Status Upgrade

"Yes, the stitching is not bad. It's really not bad to have such a good performance on stage for the first time."

Chief Physician Liu first affirmed his suture.

Then, he changed the topic. "However, there are some areas that need improvement. For example, the distance between this stitch can be shorter. The cortex will fit even tighter after the knot. While it fits snuggly on the surface skin when you look at it with the naked eye, there are actually small cracks in the dermis inside. This will not be conducive to the healing of the wound."

Only someone with incomparably rich surgical experience like Elder Liu could tell at a glance that there were small cracks under the cortex.

"Also, here, you can be closer to the cutting edge when choosing the needle position. As the Analects of Confucius say, they'll try to screw you if you get too close to them. However, if you keep your distance, they'll complain. If the position of the needle is too far away from the edge of the incision, it will definitely cause the suture to be pulled too far apart and the force will be loose. If the position of the needle is too close to the edge of the incision, the suture distance is short and the pulling force is strong, but it will easily cause the skin to split. This can only be grasped by you."

Chief Physician Liu rarely explained these basic suturing points.

It was also because he saw that Zhou Can was a good seedling that was worth nurturing that he explained it to him in detail.

"By the way, the needle selection during suturing is not the same. The skin in some parts is strong and can be closer to the cutting edge. The cortex in some parts is fragile, so you have to pull away from the cutting edge appropriately to ensure that it doesn't crack."

It looked like a simple suture, but he did not expect it to have so many profound techniques.

"I've remembered it. I'll definitely comprehend it with more care in the future."

Zhou Can nodded sincerely.

He had to slowly explore which parts of his skin were tender and which parts were tough.

Moreover, the strength of one's skin would also be different depending on their age and gender.

Children's skin must be more tender than that of the elderly. Women's skin would be tenderer than men's.

The difference could only be comprehended and accumulated by oneself.

Elder Liu liked this student even more seeing that he was very humble in his learning attitude.

"You have very good potential. You can give it your all in this Tu Ya House Officer recruitment. I can apply to the hospital to take you under my wing if you can stay."

When the other interns heard Elder Liu's words, their eyes turned red with jealousy.

This was a huge opportunity.

One had to know that Elder Liu was a Deputy Director. If not for the fact that he was slightly inferior in academics, he would have long been a Director.

Elder Liu was definitely one of the best among the Deputy Directors of the General Surgery Department.

There were countless House Officers and resident doctors who wanted Elder Liu's guidance. Even many Attending Physicians were fighting to be Elder Liu's students.

Now, Elder Liu was actually throwing an olive branch at an intern like Zhou Can. How could they not be envious?

"Doctor Zhou, you're lucky to have met a benefactor!" Chief Resident said sourly.

No matter how sour he felt, the way he addressed Zhou Can quietly changed.

From Little Zhou to Doctor Zhou. With that tiny trace of respect.

"Thank you for your appreciation, Chief Physician Liu!"

Zhou Can was not stupid. He naturally quickly thanked him with such a good thing happening.

Elder Liu smiled and nodded slightly.

He looked at the anesthetist.

"How's the patient's vitals?"

"The patient is waking up. His physical signs are stable. The blood oxygen is slightly poor, but it's within the normal range."

"Yes, I'll leave this to you." Elder Liu looked at the first assistant again. "Doctor He, please keep an eye on the patient for the 12 hours after the surgery. You can call me at any time if there's anything unusual."

This kind of major surgery was extremely dangerous.

12 hours after the operation was called the high-risk period.

The risk factor was second only to the surgical stage during this period.

"Alright. Don't worry and attend the symposium!"

If their group was compared to a small sect, the status of the first assistant was equivalent to the Eldest Senior Brother.

The Eldest Senior Brother took on the responsibility of being the stand-in master when the master was not around.

Not long after, the patient woke up and his postoperative condition was normal.

After confirming that there were no problems with his observation, he wrote down the doctor's orders and sent him back to the ward to recuperate.

When he returned to the office, the interns who usually did not have much interaction became enthusiastic about him.

The cold and serious resident doctors became much more polite to him.

His status in the department had clearly risen.

This feeling of winning everyone's respect with his true ability was really good.

It also strengthened his determination to continue improving his medical skills.

Zhou Can began to think of a way to upgrade one or two more medical skills before tomorrow after writing the medical record and finishing the work at hand.

Currently, his skills in suturing and ligation had already been upgraded to the level of the House Officer, so he did not have to worry.

Hemostasis could only be practiced with white rats or rabbits he bought after work. He was just an intern now. He would be dreaming if he wanted to go to the operating table to fight for a chance to train the patient for Hemostasis.

Similarly, dissection could only be practiced at home.

