Humiliation (1)

"Hello, now that we know each other, is there anything else?"

Yang Chan smiled and blinked.

She looked polite and enthusiastic on the surface, but she was actually keeping her distance.

Zhou Can held back his laughter.

He had also been fed such soft nails by Yang Chan back then.

Why does he feel especially good watching her deal with Du Leng with soft nails now?

"Hehe… I think your surgical skills are especially amazing. I'm really impressed. I've mainly focused on academics all these years, and I'm a little behind in surgery. Can you give me an email so that I can ask you for guidance on surgical techniques in the future?"

Du Leng's skin was thick enough.

The girl had already politely rejected him, but he pretended not to know and continued to hit on her shamelessly.

Moreover, his method of asking for contact information was very smart.

It was easy to reject him if he asked for her phone number or WeChat.

On the one hand, asking for her email address could show his superiority. After all, developed countries, especially the United States, liked to use email for communication. On the other hand, it could make people feel that he wanted his contact information for communication work.

Phone calls, WeChat, and QQ numbers were easier to associate with a clear purpose of making friends.

"I don't usually look at emails! If Doctor Du wants to consult on surgical techniques, I think it's better to consult Doctor Zhou Can, who's in first place!"

This time, she used her old classmate, Zhou Can, as a shield.

Du Leng used the excuse of consulting her about surgical techniques so that he could have more opportunities to interact with her, a top beauty.

He was not going to ask a man for guidance.

He could also tell that this intellectual and elegant beauty was not easy to hit on. He decided to stop and find an opportunity to approach her in the future in order not to leave a bad impression on her.

He immediately smiled awkwardly and said, "Forget it. I'm not familiar with Dr. Zhou Can. I'll ask him for advice in the future! Goodbye!"

Du Leng had no choice but to escape.

"I can introduce Doctor Du to him, Zhou Can and I are classmates!"

Yang Chan was too evil.

She had already chased him away but she wanted to leave a deeper impression on him.

She would traumatize Du Leng once so that he would not dare to hit on her easily in the future.

"I don't dare to trouble Doctor Yang. I'll get to know Doctor Zhou myself in the future! Thank you!" Du Leng wiped the sweat off his forehead as he walked.

He was so frightened that he hid far away, worried that Yang Chan would introduce Zhou Can again.

"You're leaving just like that? Zhou Can is my classmate. It's not troublesome to introduce you to him at all!"

Du Leng pretended not to hear her.

How could he dare to reply?

He sat obediently in the distance and quickly took out his phone to swipe around to relieve the awkwardness and nervousness in his heart.

Zhou Can nearly burst out laughing.

Fortunately, Brother Du Leng was tactful. Otherwise, Zhou Can wouldn't have minded taking the initiative to walk over and introduce himself.

He had to ask his male compatriots of Class 512 first if he wanted to woo the class belle.

After nearly half an hour, the directors of each department and the head nurse of the nursing department finally came over to choose people.

The director of the Medical Technology Department was the first to arrive. He took all eight House Officers with him.

The specific arrangements were decided by the department.

Right on the heels of that, many head nurses from the nursing department came over to choose people.

They were affiliated with various large departments.

Usually, they would prioritize choosing talents who were compatible with their department.

Even though nurses' status in the hospital was lower than doctors, they were extremely important.

Other than the auxiliary doctor giving the patient medicine and injections, the care of the patient after the surgery and during the hospitalization was basically handled by the nurse. Sometimes, when the doctor made a mistake, a good nurse could immediately point it out and ask the doctor to correct it.

As for the perioperative nurses, scrub nurses, and patrol nurses in the operating theater, it was precisely because of their professional assistance that the surgery could be completed smoothly and efficiently.

It is worth mentioning that as people's perceptions change and according to the actual needs of the hospital, there are gradually men in the nurses' team.

However, there were still very few male nurses.

House Officers from both nursing and medical skills were chosen.

The remaining 20 House Officers were doctors.

In any hospital, the core talent would always be the doctor.

The 20 of them would be divided between the emergency department, the gynecology department, the internal medicine department, the surgical department, and the pediatrics department.

The anesthesiology and pharmaceutical departments were not involved.

The Department of Anesthesiology was relatively special. It was a comprehensive subject that contained multidisciplinary knowledge. It had a wide range. Not only did it have to satisfy the requirements of the surgery, they also participated in the resuscitation of various departments, gynecology, painless delivery, abortion, and so on.

Recruitment was usually fixed recruitment or nurtured by the hospital's clinical department.

Sometimes, when the hospital lacked anesthetists and could not find a suitable person in a short period of time, the hospital leaders would target the internal medicine department. They would talk to one or two novices and say that they had been doing very well recently and have a chance to further their studies. Did they want to fight for it?

How could an ordinary novice in the workplace withstand such temptation?

They would be so mesmerized on the spot that their heads would be like a chick pecking at rice as they rush to agree.

Then, they would tell them to study anesthesiology. They would be transferred to the anesthesia department to work when they returned. They would say that the anesthesiology department has less work and more money. There would be more opportunities for promotion than other departments.

At that moment, most novices would most likely agree readily, thinking that he had been recognized by the leader and had obtained a good opportunity to be promoted.

When he really entered the anesthesiology department he realized that he had been scammed by his leader.

The directors of the various departments arrived not long after.

"Yang Chan has been nurtured by my Gynecology and Obstetrics Department. Directors, you're not allowed to snatch her from me!"