Doctor Gao Is Quite Confident

"The second round basically decides whether you'll stay or go. Aren't you going to check again?"

"I've already checked!"


The examiner did not say anything else. A staff member came over with a special marker and wrote 50 on the white rat before handing it to the judges.

The judges immediately got busy.

"I'm done too."

The person who raised his hand was a young man in his thirties or forties.

It must be a social medicine doctor.

This person might very well be ranked in the top three from the previous test.

"Mine is ready too!"

Gao Jing was the third to hand his rat in.

After that, seven or eight more people handed in their papers.

The examinees who could hand in the rats half an hour in advance were basically all strong surgeons.

Time passed quickly as Zhou Can waited for the results in boredom. He also watched his fellow examinee doing the surgery at the neighboring table.

This brother's white rat seemed to have died.

However, he still insisted on completing the rat-tail anastomosis.

Zhou Can seemed to see himself in him before he obtained the EXP system looking at his clumsy suturing technique.

"Time's up! All candidates, stop the surgery. A staff member will come and collect your white rats. Please sit down and don't move."

Two hours of surgery was too long for Zhou Can.

However, time was too tight for some candidates. The surgery had yet to be completed.

As the white rats were handed to the judges, they were given marks after a unified review.

"Next, we'll announce the scores. Number 50, Zhou Can, score 30 points."

Everyone exclaimed.

It was amazing that someone could get full marks for such a difficult surgery.

Furthermore, Zhou Can was the first to hand it in.

Just how strong is his surgical ability?

When many examinees looked at him, it was no longer just admiration. Instead, it had risen to the level of worship.

If they knew that Zhou Can had done an additional difficult nerve anastomosis project, they would probably prostrate themselves in admiration.

"Number 14, Jin Mingxi, score 29.6 points. Number 5, Gao Zhi, score 29.5 points. Number 47, Yang Chan, scored 29.4 points…"

The examiner announced the scores of the 50 candidates in public.

The person with the best results was actually Zhou Can, who handed in his rat the earliest. This was something no one had expected.

And he was still so young.

The dozen or so candidates with the worst results all scored zero because their white rats were already dead.

The class monitor, Yang Chan, was really not weak, second only to Gao Jing.

She was considered a benchmark among female interns.

No wonder Director Zhang Bihua of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department appreciated her so much. She was indeed extremely outstanding.

"Dear judges, may I ask why number 50, Zhou Can, scored full marks?" Gao Jian was originally determined to get first place. When he realized that Zhou Can had obtained full marks while he had only obtained 29.5 points, he found it unbelievable.

He really wanted to know what the difference between him and Zhou Can was.

The other candidates were also very curious about this.

"You all want to know?"

The examiner smiled.

"Then let me tell you why Zhou Can's surgery won the judges' full marks. Firstly, White Rat No. 50's bled the least in the surgery. This was where Jin Mingxi, who was in second place, and Gao Zhi, who was third place, mainly had their points deducted from this surgery."

With that said, the examiner played Zhou Can's surgery on the big screen.

Good Lord, so the examination hall had already secretly recorded the entire process of their surgery!

All the examinees held their breaths and watched carefully.

Zhou Can cut open the skin on the white rat's abdomen neatly. He quickly reacted and immediately electrocondensed the Hemostasis just as blood splattered.

Moreover, his technique was extremely precise and quick.

It took about half a second to stop a bleeding point.

What was even more terrifying was that there were no mistakes.

The bleeding really stopped with every 'point'.

Such exquisite hemostasis medical skills made the examinees present feel inferior.

"His separation, removal, and subcutaneous tissue suture of the left lung are all impeccable. Also, all four blood vessels of the rat tail have been successfully anastomosed. The blood circulation ability is almost no different from before the surgery. These are enough for the judges to give him full marks."

Gao Jian could tell what the examiner was implying.

He asked in surprise, "Could it be that there's something more outstanding about Zhou Can's surgery other than the above?"

The above highlights alone were enough to leave many candidates in the dust.

There was an even greater highlight? Everyone was shocked.

"You're so smart. Everyone, please take a look."

The examiner took three cages at the same time, each containing a white rat.

They had woken up from the anesthesia.

The serial number written on its back was also clearly visible.

"In this cage is No. 50 Zhou Can's white rat for the surgery. This cage belongs to No. 14 Jin Mingxi's white rat for the surgery, and this is No.5 Gao Jian's. They have already woken up from the anesthesia. As everyone can see, No.50 is still very energetic. No. 40 can move slowly. No.5 is curled up and almost not moving."

