Kindness Would Never Be Let Down

"Chief Hu, please give me a chance."

Zhou Can begged.

"People who don't have a sense of time usually have poor discipline. Doctors do life-saving work. Your sense of responsibility has to trump everything else. So, I'm sorry, but you don't meet the standards of our hospital's House Officer recruitment from your performance. Goodbye."

The Human Resources Department was powerful. They had the power to formulate human resource systems, human resource development, recruitment, training, assessment, remuneration, and so on.

While they were very polite to the famous doctors and management of the hospital, they really had the power to decide the lives of the doctors and nurses at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Deputy Section Chief Hu could veto his qualifications with a single sentence in a situation like Zhou Can's.

Zhou Can had no place to complain.

He did not beg anymore and turned around to leave in loneliness. Men could be humble and respectful, but their backs could not bend.

That was a man's dignity.

There was indeed a price to pay for doing good.

However, he did not regret it.

He would still choose to save the patient if he were to choose again.

A gentleman was honest and had a clear conscience.

At this moment, Zhou Can was in a very low mood. He sat down by the flower bed by the roadside, buried his head, and covered his face with his hands.

Men don't cry easily.

Losing his exam qualification meant that all his efforts had been in vain. The pain and disappointment in his heart could be imagined.

Time passed quickly. Patients, doctors, and nurses passed by from time to time.

He felt that every minute and second was exceptionally long.

The cruelest thing in the world was to give someone great hope and then extinguish it.

When Zhou Can obtained the experience system, he was overjoyed and smug.

At this moment, his hope was shattered and he was disheartened.

It was as if even the sky had turned gray.

He was as humble as an inconspicuous blade of grass in the corner of the flower bed.

At this moment, a phone rang.

He was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was his phone.

He took it out to check. It was an unfamiliar phone number.

He hesitated for a moment before accepting it.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" His voice was a little hoarse.

"Is this Zhou Can?"

A middle-aged man's powerful and dignified voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes. You are?" Zhou Can was secretly on guard. There are many scammers these days. All kinds of telecommunication fraud were impossible to guard against.

He was already unlucky enough today. He would be a f*cking dog if he was swindled again.

"Hello, Doctor Zhou. I'm Xin Wanshan, the Section Chief of the Medical Department of Tu Ya Hospital."

For interns, the words "medical department" were enough to make them tremble.

Even an ordinary member was an extremely authoritative leader.

The person who called was actually the Section Chief. That was definitely a top-notch existence.

Zhou Can quickly recalled and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he had been framed by that auntie in the outpatient hall this morning and caused trouble in the Medical Department?

He actually alarmed the Section Chief of the Medical Department. Was he spending his entire lifetime of bad luck today?

However, it could not be avoided no matter whether it was a blessing or a curse.

He tried his best to calm down and deal with it.

"Hello, Section Chief Xin!"

He secretly looked forward to the rest of the story, his mind quickly calculating how to explain what had happened in the morning.

"Just now, a patient's family called the Medical Department and told us about your heroic deed of insisting on saving the patient even if you were late for the House Officer exam. Only then did I know how amazing our interns at Tuya Hospital are. The family was worried that you would be affected by being late for the House Officer exam, so they asked me to ask about it."

It seemed that the family was quite powerful to be able to get the Section Chief of the Medical Department to ask directly.

Zhou Can's grievance seemed to have instantly found an outlet.

He felt a lump in his throat.

There were still many good people in this world.

Her husband's condition was critical, and after she found out about the situation, the first thing she thought of was to help Zhou Can clarify this matter and not let Zhou Can bleed and cry.

Some people's kindness was engraved in their bones.

He had never thought of asking for anything in return for saving Mr. Cui. The fact that Mr. Cui's family took the initiative to clarify the truth for him at the first moment was enough to make him feel gratified and warm in his heart.

Zhou Can stabilized his emotions.

"Thank you for your concern, Section Chief Xin. I've lost my qualification to take the House Officer examination because I was late."

He would be a fool if he still did not expose the grievances he had suffered with the Section Chief personally asking.

"Uh… Where are you now?"

Section Chief Xin definitely had the ability to manage this matter.

Zhou Can knew that today's matter might have a turnaround hearing his slightly anxious tone.

"I'm sitting by the flower bed beside the teaching and research building."

"Okay, I'll rush over immediately. You've suffered today."

"I won't feel aggrieved if the misunderstanding is clarified."

"Can you stand at the entrance of the examination hall and wait for me? I'm wearing black trousers, a white short-sleeved shirt, and a red tie. I'll be there in about five minutes."


Zhou Can came to the entrance of the examination hall again.

When the security guard saw him coming again, he advised, "Young man, we sympathize with your encounter. It's just that we can't do anything if Division Chief Hu doesn't let you in. Leave. Don't make things difficult for us."

Zhou Can grinned. "I am not making things difficult for you. A hospital's leader is rushing over immediately to deal with this matter. I'll just stay outside the examination hall and wait."

When the security guard heard that a hospital leader was coming, he did not chase him away.

He could not help but secretly size up Zhou Can.

This kid had a background.

He was late, but he could actually ask the hospital leader to help intercede.

Not long after, an extraordinary man with a beer belly arrived with two people.

He was wearing black trousers, a white shirt, and a red tie. He was Section Chief Xin.

Zhou Can was about to welcome him when Xin Wanshan walked over quickly with a smile.

"You must be Zhou Can, Doctor Zhou, right?"

"It's me. Hello, Section Chief Xin!"

"Don't worry, the hospital will definitely not let a hero like you suffer. We have to promote you as the face of our hospital banner. Follow me in."

The security guards naturally knew Section Chief and did not dare to stop him at all. Instead, they all revealed fawning expressions.

However, they were secretly puzzled. This young man was clearly late for the exam. Why did he want to promote him as a banner of the hospital?

Could there be something going on?

Section Chief Hu was guarding the examination hall when she realized that Zhou Can had actually entered.

She immediately became enraged.

"Why is it you again?"

However, she saw the three people who had entered the examination hall with Zhou Can just as she finished speaking.

"S-Section Chief Xin!"

Section Chief Hu hurriedly stood up to welcome him as a sign of respect.

They were both in power in the hospital.

If they had to compete, the Human Resources Department would be in charge of people, the Medical Department would be in charge of doctors, diagnosis, treatment, and so on.

Her status as the Deputy Section Chief of the Human Resources Department was inferior to Section Chief Xin.

"Hello, Deputy Section Chief Hu! I came over to clarify something for this intern."

"Wasn't he late?"

Section Chief Hu looked puzzled.

"It's true that he's late, but there's a reason. He was late because he was saving a patient…"

Xin Wanshan briefly explained the reason.

After the stern Section Chief Hu heard this, she could not help but be moved.

The way she looked at Zhou Can changed from coldness and disgust to admiration, respect, and a trace of guilt.

"Young man, why didn't you say so earlier?"

Zhou Can was speechless.

You sentenced me to death at that time. Did I have a chance to explain?

"I'm very sorry for making you suffer because of my negligence. Fortunately, the matter was clarified in time and can be salvaged. Leave the rest to me."

After Deputy Chief Hu finished speaking, she called the Section Chief of the Human Resources Department to report this matter.

Not long after, she received a call from her superior.

It was originally a small matter, but he did not expect it to alarm many important leaders of the hospital.

These leaders must have been discussing how to deal with this matter and they had come to a conclusion.

Zhou Can's request was very small. He just wanted his qualifications to take the exam restored.

"Come, follow me into the examination hall."

Section Chief Hu led Zhou Can into the examination hall.