The Opportunity To Use Diagnostic Medicine Is Here (1)

This was a temporary venue that was originally a 10,000-person conference room.

Tu Ya Medical School was actually a provincial medical establishment that integrated both medical services and teaching. It included Tu Ya Hospital and Tu Ya Medical University.

What was even more interesting was that the hospital was connected to the campus.

For example, the hospital often used this 10,000-person conference room to hold staff meetings.

At this moment, it was dark and filled with interns and medical personnel from all walks of life.

Tu Ya was recruiting House Officers. Anyone could sign up as long as they had at least an undergraduate degree and were below the age of 35.

The recruitment was for House Officers good in nursing, general studies, and medical skills.

The duration of the training is 36 months.

The medical skills here did not refer to surgical medicine. Instead, they referred to the examination departments, radiology, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, gastroenteroscopy, and so on.

Why was being a Tu Ya House Officer such a good deal?

This was because as long as one reached the standard after 36 months of being a House Officer here and passed the completion examination, they would be able to obtain a House Officer certificate from Tu Ya Hospital.

This was a very valuable document.

They would be in hot demand even if they did not obtain the qualifications to stay in the hospital after the House Officer term ended and returned to their original hospital, or went to city-level or county-level hospitals.

Some attending physicians and resident doctors of Grade A Secondary Hospitals, Grade B Tertiary Hospitals, and Grade A Tertiary hospitals in county and prefecture-level cities often treated being a House Officer in Tu Ya as a form of further training.

The examination hall was very quiet. All the candidates were silently answering the questions.

House Officer recruitment was divided into three parts: written test, interview, and physical examination.

This was only the written test.

More than half of the 7,000 candidates would be eliminated in the written test.

Among the candidates were interns in their twenties and social medical staff in their thirties.

Of course, they were not just amazing people like graduate students and doctorates.

In terms of academic qualifications, Zhou Can's undergraduate degree was unremarkable.

In terms of medical skills, hehe, it was probably enough to crush all the heroes.

"Please pause for a moment. I have an important announcement."

Deputy Section Chief Hu held the microphone and shouted.

The examinees looked up at her and Zhou Can, who were standing on the stage.

Some of Zhou Can's classmates or colleagues had already recognized him.

"What happened to Brother Can?"

His roommates were worried about him.

The class monitor, Yang Chan, prayed silently, "The children of rich families are so unreliable. Please don't cause any trouble and smear the reputation of our alma mater."

Her impression of Zhou Can had actually never been good.

"Let me introduce everyone first. The boy standing beside me is called Zhou Can. He's also an examinee. He encountered a patient with angina because of chest tightness when he was rushing to the examination hall this morning. After a simple inquiry, he diagnosed that the patient might have acute coronary heart disease and did not have a family member to accompany him."

Deputy Section Chief Hu's voice echoed throughout the large conference room.

Her voice was full of emotion.

"Doctor Zhou Can faced two choices at that time. He could either abandon the patient and rush to the examination hall to take the House Officer's test immediately, or send the patient to the emergency department to save the patient's life and then be late for the exam. He would not have to take any responsibility even if he had abandoned the patient. However, if he was late for the exam, he would be disqualified according to the rules."

Everyone fell into a short period of thought.

What would they have chosen in his shoes? Most people would probably prioritize their own interests.

This was especially so for a major benefit that concerned their futures.

Very few people could be selfless.

On the contrary, selfishness was human nature.

"But do you know? Doctor Zhou Can would rather lose his qualifications to take the exam and resolutely chose to send the patient to the emergency department. In the end, the doctor on duty diagnosed the cause in time, gaining precious time to save the patient because of his professional diagnosis."

The examinees were deeply touched and were filled with admiration for Zhou Can.

A gentleman carries himself with virtue.

It was easier for people to respect virtuous people from the bottom of their hearts.

"Zhou Can is just an ordinary intern at Tu Ya Hospital, but he used his actions to explain what great love and medical ethics are. I was very shocked when I found out about his heroic deed just now. After asking the hospital leaders, everyone agreed that such behavior should be highly praised. I announce that all punishment for Zhou Can being late for the exam is waived and he will be given full marks for medical ethics."

Thunderous applause sounded from the entire venue as soon as she finished speaking.

Full marks for medical ethics was definitely the highest honor given by Tu Ya Hospital since the recruitment of the House Officer.

It will be a monument to Zhou Can's career.

An unprecedented smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you for your praise and affirmation. I'm not a hero. I'm just the most ordinary medical worker. It's a doctor's duty to save the dead and heal the injured. Thank you, everyone."

Zhou Can's words touched every examinee present.

Yes, treating illnesses and saving people was every doctor's original intention. It was what they should pursue.

To them, it was more like a baptism of the soul.

Their minds became pure and sublimated.

The entire venue erupted in thunderous applause again.

"Zhou Can, sit in your seat and take the exam. I'll allow you to submit your paper later."

Deputy Section Chief Hu smiled and said to him.

"Thank you!"

Zhou Can felt as if he was stepping on a thousand feet of light. Life could be so exciting.

A good person's life was safe. This world did not let him down.

His seat was at the back of the hall.