Originally, Zhou Can had no hopes of upgrading the Dissection to Level Three before the House Officer recruitment.

This was because he had too many medical skills to improve. Time was limited, so he could only prioritize improving the more important sutures, ligations, and pathological diagnosis.

However, he suddenly had huge ambitions now.

As long as he planned well and used all the resources and time reasonably, he might be able to upgrade the basic medical skills and pathology diagnosis of the four external subjects to Level Three before the House Officer recruitment.

If he really upgraded all five medical skills to Level Three, he would have a lot more confidence in obtaining the position of House Officer.

At that time, the ones who should be worried about not being chosen would be others.

Pathological diagnosis was the most difficult medical skill to improve.

However, it was ranked first among all medical skills. No medical skill could shake its status.

Zhou Can had gained Chief Physician Liu's recognition today. He had jumped from an unknown intern to a key nurturing target. More than half of the credit went to his pathology diagnostic skills.

It was obvious how useful it was.

He was preparing to upgrade it first.

He checked the EXP for the pathology diagnosis. Level Two, 90.6/100. Excellent House Officer Level.

He was only 9.4 EXP away from reaching Level Three.

If he upgraded by reading cases, he could only gain 0.1 EXP per case he read. He would need to read 94 cases and estimated that it would take at least a few days.

In the operating theater, he successfully increased the patient's diagnosis by an entire EXP.

After tasting the huge benefits, he started to plot in this direction.

Where was the easiest place to get a chance to do diagnosis? It must be the outpatient clinic.

He checked the duty roster.

He actually realized that the first assistant, Dr. He, would go to the outpatient clinic in the afternoon.

Zhou Can's thoughts immediately became active.

Perhaps Doctor He would agree to give him a training opportunity to accompany him if he begged him shamelessly and took advantage of his relationship with Chief Physician Liu.

At this moment, Doctor He was seriously checking the written cases.

Zhou Can stood up and walked over.

"Doctor He, shall I refill your drink?"

He Hansheng was not only an attending doctor, but he also had the highest status among all the Attending Physicians in the department.

Many people guessed that he might be promoted to Deputy Director next year.

He was usually quite kind to junior doctors like them.

Dr. He looked up at Zhou Can.

"Kid, you must have something to ask of me. Tell me, what is it?"

Zhou Can couldn't help but laugh awkwardly when his thoughts were seen through.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that not only is Doctor He's surgical skills superb, your psychology is also quite mature. My little tricks can't escape your eyes at all."

Zhou Can first flattered him.

Flattery would get him through.

Everyone liked to hear nice words.

Especially in front of the leader. Occasionally saying a few pleasant words could greatly increase the leader's impression of him.

Whatever he wanted to do would be much easier.

"The House Officer recruitment is coming up tomorrow. I lack practice in pathology diagnosis. I just checked the duty schedule. You'll be at the outpatient clinic in the afternoon. Can you bring me along to help you accumulate some practical experience?"

Zhou Can shamelessly said what he wanted.

"Hmm… Alright, follow me to the outpatient clinic in the afternoon."

Doctor He hesitated for a moment before agreeing readily.

"Thank you! I'll treat you to a big meal if I pass the House Officer recruitment successfully."

Zhou Can thanked him repeatedly in joy.

With a gamble, a bicycle became a motorcycle.

He had to be thick-skinned when it was time to fight for it.

Look, didn't he get the training opportunity to assist in the consultation?

He did some calculations. 9.4 EXP, he only needed to diagnose 10 patients to upgrade his pathology diagnostic skills to Level Three If he could gain one EXP per patient diagnosed.

"Doctor Fang, give Little Zhou's work arrangements to the others in the afternoon. He'll come with me for a consultation." Doctor He greeted Chief Resident Fang.

Doctor Fang was in charge of most of the work arrangements for the interns from the General Surgery Department.


Doctor Fang could only agree since Doctor He had personally spoken.

He took out a schedule and began to forcefully add more work to the other interns.

"Little Gao, take care of the patients in beds 21 to 26 this afternoon. Little Wu, I'll leave the surgeries for the patients in beds 29 and 31 to you…"

Just like that, Zhou Can's afternoon work was distributed by the Chief Resident.

Even though the interns were unwilling, no one dared to challenge the authority of the Chief Resident.

They could only agree in a muffled voice.

Competition in society was rampant everywhere, it was the survival of the fittest.

The strong were above, and the weak were below. This was the natural law.

Dr. He was willing to give Zhou Can a chance to nurture him because he felt that Zhou Can had great potential and was worth nurturing.

As for the other interns being squeezed, this was the result of a fair competition.

Everyone had a chance. They could climb higher if they could seize it.

There was a chance to become stronger.