Why Was Half Of The EXP Missing?

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the door. It sounded so pleasant to the ears.

It was almost time to get off work. The probability of this person being a follow-up patient was very low.

Usually, the patients would be gathered in the morning or at the beginning of the afternoon.

Zhou Can was on high alert, waiting to earn EXP.

"Please come in!"

Dr. He's voice was always so gentle and strong.

The door of the consultation room was pushed open, and a man in his forties walked in with the help of his family. He had one hand pressed on his abdomen, and his expression was painful.

"Ahhh, ahhh… Doctor, my stomach hurts so much. Quickly take a look at me!"

The man's face turned pale from the pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Have a seat first!"

Doctor He appeared very calm.

"When did it start to hurt?"

"It's been two days. It's been painful for two days. Ahhh…" The man kept groaning miserably.

The pain must be very unbearable to be able to hurt a middle-aged man to this extent.

"You didn't eat anything poisonous, right? For example, poisonous mushrooms, toads, pickled fruits with pesticides."

"No, definitely not. I've been eating at home for the past few days. My wife and children are fine."

"Do you smoke or drink?"


"Do members of the family have a similar medical history?"


"Come, help him lie flat on the bed. I'll do a physical examination."

Dr. He ordered the family members to help the patient lie down on the bed and begin the examination.

Zhou Can stood up and followed her.

Based on the patient's description and the symptoms he displayed, he had already begun to make pathological inferences.

However, it was difficult to determine the patient's pathology mechanism because of the lack of examination data and his insufficient clinical diagnosis EXP.

There were too many reasons that could cause abdominal pain.

Peritonitis, gastroenteritis, gallstones, appendicitis, and so on could cause serious abdominal pain.

Doctor He pressed his hand on the patient's abdomen.

"Ahhh… Be gentle, be gentle…"

The patient immediately screamed.

"This is the only part that hurts, right?"

"And my right shoulder. My right back hurts too, but it's not as painful as my stomach."

When Zhou Can heard that, he immediately understood that it was radiation pain caused by the intense pain in his upper abdomen.

It was like throwing a stone into a pond. With the stone as the center, it would form circles of ripples that spread in all directions.

Pain follows the same concept. It passes through the nerves to the surrounding area. This phenomenon is medically known as radiation pain.

It could basically be determined that the initial area of pain was in the right upper abdomen.

"Did your abdominal pain suddenly appear two days ago, or did it happen slowly?"

"Suddenly. It suddenly started to hurt without any warning, wave after wave. And the pain increased with every wave. Towards the end, the pain was so unbearable that I vomited a few times."

The patient provided another clue.

Therefore, consultation was still very important.

He could not be afraid of trouble and had to ask for more relevant information.

"Since you're in so much pain, you shouldn't have delayed coming to see a doctor, right? Have you seen a doctor in another hospital?"

Doctor He was experienced in diagnosis and treatment. He immediately deduced the truth that some patients did not tell him based on the patient's description.

"Uh… I did go to a small clinic. At that time, he gave me an IV and said that it was anti-inflammatory. It didn't have any effect. The clinic owner was afraid that something would happen, so he persuaded me to go to a large hospital."

Those small clinics often gave infusions to patients for nothing.

The overuse of antibiotics was the most serious crime in small clinics.

Intravenous drips and antibiotics were indeed very effective for some small colds or problems.

Little did they know that this was something harmful in order to seek temporary relief.

This time, it healed quickly, but the body's immune system was disrupted and weakened. It would be easier to get sick next time. It would be even worse.

This cycle would eventually form a vicious cycle.

When patients really need antibiotics, they find out sadly that there was no medicine left for them because the virus in the patient's body had already developed serious resistance to drugs.

At that time, even a random cold could produce a super virus.

"Do you have any other symptoms other than abdominal pain? I feel that your abdomen is a little hot!"

A physical examination is a preliminary examination after a doctor receives a consultation.

This very important aspect of the examination could help doctors discover some of the patients' hidden illnesses.

Some patients might feel embarrassed or feel that it was unimportant. They might deliberately hide some symptoms. This required a doctor's sharp eyes.

"I feel like I have a fever and a chill."

"Okay, I'll take your temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure first. Relax a little and don't be nervous. Since you come to us, we'll definitely do our best to treat you."

After Doctor He comforted the patient, Zhou Can cleverly rushed to take the patient's blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature without waiting for his instructions.

How could he let a senior doctor do these basic tasks himself?

Doctor He would definitely be happier if he was more diligent.

The probability of him agreeing to his request to bring him along for a consultation would increase greatly.

"Temperature: 39.6. Pulse: 98/min. Blood pressure: 120/mmhg. Dual lung examination. Nothing abnormal. There was no noise in his chest when he breathed. He breathed about 25 times per minute."

Zhou Can did a series of measurements for the patient.

A range of 39.1 to 41 degrees was already considered high fever.

This patient's condition was more serious and complicated than he had imagined.

"Let's do a blood routine and ultrasound scan first. If the results aren't ideal, we might have to do a further CT scan." Dr. He's words were both directed at the patient and Zhou Can.

Zhou Can hurriedly ran to the computer to apply for a medical examination.

"The outpatient department is about to be closed. However, your condition is complicated, yet you can't be admitted to the hospital before the results of your examination are out as the cause of the illness is unclear, so I suggest that you go to the general surgery department of the inpatient department to look for Dr. Fang after your examination. I'll explain the relevant situation to him."

The patient's condition could deteriorate further at any time.

Doctor He did not dare to let his guard down.

If the condition was not serious, the patient would usually be asked to come back the next day.

After the patient left, Doctor He stood up and prepared to get off work.

"Little Zhou, how was it? Did you gain anything from following me for the entire afternoon?"

"I've gained a lot. The processes and methods of treating all kinds of patients have benefited me greatly, especially the medical ethics. You've set a very good example for me."

"Haha, you've such a sweet tongue. Alright, the nurse at the reception desk should come and close the door. Let's go."

After Zhou Can followed Dr. He out of the consultation room, he was still thinking about what illness the last patient had.

He was only 1.4 EXP away. He really wanted to complete it!

There was a sharp pain in the right upper abdomen and it radiated to the right back of the right shoulder. The patient had a habit of smoking and drinking. Coupled with the patient's high fever and cold shivers, these symptoms combined were very similar to a bile duct problem.

Could it be a bile duct stone?

Zhou Can seemed to have grasped something as his eyes lit up like stars.

It's like doing a math application question every time a doctor diagnoses a patient. He would feel a special sense of achievement when he obtained the results.

[Pathology Diagnosis EXP+0.4.]

The EXP he had been looking forward to appeared again. However, it was a little too little, increasing only by 0.4.

Under normal circumstances, a clinical diagnosis would increase one EXP point as long as the answer was correct.

Why was half of the EXP missing?