This was already very good.

The gains tonight were beyond imagination.

He looked at the clock. It was already 2 a.m. He quickly cleaned up the practice table, dealt with the trash, took a shower, and slept.

It was a dreamless night.

because he was too tired.

The next morning, his roommates woke him up.

"Zhou Can, Zhou Can, you'll be late if you don't get up!"

Zhou Can opened his eyes and saw that it was 7:32 AM.

He was so frightened that he got up from the bed and quickly washed up. Then, he rushed to the hospital at the speed of a 100 meters sprint.

Interns had to arrive at least 20 minutes early.

He did not want to listen to the Chief Resident's nagging.

After arriving at the hospital, he first finished breakfast in the canteen as quickly as possible. Then, he returned to the department to deal with a series of daily tasks.

Every intern had heavy tasks.

The senior doctors threw all the trivial matters to the Interns. To put it nicely, they were training them.

"Little Zhou, quickly inform the patient in bed 27 to prepare for the 10am surgery. You're in charge of following him through."

The Chief Resident's voice was always so loud.

He was clearly not much older than Zhou Can, but he kept calling him Little Zhou happily.

Who asked him to be a senior?


Zhou Can looked at the time and hurriedly went to the ward to inform the patient and his family.

The preoperative preparation work was very cumbersome and he had to be meticulous.

He did not dare to be careless.

After arriving at the ward, he asked the patient about his physical condition in detail. There were no problems so he informed the patient to change his clothes, defecate, fast, water, and so on.

During this period, the senior doctor entered the ward to talk to the family members and asked them to sign the informed consent form for the surgery.

The anesthesiologist also came after the surgery was confirmed.

It was just going through the process of talking and getting the family to sign.

These necessary processes were unavoidable.

It would be able to protect the doctors and hospitals very well if there was a doctor-patient dispute.

The nurses entered the venue after everything was arranged.

"Doctor Zhou, have you done the skin preparation for the patient?"

"Not yet!"

Zhou Can was depressed. These jobs were clearly the responsibility of nurses, so why was it his business?

"Don't just stand there. I've pushed the tools over. I'll leave the skin preparation and the intravenous needle to you." The nurse was quite beautiful, but her tone was fierce.

What could Zhou Can say? He could only do it hurriedly.

After he was done, a smile finally appeared on the nurse's face. She nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, our Doctor Zhou is getting more and more proficient in preoperative preparation. Not bad, not bad. Hurry up and send the patient over. Otherwise, your Chief Physician Liu will scold you!"

Zhou Can frowned and curled his lips.

"How can I not be proficient? We interns do all your work."

"Aiya, you even learned to talk back to me, right? Do you still want to find a wife? Be good, I'll introduce you to a girlfriend!"

The nurses looked fierce, but they actually had a good relationship with him.

Zhou Can knew that he was no match for these married women. He quickly slipped away with the patient, causing the nurse to laugh behind him.