Receiving Two High-Tier Medical Skills

Each of them received a living white rat.

"The surgery will take two hours. Let's begin."

As the examiner gave the order, the 50 examinees immediately began to administer anesthesia on the white rat.

Then, it was fixed to the wax plate.

After preparing all the instruments needed for the surgery, they arranged them according to their personal usage habits and began to perform thoracotomy on the white rat.

After Zhou Can fixed the white rat in place, he held the lancet and chose a suitable position to slowly cut it open.

All the surgical steps had to be completed alone without an assistant.

This had undoubtedly increased the difficulty of the surgery.

Level Three incision was awesome. It perfectly avoided the large blood vessels. The depth of the cut was just right, and no organs were injured.

"Wow, why is the bleeding so bad?"

Zhou Can nearly thought that he had severed the artery and blood vessels as blood spewed out.

It shocked him.

He quickly stopped the bleeding.

One bleeding point, two, three…

He stopped all 13 bleeding points in less than 11 seconds.

The efficiency of the Level Three hemostasis was awesome.

He was right on target.

Of course, there were many ways to stop the bleeding. For example, hemostasis clamps on the blood vessels or ligation and anastomosis of the broken blood vessels.

The blood vessels of the white rats were very small.

Zhou Can naturally wouldn't seek trouble just to show off his medical skills if he could do it the simple way.

"The bleeding is so intense. It's most likely another trap dug by the examiner."

Zhou Can looked up at the examiner. Indeed, there was a sinister smile on his face.


He cursed under his breath and turned to check on the other 49 candidates.

Many candidates were operating in a daze.

Some people's faces were splattered with blood and they could not be bothered to wipe them.

It seemed that every white rat had been tampered with. The rate of bleeding was 10 times faster than normal.

If his Hemostasis technique was a little weaker, the white rat might die from excessive blood loss as soon as its chest was opened up.

Zhou Can felt relieved.

Fortunately, the Hemostasis technique had been upgraded to an intermediate-level resident doctor.

Only then could he deal with it calmly.

After opening the chest cavity, its liver, lungs, heart, and other internal organs were all exposed to his surgical field.

He first found the large blood vessel at the root of the left lung and ligated it at the proximal end.

This was to prevent major bleeding during the removal of the left lung.

Then, he carefully separated the left lung from the surrounding tissue bit by bit.

[Congratulations on obtaining the separation technique. Current EXP: Level Three, 0.2/1,000. It can be used to separate the adhesions between the tissues of the body.]

The separation technique was a high-level medical technique built on the foundation of anatomy.

It has a wide range of applications.

For example, when removing the tumor, the tumor would be separated from the normal body tissue. Or in some special parts of the surgery, a certain body organ would have to be moved away first. It would also require separation.

Separation of necrotic tissue from the patient was even more inseparable from this technique.

The sudden addition of a high-level medical skill surprised Zhou Can.

"It reached Level Three as soon as I obtained it?"

Didn't the other medical skills start at Level One?

After some thought, Zhou Can understood what was going on.

The separation technique was derived from the incision technique.

His incision technique was currently at Level Three, so the separation technique was at level three.

Every time he practiced medical skills on a living prop, he would gain 0.2 EXP.

Therefore, his current EXP was Level Three, 0.2/1,000.

He finally understood.

The white rat's left lung had successfully separated from the surrounding tissue by this time, he decisively resected it.

Fortunately, the main blood vessels had been ligated in advance.

Otherwise, this small rate would probably spray all the blood in its body in less than ten seconds.

It was much easier now.

He only needed to stop the bleeding of those small blood vessels.

There was very little blood loss.

Then, he cleaned the wound and checked that there were no mistakes before suturing the subcutaneous tissue and closing the chest cavity.

A complete set of left lung resection was completed cleanly.

He began the second surgery after closing the chest cavity.

He first used the elastic string to bind the root of the tail tightly, then cut off the rat tail. Then, he used the microscope to begin the blood vessel anastomosis.

A total of four major blood vessels need to be anastomosed.

This was an extremely delicate project.

The stitches were thinner than hair.

It was extremely difficult to operate.

Even though his suturing and ligation techniques were both at Level Three, it still took him a lot of effort to finally anastomose the first blood vessel.

[Congratulations on obtaining anastomosis. Current EXP: Level Three, 0.2/1,000. It can be used to anastomose blood vessels, nerves, intestines, and other organs.]

Good lord, surprises came one after another.

He obtained another high-level medical skill.

Moreover, they were both Level Three.

Anastomosis was derived from incisions and sutures. It was used extremely frequently in surgery.

Zhou Can vaguely realized that as long as he mastered the four basic medical skills—incision, suture, ligation, and hemostasis—in the future, obtaining high-level medical skills would be on the same level as the corresponding basic medical skills.

His Basic Medicine was Level Five, and the Advanced Medicine he obtained would also be Level Five.

This was very good.

It was equivalent to a shortcut that could allow him to grow faster.

There were a total of four main blood vessels at the tail of the white rat. He carefully matched the remaining three blood vessels.

He checked that nothing was wrong then he untied the elastic line tied to the root of the rat tail. After the blood was transfused, the anastomosis blood vessels did not leak or block.

On the other end of the rat tail, it regained its color after restoration of the blood supply.

Not bad. All four blood vessels were clear.

Zhou Can heaved a sigh of relief.

Logically speaking, the surgery should have ended successfully at this point.

He looked at the time. It had only taken him less than an hour. If he handed in his work now, he would probably be sitting and waiting foolishly. Therefore, on the principle of not wasting time, he decided to try a rat-tail nerve anastomosis.

That was because the nerves are much thinner than the blood vessels, and the nerves are made up of countless nerve filaments, this anastomosis was more than ten times more difficult than a blood vessel anastomation.

A complete nerve beam was equivalent to a tube with hundreds of fine nerve strands inserted inside.

Neural signals were transmitted through nerve filaments.

After this nerve was cut off, he had to ensure that every nanometer-thin nerve thread was aligned with the original if he wanted it to fully recover its function.

One could imagine how difficult this was.

Zhou Can naturally did not have that level of skill.

It was already very good as long as they could roughly match the broken nerves.

No one could say how much of its neural functions could be restored.

All he could do now was make a more accurate match.

He struggled to perform a nerve anastomosis under the microscope.

He tried his best to reconnect his broken nerves.

Neural cell death is non-renewable, and neurons are permanent cells.

The reason why the nerves could restore part of their function after anastomosis was because normal cells in the necrotic area would produce many synapses. These synapses came into contact with each other and were good at compensating for the function of the necrosis.

Zhou Can matched the severed nerves before suturing the muscles and cortex at the severed tail.

The skin under the rat's tail was filled with small scales, which increased the difficulty of suturing to a certain extent. However, it was not a problem for him.

After suturing it, he checked it carefully.

The white rat's heartbeat was stable, and the wound was stitched up neatly.He could hand it in now.

Zhou Can looked at the time. It took a total of 80 minutes.

This surgery speed was definitely godly.

Normally speaking, people with a normal level of skill would probably only be able to match the blood vessels of the rat tail in 80 minutes.

"Examiner, I'm done."

Zhou Can raised his hand.

The examiner took a look. Hey, this kid is the first to hand in his work again.