Killing His Way Into The Second Round

"The maximum surgery time I gave is 30 minutes. It's still early. Aren't you going to check again?" The examiner liked this noble young man very much which was why she tactfully reminded him to check again.

"Thank you, examiner. I've already checked and requests to hand in my work."

Zhou Can was absolutely confident in his surgical skills.


The examiner nodded helplessly.

One of the judges quickly walked towards Zhou Can.

The judges gave him some guidance as they picked up the piece of pork skin to examine.

"Young man, you're quite fast! However, you can't just want to be fast when performing surgery. You have to pay attention to quality… Uh, this, this quality is alright!"

The incision was flat and did not hurt the two red catheters that were secretly arranged.

The cortex at the seam was tightly fitted, and no gap could be found.

The stress test was also very good.

The knot was perfectly compatible with the epidermis. The thread was firm and neat.

He could not believe it. Is this really the standard of an intern?

Even Tu Ya's resident doctor was not as good as this.

After the inspection, the judge sized him up in surprise.

He smiled awkwardly and said, "Let me correct myself. There's naturally no problem if the surgery is done quickly and well."

With that said, he gave Zhou Can's tablet a score.

The dissection was 9.5 points, the suture was 9.5 points, and the ligation was still 9.5 points.

The hemostasis technique was not tested in the initial test. It should be limited by the expensive price of the monopolar electrocoagulator. The cheapest one cost tens of thousands of yuan each. There were more than 1,500 people. How much money would they have to invest?

Tu Ya Hospital would definitely not allocate much money for the recruitment of House Officers.

The examination hall had to reduce the cost as much as possible.

From the looks of admiration on the judges' faces, they should have given Zhou Can a high score.

"What? Not only is he fast, but he's also very good?"

How is this possible?

Gao Jian's jaw almost dropped.

His hand trembled and he almost missed a stitch.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly composed himself and stitched it up seriously. Zhou Can had already beaten him to it in speed. Wouldn't he be a disgrace to the Imperial Capital Medical University if anything happened to his results?

Yang Chan also looked at Zhou Can in extreme shock.

Today, this old classmate had surprised her again and again.

It forced her to redefine this rich kid.

In her impression, the children of rich families were profligate. They were ignorant and incompetent. They only knew how to fool around and brag about their wealth. They were useless other than relying on their elders to cheat.

In the five years she had been Zhou Can's classmate, she had never even looked at him directly.

Now, she realized that not only was Zhou Can's medical ethics noble, but his medical skills seemed to be much better than she had imagined.

Her understanding of him in the past was really too superficial.

She felt ashamed.

30 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The judges were quite efficient. Soon, they finished grading all the candidates.

"Alright, the results of all the candidates have been released. Now, you can check your rankings. The top 50 have advanced and entered the second round."

The initial test was 30 points, so the second test would definitely be 30 marks too.

Those who failed to advance to the second round were basically destined to be eliminated.

"A higher-level operating table has been prepared over there. Candidates ranked in the top 50, please bring the tablet on your table over and prepare for the next second round."

Looking in the direction the examiner was pointing, there were a total of 50 temporary operating tables lined up with high-level tools like the electrocoagulators.

From the looks of it, he would definitely have to take the Hemostasis test in the end.

Zhou Can checked the preliminary test rankings. He had a total score of 28.5 and was ranked fourth.

This meant that three people scored higher than him.

There were even stronger people amongst the strong.

It seemed that there were quite a lot of experts among the examinees!

However, this was normal. There were also doctors who had been working in society for more than ten years other than the interns after all.

They were experienced in surgery even though they came from county and prefecture-level hospitals. They were not comparable to Interns who had never touched a knife on the operating table.

Thankfully, Zhou Can had raised all his medical skills to Level Three. Otherwise, he would have been in danger today.

The candidates who could not advance sat in their original positions dejectedly.

The examinees who had successfully advanced felt proud and elated, enjoying the baptism of the envious gazes of the failed examinees.

The moment Zhou Can stood up, many gazes focused on him.

It was not an exaggeration to say that he was the center of attention.

"Brother Can, good job! Best of luck!"

