An Auntie You Can't Afford to Offend

Why was the Hemostasis Technique, which was his worst, catching up to the others?

This was because he did not stop practicing after the Hemostasis technique reached Level Three.

Every dissection would cause a large number of bleeding points. If the Hemostasis was not stopped in time, the white rat would lose blood and die after five to six wounds.

Upholding the principle of no wastage, he could only dissect and perform Hemostasis at the same time.

After the Hemostasis technique was upgraded to Level Three, the accuracy of the Hemostasis was basically 100%. He could stop a bleeding point in a second.

More than 600 EXP might look scary, but it only required 3,200 times.

"All my four external basic medical skills have been upgraded to Level Three as expected. The competition for the qualifications to be a House Officer is definitely in the bag. It would be perfect if I can upgrade the pathology diagnosis to Level Three too."

Zhou Can didn't stay up late again. Instead, he dealt with the trash, took a shower, and went to bed.

Staying up late before the exam was a big taboo.

The next morning, all the interns woke up early to prepare for the House Officer exam.

Everyone had already signed up two weeks ago.

Zhou Can applied for the General Surgery Department.

However, according to Tu Ya's past practice, the hospital had the final say as to which department he was assigned to.

He woke up relatively early today. It was almost seven o'clock after washing up and going to the toilet.

The House Officer recruitment started at eight o'clock, so there was still plenty of time.

He quickly took out 1,000 surgical pathology diagnosis cases and began to read.

"The patient, Madam Ma, is 43 years old. She found a lump the size of a broad bean on her left breast when she took a shower in February this year. At that time, she didn't show any symptoms of discomfort, so she didn't care. In July this year, she found that the lump continued to grow to the size of a walnut. She felt a bloating pain in her left breast when she was on her period. She was worried about cancer, so she went to the local hospital to see a doctor. After investigation, the patient didn't have any symptoms such as high fever, low fever, chest pain, cough, nipple discharge, and blood secretion. She didn't lose any weight, and her appetite and sleep were basically normal…"

The patient should only have a benign tumor from these symptoms.

But pathological diagnosis requires a combination of information. The results were especially important.

"The lump is determined to be five by five by four centimeters by palpation. It's hard and its surface is not smooth."

Zhou Can's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

He had an ominous feeling.

"The blood routine is basically normal. There's no abnormality in the urine routine and the feces routine. There's an abnormality in the chest X-ray examination. Mammography. The upper limit of the left breast is irregular. The central area is dense."

It was over. This female patient most likely had a malignant tumor.

The outcome might be much better if she treated the lump as soon as she discovered it.

Most of the major illnesses were caused by the patients dragging their feet for treatment.

"Ultrasound, a homogeneous mass of the upper outer quadrant on the left breast. Possible metastasis."

All the test results were getting worse.

"The patient definitely has breast cancer."

[Pathology Diagnosis EXP bar+0.1.]

Zhou Can received 0.1 EXP and was really unhappy about it.

He felt pity for this female patient.

If only she had been treated earlier.

Then, he looked at the treatment results. The patient had been diagnosed with cancer after an invasive biopsy. After further testing, the cancer cells had spread to the surrounding tissue and organs and she had lost the chance to be operated.

The patient finally passed away on October 17 after chemotherapy.

In the future, if he encounters similar patients during consultation, he must let them receive treatment early.

He glanced up at the clock. It was 7:34 am.

There was no more time to read. He had to report to the hospital.

The group of "Lords" and "Menopausal Women" in the hospital's HR department were all heartless. They would probably not even let him in if he was late for the House Officer recruitment.

He ran all the way to the hospital canteen for breakfast, then went to the outpatient hall to see if he could seize the last opportunity to diagnose another patient.

His pathology diagnosis EXP was only 0.9 points away from advancing.

So vexing!

There was already a long queue in front of the smart registration machine in the outpatient hall. The hall was very noisy.