The more successful the surgery was, the less damage the patient would suffer.

On the other hand, the patient would suffer a lot if the surgery level was trash.

This was also why the patient would think of ways to give the chief surgeon a red packet before the surgery, hoping that the chief surgeon would be more attentive when performing the surgery on account of the red packet.

It was easy to tell whose surgical skills were the highest just from the postoperative state of the white rat.

"Next, I'll do a small experiment for everyone to let you understand the difference between you and Zhou Can."

The examiner took out a long-mouthed lighter and burned it at the tail of White Rat No. 5.

The white rat did not feel any pain and did not react.

It was the same for burning the tail of White Rat No. 14.

Finally, when he burned the tail of White Rat No. 50.

"Squeak squeak!"

The white rat squeaked in pain and quickly retracted its tail.

The examinees could not help but exclaim.

"Heavens, not only did Zhou Can successfully match the blood vessels in the tail, but he also successfully matched the nerves in the tail."

Comparisons killed faith.

Only then did they finally understand the difference between them and Zhou Can.

"Zhou Can, you're a liar! You clearly have the strength to get first place, but you still said that you were lucky enough to enter the second round!" The female intern who had mocked Zhou Can pouted and rolled her eyes in anger.

A man's mouth, always deceitful.

She would never easily believe a 'big liar' like Zhou Can again.

Zhou Can made her understand the meaning of being humble again.

Yang Chan and Zhou Can were only separated by a seat. Her bright eyes were fixed on Zhou Can.

"Hey! Zhou Can! Didn't you say that your medical skills are very lousy? You even dared to lie to the class monitor. I'll definitely give you a good beating after work." She more or less wanted to save face when she said this.

She had always been the most outstanding student in Class 512.

Everything went smoothly after she entered Tu Ya Hospital for an internship. She advanced rapidly and even obtained the recognition of the gynecologist.

Looking at Zhou Can again, his results were mediocre when he was studying. He had been an Intern at Tu Ya Hospital for nearly a year and had remained unknown.

Until today— Zhou Can was like a bright star rising into the sky in the House Officer recruitment examination today. He was so dazzling.

The dazzling light made all the candidates dim.

Even someone as monstrous as her and Gao Jian were left behind by Zhou Can.

Her pride had been pressed to the ground by Zhou Can.

She used her authority as the class monitor to deal with him in her embarrassment.

Of course, from another perspective, she was more or less acting cute.

This was also a common trick used by beauties to resolve awkwardness.

"Sure, you can choose the best five-star hotel in the city. Order whatever you want."

Zhou Can came from a wealthy family and did not lack money at all.

Even 10 meals would not be a problem.

He was willing to suffer hardships to be able to dine with a beauty.

"Aiya, I forgot that you're a rich young master and don't lack money. I wanted you to pay a little and feel the pain for a few days. Forget it, forget it. I'll let you treat me when I have the chance." Yang Chan waved her hand gloomily.

For ordinary people, treating others to a big meal was enough to make their hearts ache for a while.

However, it was not too unreasonable for a rich young master like Zhou Can. He directly asked her to choose a five-star hotel and eat whatever she wanted.

She was completely defeated by such a master.

"Does anyone have any more questions now?"

The examiner asked with a smile.

The examinees who had doubted him just now lowered their heads.

Even though Gao Jian was as proud as a dragon, he still said sincerely, "There's always someone better than me. I'm convinced today after seeing Zhou Can's surgical skills. However, the total score for the second round is 30 points. I'm only 0.5 points away from Zhou Can. My scores in the pathology diagnosis and written test should be higher than his. I'll still be first."

Gao Jian thought that he was the only one who had answered the pathological diagnosis correctly.

"Hehe, Doctor Gao is quite confident! The overall score ranking is in progress. I'll announce it immediately."

The examiner smiled noncommittally.

More than 1,500 candidates were looking forward to the final results ranking.

Tu Ya Hospital's recruitment drive was only for 11 House Officers. This meant that more than 99% of them would be eliminated.

Of course, the final number of admissions depended on the actual number of people admitted by the hospital.

There were so many outstanding candidates this year, and the number of applicants was more than double that of previous years. There was a high chance that there would be an appropriate increase in the number of candidates.

Zhou Can's House Officer spot was definitely guaranteed.

However, he was not sure if he could get first place.

He definitely wanted to get first place.

This is not only a great honor, but also extremely beneficial to future development.

"Please keep quiet. Next, I will announce the top 20 candidates."

The examiner's voice sounded again.

The entire place was silent.

Everyone was looking forward to the judgment of fate.