"Zhou Can, we can't fight with you to the end. You have to salvage some face for our dormitory."

Zhou Can was the only one in his dormitory who had advanced.

Even Gu Jie was squeezed out of the 50th place.

It could be seen how intense the competition this year was.

The competition was not over. There were only 11 spots for House Officers in the entire subject.

This meant that 39 of the 50 people who advanced to the second round would be mercilessly eliminated.

Zhou Can nodded heavily at his roommates. He definitely wouldn't let the room down.

He quickly walked to the operating table.

When he passed by a female candidate, she looked at him with an extremely complicated expression. She said with a little bitterness, "Yesterday, I thought that your surgical skills were very poor when I saw you buy so many white rats. I didn't expect you to hide your skills and enter the top 50."

This female candidate was none other than the Intern who had mocked Zhou Can behind his back when he bought the white rats.

"Hehe, I was just lucky."

Zhou Can's strength was not only in the top 50.

She had probably underestimated him now.

"Xiaolu, even I was deceived by him for five years as his classmate, what more you!" Yang Chan wanted to denounce him.

She was the class monitor and usually played the role of half a teacher.

She was both strict and amiable to her classmates.

She was actually especially happy to see Zhou Can perform so well.

"I've never lied to the class monitor before. It's just that the class monitor doesn't usually pay attention to a small fry like me." Zhou Can smiled and rebuked her.


Yang Chan glared at him flirtatiously.

Instantly, Zhou Can's eyes widened.

Oh my god, the title of the class belle was really not given to her for nothing. Her looks, coupled with her spiciness, mixed with her unique charm, made people reminisce!

"The candidates for the second round have all passed. Let's hurry over too. Old classmate, good luck."

Yang Chan felt a little uncomfortable under his fixed gaze so she took the lead and walked towards the second round.

Zhou Can secretly praised the class monitor for her strength as he also entered the second round.

Relatively speaking, women were weaker than men in terms of physical strength and mobility. There were far fewer female doctors than male doctors in the surgical room.

This was an innate disadvantage.

The effort she had put in to enter the top 50 was probably beyond imagination.

When Zhou Can walked over, there was only one empty seat left.

He quickly took a seat.

"I'll announce one more thing before the second round. According to tradition, the candidate who wins first place in the overall results of the Medical Skills, Nursing, and General Surgery Department will receive generous rewards. In addition to the 5,000 yuan cash reward, the hospital will also give some hidden benefits, such as helping the candidate obtain a medical license. After the House Officer period is over, this person will be given an official employee contract to sign. The department will prioritize promotion and further training."

These were all real benefits.

The candidates' eyes became fanatical.

All of them aimed at the throne in the first place.

"Next, let's talk about the rules of the second round. Each person will receive a white rat. Operation Requirement One: Remove the left lung of the white rat, suture, hemostasis, and close the thoracic cavity. The white rat is required to survive normally. Operation Requirement Two: The tail is truncated in a suitable position and undergoes a blood vessel anastomosis. You have to ensure that the blood flow of the severed tail is smooth."

Both surgeries had high difficulty requirements.

In particular, thoracotomy and left lung removal were infinitely close to Level Three surgery.

One had to know that the chief surgeon of a level-three surgery required at least a Deputy Director.

The examinees could not help but wonder if they were really recruiting House Officers. Were they really not recruiting Attending Physician?

It could not be helped. Tu Ya Hospital was so awesome.

They would be directly eliminated if they did not meet its requirements.

Perhaps it was precisely because Tu Ya had begun to walk the elite path in the past ten years that its overall ranking kept improving when recruiting talents from the clinical department.

Many hospitals in the country that were stronger than it in the past were left behind.

Some people predicted that Tu Ya might become one of the top ten hospitals in the country in another ten years.

The removal of the pulmonary lobe had very high medical requirements for incision, hemostasis, suture, and ligation. Any medical skill that dragged them down might cause the surgery to fail.

The medical skills of the examinees who could enter the second round were not weak.

For geniuses like them, the more challenging the surgery, the more they liked it.

How could they show how extraordinary they were if they did not perform a high-level surgery?

All of them were filled with confidence and prepared to show off their skills.