He did not dare to ask a random patient his or her symptoms and medical history.

He was afraid of being beaten up by their family.

These days, patients and their families hate hospital scalpers and scalpers the most.

It would not be worth it if he encountered someone with a bad temper who gives him a punch.

Real hospital scalpers had all trained to have sharp eyes and a glib tongue. They would not be easily beaten up if they knew what kind of patient or family to choose to treat.

Zhou Can searched the area but failed to find a suitable patient.

It was already 7:47 am.

Three minutes was enough for him to rush from the outpatient hall to the teaching and research building.

There were still 10 usable minutes left. He had to hurry.

In the end, he locked onto an auntie at the back of the line.

Through observation, this auntie would occasionally reveal a pained expression and look at the smart registration machine at the front of the queue.

She should be very anxious.

The probability of being beaten was very low since she was not accompanied by a male family member.

Zhou Can walked forward and asked with a smile, "Auntie, do you have a stomachache?"

The auntie glared at him with an unhappy expression. "Who are you calling auntie? Am I that old? Go away, go away. I'm so annoyed."

The powder on this auntie's face fell. The wrinkles at the corners of her mouth and eyes were all obvious.

She was very fierce.

Zhou Can was so frightened that he didn't dare say anything else. He hurriedly walked elsewhere.

Soon, he found another target.

He was a young man in his twenties. He was fair and weak. He should be a novice who had just entered society.

"Brother, are you seeing a doctor?"


The young man sized up him timidly.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Zhou Can was overjoyed. He had finally found someone easy to talk to.

The last 0.9 EXP was settled.

"Uh… I'm registering for my mother."

Zhou Can was disappointed.

It was not easy for him to meet someone easy to talk to, but it was not the patient herself.

"Security, security, that person is the hospital scalper. It's him. He asked me about my condition just now, and now he's asking that young man about his condition. It must be the hospital scalper…"

The auntie shouted at the patrolling security guards.

Zhou Can's face darkened. I should have provoked anyone but an auntie.

Especially a sick auntie.

The hospital also hated hospital scalpers. Not only would it cause the patients to leave, it would also harm the patients and severely damage their interests, ruining the reputation of Tu Ya Hospital.

The two security guards immediately took off their batons and rushed over.

"Which hospital scalper is it? Behave yourself!"

"Come with us to the security department!"

Zhou Can was about to participate in the House Officer recruitment. How could he have the time to follow them to the security department?

He quickly showed his Intern ID.

"I'm an intern in this hospital, not a hospital scalper."

The two security guards looked at his ID and their expressions softened.

"Alright, so you're an Intern. No wonder you came here to ask patients questions. Fortunately, I'm vigilant and didn't get harmed. Everyone, open your eyes. Don't be tricked by interns looking for targets to train on."

The auntie scolded at the top of her lungs.

Many people stared at Zhou Can with unfriendly gazes.

He wondered what illness this auntie had. He only called her auntie once! Why was she so hateful?

Zhou Can did not dare to have any negative effects on the hospital because of this.

Otherwise, the people from the Medical Department would have come looking for him.

He was clearly feeling very aggrieved, but he still had to explain to the patients in line with a smile, "I'm just doing a research project. Don't misunderstand."

Everyone looked at him less coldly.

Zhou Can hurriedly slipped away.

No other patients would be happy to be diagnosed by him after such a huge fuss was kicked up by that fierce auntie.

He took out his phone and looked at the time walking out of the outpatient hall.

Five minutes to go.

Let's look around again.

A middle-aged man who had just stepped out of a taxi caught his eye.

This middle-aged man was about 50 years old. He wore black trousers and a blue shirt without a tie. He carried a black handbag.

He was most likely a boss or a company executive from the looks of it.

At first glance, he realized that the man's face was a little pale.

That paleness extended to his lips.

He was walking normally and his mental state was alright. He frowned slightly.

Zhou Can knew that this man was definitely sick based on his keen intuition.