Doctor's Benevolence

However, there was a high chance that he would be left out in the cold and get the cold shoulder if he wanted to get close to a man who exuded maturity and charm and ask about his condition.

Such a successful man had rich life experience and had seen all kinds of things. He had interacted with all kinds of people.

He would be wise, mature, and steady. He was probably especially vigilant.

Going forward to strike up a conversation for no reason would definitely make this man even more vigilant.

How could he quickly gain this person's initial trust?

Zhou Can didn't want to hang himself on this tree.

However, the only suitable patient he could find was this man.

He had already begun to walk up the steps and was getting closer and closer to Zhou Can.

An accident happened at this moment.

The man staggered and almost fell.

Zhou Can could not help but be delighted. His chance had arrived.

He immediately rushed over and supported the man.

"Sir, are you alright?"

"It's… nothing. I just feel a little tightness and pain in my chest. Thank you." The man tried his best to squeeze out a smile.

When Zhou Can held the man, he realized that his body was trembling slightly.

Coupled with the man's self-reported chest tightness and pain, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

"I'm an Intern at Tu Ya Hospital. I suspect that it has something to do with heart disease seeing your pale face and your chest tightness and pain. Do you have a history of heart disease?"

Zhou Can helped him to the outpatient hall.

The man's trust in Zhou Can clearly increased upon hearing that he was a doctor from Tu Ya Hospital.

"I don't have such a history. I felt a little tight in my chest and couldn't breathe when I returned home after a run this morning. My left chest ached after taking a shower so I rushed over to see the doctor after I changed my clothes."

The man roughly explained the onset of the illness.

"You almost fell when you went up the steps just now. Are you also feeling dizzy?"

"Yes, I'm a little dizzy, in waves."

His chest was stuffy, short of breath and he's also accompanied by dizziness.

Moreover it was related to sports.

A very fatal disease name appeared in Zhou Can's mind.

Coronary heart disease.

And it was very likely to be an acute coronary heart disease.

This was a very dangerous disease. It could take the patient's life in an extremely short period of time.

[Pathology Diagnosis EXP+1.]

[Congratulations on reaching Level Three in your pathology diagnosis. Current EXP: 0/1,000. Inferior resident doctor level.]

His wish to upgrade the pathology diagnosis to Level Three was finally fulfilled.

He definitely had the ability to beat other opponents in the House Officer exam now that he had the five basic medical skills at the level of resident doctors.

"From the situation you described and the various symptoms you displayed, the situation is not optimistic. I suggest you register at the emergency department as soon as possible since outpatients will only start operations at eight."

Zhou Can advised in a serious tone.

"I've never gone to the emergency department!"

The man's body trembled even more. Furthermore, most of his weight was leaning on Zhou Can's arm. This meant that his condition was deteriorating rapidly.

Zhou Can looked at the time. It was only four minutes until the admission time for the House Officer exam. Taking the man to the emergency department was not something that could be done in a minute or two.

It would cause him to be late for the exam.

"Didn't you get any family members to accompany you?"

"My child is studying overseas. My wife is very busy with work. She thought that it shouldn't be a big problem, so I came alone."

Leaving the man here without a family member to accompany him might cost him his life if he missed this golden treatment time.

Zhou Can might not have to bear any responsibility, but it was very likely that his conscience would suffer for a lifetime.

However, he would definitely be late for his House Officer exam if he brought the man to the emergency department.

The price would be very high.

It was very likely that he would lose the chance to stay as a House Officer.

Fate really made fools of people.

He had prepared for so long and put in countless efforts. He often stayed up until one or two in the morning in order to improve his medical skills. He would definitely stun everyone in the House Officer exam now that his medical skills had reached Level Three.

Who would have expected to encounter such a situation at this juncture?

"Accompany this man to the emergency department? Or abandon him and rush to take the House Officer exam?"

This was an extremely difficult choice.

The man's chest might be hurting terribly but he was experienced and could tell Zhou Can's hesitation.

"Young man, are you in a hurry to go back to work? It's fine. Go do your thing. I can make it." The man could understand how difficult it was for these interns.

Zhou Can had already made his decision.

From the first day they entered the Medical University, their teacher had taught them that "In medicine, morality comes first, followed by medical skills. You can seek the skills if you have virtues, but if it's the other way around, you would only stop at acquiring skills."

