Obsession With Leveling Up

In the afternoon, He Hansheng led Zhou Can into Outpatient Room 4 of the General Surgery Department. The corridor outside was filled with patients waiting for treatment. Some were here for a follow-up, while others were seeking treatment.

There would be more patients waiting here if it was in the morning.

Modern people live at a fast pace and are busy with work, often neglecting their health. Some small problems become big problems after some time.

Coupled with the increasing environmental pollution and the proliferation of trash and harmful foodstuffs, leading to various diseases.

Tu Ya Hospital was overloaded almost every day.

The General Surgery Department was the busiest department after the Emergency Department.

"Little Zhou, you'll be in charge of writing the medical records later."


Zhou Can had learned to write medical records on the first day he entered the hospital. After nearly a year of internship he was already familiar with writing medical records.

The consulting nurse outside stood at the door and knocked.

"Doctor He, can we start getting people in?"


"Number One Huang Fuqiu, Room Four."

The female nurse's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Soon, a middle-aged man who was walking funnily pushed the door open and entered.

The man was holding a medical record and some examination materials.

"Doctor, I had a hemorrhoid surgery last week. I'm coming over for a follow-up."

"You look like you're in good shape. How do you feel now?"

"Everything is fine other than that my wound is still a little painful when I walk. I can only lie on my side or lie down when I sleep. In the two days after the surgery, it was especially painful to relieve myself…"

The patient roughly described the postoperative situation.

"Alright, take off your pants in the back. I'll check you."

Dr. He roughly looked at the medical record and brought the patient to the back for an examination.

This patient's wound was healing well.

The wound had already formed a scar.

Dr. He prescribed him anti-inflammatory medicine and reminded him not to take a bath and to take the medicine on time. If he felt unwell, he could come for a follow-up.

One patient was done.

Zhou Can was a little disappointed that he did not earn any EXP.

However, he had also gained something. In the future, he would have a good reference when he encountered patients who underwent hemorrhoid surgery.

Right on the heels of that, a second patient walked in.

She was an old lady with very little hair. She was thin and had a large pustule on her wrist. The family member who accompanied her to seek treatment said that she had been stabbed by a bamboo stick. At that time, the patient had removed the bamboo stick on his own and did not take it seriously.

However, after a while, not only did the wound not heal, but it became even more swollen.

It was only when the wound had recently begun to fester and showed symptoms of low fever and intense pain that she rushed over to seek treatment.

After a simple inquiry, Doctor He did a physical examination of the patient.

"Go get a blood routine and an ultrasound. Then come and find me with the results."

He guided Zhou Can to write two notes under his name.

Thanks to the fast development of modern technology, check up results and medicine could be recorded into the computer now. It was convenient to calculate the price and pay the fees. It was also convenient to check the archives later.

However, the patient still had to take the note and line up.

He Hansheng chatted with him in a casual tone after the patient left.

"Little Zhou, think about it. What could be the cause of this patient's abscess just now? How should we treat it?"

Zhou Can had long begun thinking about the reason for the patient's abscess.

He quickly ran through the patient's symptoms and causes of illness in his mind. Then, he analyzed and located the pathology mechanism based on the medical knowledge he had learned.

"The low fever should be an inflammatory reaction caused by abscesses causing bacteria to invade the blood."

The human body has a complete immune system.

When the human immune system discovered foreign objects or pathogens invading, it would immediately react. The phagocytes, lymph nodes and so on in the blood would transform into warriors to protect the body and kill those pathogens.

Inflammation was actually a form of self-protection for the body.

"Her arm is in intense pain and she can't sleep at night. This means that the abscess is still spreading and constantly destroying normal body tissue."

He Hansheng nodded slightly after hearing Zhou Can's analysis.

"I suspect there are still foreign objects in the patient's arm that haven't been cleaned up."

This happens from time to time.

The patient thought that he or she had extracted the entire foreign object out but a portion of it was actually still lodged within because it was stuck too tightly.

The foreign object that remained in her body would engage the inflammation process, causing the infection to become pus.

[Pathology Diagnosis EXP+1.]

Just as Zhou Can finished analyzing, his EXP increased by an entire point.

This patient's pathology diagnosis was not difficult. Any intern would probably be able to diagnose it.

He was now an outstanding House Officer, so he could get them one by one.

"What about the treatment plan?"

"Cut open the wound to expel the pus. Clean up the broken bamboo skewer or foreign object inside. Clean the wound, sew it up, bandage it, and prescribe some anti-inflammatory medicine." Zhou Can finished the treatment plan in one breath.

