Chief, I Found The Cause Of The Shock

Many red lights appeared along the way as he pushed the patient into the operating theater.

"Good morning, Chief Physician Liu! Good morning, Senior Doctors!"

Zhou Can saw about 17 to 18 people standing inside. All of them were wearing surgical protective suits, masks, and hoods. To be honest, it was very easy to mistake them for someone else if he didn't identify them carefully.

He now had experience in greetings as well.

He should greet Chief Physician Liu, who held the highest position, alone and then greet the other doctors collectively as Senior Doctors.

In the past, Chief Physician Liu would usually go to the outpatient clinic in the morning.

He probably had an itinerary since he brought the surgery forward today.

"I'm going to the Provincial Medical Association to participate in a symposium in the afternoon. I'll leave after performing the surgery on this patient. Let's hurry up and start!"

Chief Physician Liu was actually quite experienced, but his academic Achievement was a little lacking so he had been stuck at the level of Deputy Director. Removing the word 'Deputy' in front of his title was what he yearned for the most before he retired.

It could be seen how urgent he was from his frequent attendance at various academic conferences recently.

The patient was carried onto the operating table.

The nurse on patrol asked the patient to take off his shirt and do another skin rinse. Then, the anesthetist came over to do a pre-anesthesia checkup on the patient. After confirming that the criteria were met, he began to install all kinds of life surveillance cameras and put on the breathing mask on the patient.

Anesthetists were no less important than chief surgeons in a major surgery.

He was in charge of monitoring the patient's vital signs the entire time and gave his opinion in time.

This was a neck lymph nodal resection surgery. It was a level-three general surgery.

A major surgery of this level required at least a surgeon at the Deputy Director level to be in charge.

Even an experienced attending doctor could only be a first or second assistant.

The danger of the surgery was self-evident.

Zhou Can was only an intern. He only had a moment of glory when he sent the patient into the ward. He did not even have the chance to tighten the sutures now that the patient was on the operating table.

He could only stand at the back and observe and learn.

Actually, it was quite novel to observe such a large-scale surgery once or twice. However, they would learn very little if they watched a few more times and did not do it personally.

The interns often mocked themselves by saying that they were just passing by.

They could not remember what tools were used and how to operate during the surgery.

Only the use of resuscitation medicine in some sudden emergencies would leave a deep impression.

"Mr. Gao, can you hear me?"

The anesthetist administered anesthesia to the patient through breathing anesthesia. The patient's eyes had already closed weakly.

The purpose of calling out to the patient was to test the patient's reaction.

The patient seemed to be sleeping soundly and did not react.

The anesthetist checked the patient's limbs again and turned to look at the indicators on the life monitor screen.

"The anesthesia is successful. The patient's vital signs are stable. The surgery can begin."

These words were clearly directed at the chief surgeon.

Chief Physician Liu asked the scrub nurse to help him put on his gloves. The first assistant, second assistant, and third assistant were also in position.

This formation was very similar to the front line before the battle began.

However, the enemy that the warriors wanted to eliminate was disease.


The chief surgeon said to the first assistant.

The chief surgeon would usually only perform the most important part of such a surgery.

It was also the most difficult part.

The first assistant held the scalpel and landed on the marked position. He slowly cut open the patient's neck cortex calmly.

There were many blood vessels and lymph nodes here, making Zhou Can's scalp tingle.

He would not dare to cut it at all if it was him.

As the incision and dissociation were done, the second and third assistants also worked hard to pull open the surgical wound with hooks to increase the view field for the main surgery and create favorable surgical conditions.

He could see a lymph node the size of an egg surrounded by multiple lymph nodes of different sizes. The carotid artery was throbbing.

It was extremely difficult to remove these lesion tissues in blood vessels and nerve-intensive areas.

The chief surgeon focused on peeling off the largest lymph node.

His expression was focused, and his movements were steady, delicate, and agile.

The first assistant's cooperation was also very good.

He would immediately use the electrocoagulator to stop the bleeding whenever a bleeding point appeared. It was as precise and quick as a Whac-A-Mole.

Zhou Can felt a wave of admiration.

Halfway through the surgery, the patient suddenly convulsed and his vital signs worsened rapidly.

Right on the heels of that, the monitoring device emitted a beeping alarm.

"Not good. The patient's blood pressure has plummeted below 60. His breathing is abnormal, and her heartbeat is 160… Elder Liu, did you hurt the patient's carotid artery?"

The anesthetist asked nervously.


Chief Physician Liu had seen all kinds of dangerous situations, but he remained calm in the face of danger.

"It's also very unlikely to hurt an important nerve. There's no respiratory nerve in this area."

The first assistant added.

The resident doctors behind were all at a loss. The performance of the Interns was even worse. They panicked and were at a loss.

The anesthesiologist once again told everyone bad news in this extremely short period of time. The patient's condition had deteriorated rapidly and he had already entered a state of shock.

State of shock and death were very close.

Sweat broke out on Elder Liu's forehead.

"Wipe away my sweat!"

The nurse quickly went forward to wipe Chief Physician Liu's sweat.

Panic quickly spread in the operating theater.

If the patient died on the operating table for some unknown reason, Elder Liu's reputation would be ruined. Everyone who participated in the surgery would also be humiliated.

Zhou Can took a deep breath and exhaled to adjust his nervousness.

He forced himself to calm down.

At this moment, he actually felt an invisible responsibility pressing on his shoulders.

It was every doctor's mission to protect the patient's life and health.

Even though he knew that his ability was small, he still wanted to contribute.

He happened to be in charge of this patient, following up with him and into the surgery, so he knew the patient's condition, illness, and various test results very well.

He began to review the patient's medical record, medical history, and various checkups.

At this moment, he inadvertently saw rashes appear on the surface of the patient's skin.

He seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, that must be it!"

Zhou Can's sudden words surprised everyone.

"Little Zhou, don't make a sound. Can't you see that Chief Physician Liu and the attending physicians are thinking?" The Chief Resident reprimanded him coldly.

"Chief Physician Liu, I found the reason for the patient's sudden shock."

Zhou Can ignored the Chief Resident's warning and looked at Chief Physician Liu excitedly.

This time, everyone was shocked.

They all turned to look at the intern standing in the back row.

How could an intern with ordinary performance find the reason for the patient going into shock if even the experienced Chief Physician Liu and the Attending Physicians could not find the reason?

They did not believe it.

"Tell me about it!"

Chief Physician Liu decided to hear this intern's opinion after his initial surprise.

However, he did not have much hope.

He had been teaching for many years and had seen most of the young juniors who had ambitions higher than the sky and lives thinner than paper. They thought that they were extraordinary, so awesome after learning some medical knowledge and reading some books.

Their analysis of various illnesses was also very unrealistic. It depended on one's subjective judgment. In the end, he did not know whether to laugh or cry.