A doctor without medical ethics would never become a famous doctor in his life.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the emergency department! To be honest, I'm taking the House Officer exam today. I only have four minutes to enter. But this is nothing compared to your life."

Zhou Can helped the man to the emergency department.

"The young man's noble medical ethics are admirable. Is my illness really that serious?"

The man clearly still had doubts about his diagnosis.

An Intern's standard was definitely very ordinary.

It was not only possible to misdiagnose, it was also possible for him to be frightened by a slightly more serious illness.

"It's very serious. I suspect that it might be an acute coronary heart disease. This illness is acute and develops rapidly. It can take a person's life in a short period of time. You might have triggered this illness because of your morning jog. Then, you went home and used cold water to bathe, further aggravating the illness. I suggest you contact your family immediately. The surgery later requires their signature."

Zhou Can solemnly informed the man of the possible consequences.

The man hesitated for a moment before calling his wife.

He briefly explained the situation and asked her to come to the hospital.

Zhou Can could vaguely hear the woman on the other end of the phone sobbing when she found out that her husband's condition was so serious. It was obvious that the couple had a good relationship.

Only the closest people could be relied on when danger descended. He could not help but yearn for love.

He helped the man all the way to the emergency department.

"I'm an Intern from the Tu Ya General Surgery Department. This patient has tightness and pain in the chest and dizziness. It's very likely a coronary heart disease. His condition is deteriorating rapidly. Please arrange treatment for him quickly."

Zhou Can showed his Intern ID and explained the situation to the doctor on duty in the emergency department.

This was the simplest and fastest way to communicate.

"Does he have family members accompanying him?"


"I'll him a physical examination first!"

The doctor on duty took Zhou Can's diagnosis very seriously. He was Tu Ya's doctor, so he naturally knew that Zhou Can's medical skills would not be bad even if he was just an intern.

"Sir, did you bring your identity card? I'll help you register for the emergency department. My colleague will examine and treat you," Zhou Can said.

"It's a good thing I met you today."

The man hurriedly took out his identity card and handed a hundred-dollar bill to Zhou Can.

After registering, Zhou Can returned the change, registration certificate, and identity card to the man.

The doctor on duty was taking the man's blood pressure, heart rate, and so on.

"The situation is not looking good. We have to do an electrocardiogram and an ultrasound examination quickly." The doctor on duty had a serious expression. "Mr. Cui, inform your family to come to the hospital immediately. They have to be fast."

At this moment, it was already difficult for the man to speak.

"He's already informed his family. She should be here soon. I have to take the House Officer exam, so I'll leave first."

Before Zhou Can left, he explained the cause of the man's illness and described his symptoms simply.

When he left, his heart was heavy.

Hopefully, nothing would happen to this man.

A few minutes later, he jogged to the temporary examination hall for the House Officer exam.

There were a few security guards guarding outside the examination hall. They must have helped maintain order when there were many people previously.

At this moment, there was no longer a single examinee in sight.

Zhou Can looked at the time. It was 8:21, a full 21 minutes late.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

The security guard saw him barge in and immediately stopped him.

"I'm an Intern at Tu Ya. I'm here to take the House Officer exam. Brothers, I'm sorry. I was delayed by an urgent matter. Please make an exception and let me in."

Zhou Can explained.

"How can you be late for such an important matter? We have no right to let you in. Let us help you ask the in-charge."

The security guard did not make things too difficult for him.

He ran in to ask for him.

Not long after, he walked out with a middle-aged woman wearing glasses.

"This is Deputy Section Chief Hu from the HR Department. You can explain the situation."

"Hello, Section Chief Hu. My name is Zhou Can, and I'm an intern in the hospital. I was delayed for a while when I came over because of an urgent matter, so I'm late. Can you make an exception and let me in to take the exam?"

Zhou Can lowered his posture.

He consciously removed the word "Deputy" when addressing the other party.

Generally speaking, people with the word "Deputy" in their title dreamed of removing the word "Deputy". It was best not to call them Deputy Section Chief or Deputy Director when addressing them.

Otherwise, it would definitely attract aggro.

"I don't care what you're delayed by. It's wrong to be late. Being late for nearly half an hour means that you don't take the hospital's House Officer recruitment seriously at all. Our hospital prioritizes people who are virtuous. There's actually no need for an examinee like you who doesn't have a sense of time to take the exam."

Deputy Section Chief Hu raised this matter to the level of having a moral problem and tactfully rejected Zhou Can's request to enter the examination hall.