He Hansheng smiled slightly. "There's no problem with the first few steps. The anti-inflammatory medicine needs to be supplemented. In such a situation, she should be given an infusion in the hospital and wait for the patient's infection to be controlled before taking the anti-inflammatory medicine. The effect of the infusion is faster and stronger than taking it orally. It is the safest course to take. In addition, we can understand the patient's condition in time when the patient comes to the hospital for an infusion."

Zhou Can nodded heavily after hearing Dr. He's guidance.

"Remember, safety comes first at all times. Doctor is a special profession that controls the patient's life and health. Any carelessness can lead to serious consequences. A doctor's parental heart means that a doctor has to treat a patient like his own child. He has to consider everything in a more comprehensive and meticulous manner."

Doctor He warned him earnestly.

At this moment, the third patient who was seeking treatment walked into the ward.

She was a woman in her thirties, dressed fashionably and carried a black shoulder bag. She was quite good-looking and walked like an ordinary person. Her mental state was not bad and she did not look sick.

"Please sit down! What's your problem?"

Doctor He asked about the woman's illness in a gentle tone.

"Uh… um…" The woman lowered her head in embarrassment, not daring to look at anyone.

Her face also turned red.

"Don't hide your illness. Just say it. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Doctor He comforted her patiently.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally bit her lip and whispered, "I… I feel a little lump and pain in my chest recently. There seems to be a hard lump when I touch it with my hand. It's been so painful these past few days that it's even difficult to raise my hand."

Zhou Can immediately figured it out according to her description.

A hard lump in the chest of a woman was usually a disease like breast hyperplasia.

"How long has it been?"

"It's been almost two years since I found out. However, in the past, I only felt occasional swelling pain, so I ignored it. Recently, I've been a little afraid when I realized that the hard lump was getting bigger and bigger. I checked online and many people said that it might be breast cancer…"

The woman was no longer so shy.

There was deep fear in her eyes when she mentioned breast cancer.

Indeed, breast cancer was known as one of the three top killers of women.

It made the expressions of many adult women change.

"Are you married?"


"Have you ever had a child?"

"Almost eight years old."

"Wow, I couldn't tell. You're still so young but already have an eight year old child." Doctor He's joking praise immediately relieved the woman's nervousness and anxiety.

The atmosphere in the consultation room also relaxed a lot.

"Hehe, you flatter me! Doctor, do you think my illness is breast cancer? I didn't even dare to tell my husband and child when I came for the checkup."

Her eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Don't be anxious. No one can say for sure now. Go and do an ultrasound test first to see the thickness of the glands and if there are nodules in the glands. If it's breast hyperplasia, there would usually be obvious pain during your period. Don't feel too burdened."

Not only was Doctor He experienced in medicine, but he was also extremely patient with patients and did his best to comfort them.

The noble medical ethics he displayed made Zhou Can secretly admire him.

This female patient took the form and queued up for a checkup.

Just like that, more than 20 patients were treated one after another.

Some were easy to treat, and some were difficult to treat.

Dr. He was patient, easygoing, and strict with every patient.

It gave Zhou Can a very good demonstration.

At this moment, the old lady with a big pustule on her arm returned after a checkup.

After checking her results.

As Zhou Can had expected, the infestation caused inflammation and low fever. There was a two-centimeter-long shadow in the pustules.

It was basically certain that the broken bamboo skewer was embedded in the depths of her muscles.

He arranged an operation for her and believed that she would recover in no time.

The patient with breast hyperplasia had also returned after an ultrasound examination.

Fortunately, there were no ultrasound characteristics such as calcification, blood flow, and blurry edges. Basically, the possibility of it being malignant was not high.

Given the seriousness of her mammary gland hyperplasia and the size of the swelling, Dr. Ho suggested that she undergo general surgery to remove the swell and then do a pathological test to prevent malignancy.

She accepted it readily.

This kind of surgery was a simple level-one surgery that could be done in an outpatient clinic.

However, it would not be Dr. He who performed the surgery.

There were surgeons from the General Surgery Department on duty in the outpatient operating theater. The doctor would usually not perform the surgery personally unless it was a special situation. He would arrange for the patient to be hospitalized first and perform the surgery the next day or at another time even if he occasionally encountered a surgery that required him to do it personally.

Zhou Can looked at the time. It was 5:21 pm.

It was almost time to get off work.

He had obtained a total of eight EXP points in the afternoon.

Current EXP for pathology diagnosis, Level Two, 98.6/100, Excellent House Officer ability.

This made him especially depressed.

He was only 1.4 EXP away from leveling up.

"Dear God, another patient please! Amen!"

Zhou Can prayed silently.

He would only be short of 0.4 EXP if he earned just another EXP point. He could squeeze out time to read the four medical cases when he returned. He would then be able to level up this most important medical skill.