Humiliation (2)

Director Zhang Bihua of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department asked for Yang Chan as soon as she entered.

It was obvious how much she valued Yang Chan.

"A gentleman doesn't take what others like. Our internal medicine department has always liked to fulfill people's wishes, so we naturally won't snatch Director Zhang's beloved disciple." The Director of the Internal Medicine department was a man with a ruddy face. He looked to be about 40 years old.

He was slightly plump, his eyes were bright and lively, his hair was black and translucent, and his complexion was excellent.

It was said that internal medicine was best at adjusting and nourishing health. This Department Director Tan from the internal medicine department was the best signboard of the Internal Medicine Department.

According to the hospital's introduction, Director Tan was 59 years old this year.

Many 60-year-old people would be old and frail if they were in a village. They would have white hair and wrinkled skin. Department Director Tan of the Greater Internal Medicine Department looked 20 years younger than his actual age. Who would believe that he did not use his medical knowledge to nourish his body?

He spoke unhurriedly, his voice was strong and gentle.

"I agree with Director Tan's words. The Gynecology and Obstetrics Department is special to begin with. They treat female patients, and female doctors are even more trusted and loved by female patients. It's common for female doctors to be good at theoretical studies. However, it's really rare for someone to have both a solid medical foundation and surgical talent. Even though I don't know Yang Chan, I've heard of her outstanding potential. Congratulations on finding a successor, Director Zhang."

Chief Xie from the Great Surgery Department spoke very well.

His words won Director Zhang and Director Tan's favor.

"Thank you. Thank you for your support of an old woman like me." Director Zhang put her hands together and thanked them repeatedly.

"Directors, there are a total of 20 House Officers recruited this year. According to the ratio, our emergency department can get two people. Your major internal medicine, general surgery, and gynecology and obstetrics departments are all important departments with considerable achievement in the establishment of Tu Ya Hospital. There are a lot of talents. Our emergency department's talent team is still very backward. Can you take care of the emergency department and let our emergency department choose two people first?"

Chief Lou from the Emergency Department looked a little anxious. He had thick eyebrows, small eyes, a garlic nose, and a long face. He was probably about 1.6 meters tall.

Fortunately, it was a man.

If he was a female comrade, it would probably be difficult for her to find a partner.

He was worried that the good talents would be snatched away by a few heavyweight departments, so he hurriedly stood up and spoke up.

The Emergency Department should be the most difficult department among the few major clinical departments.

There was a lot of work and trouble, and the doctor-patient relationship was always very tense.

The key was that the team of doctors in the emergency department was also very interesting. There were not many fixed emergency doctors to begin with. Most of these people were kicked out from other departments.

To put it bluntly, no one could refute the term a 'team of eliminated doctors'.

It was obvious that the team of doctors in the emergency department was not very strong.

If a patient were to visit and register at the emergency department and stayed long enough, they would realize that the emergency department would need to invite doctors from other departments to help out for five out of every 10 patients received.

One could imagine how low its status was.

Every aspiring emergency department director would do everything possible to recruit talents.

However, they did not have much authority in the department and did not have a strong say. There were really not many opportunities to recruit talents. The annual allocation of House Officers was an important opportunity for them.

They had to do their best to fight for it regardless of whether they could beat the other departments or not, even if they had to fight to the death.

Director Lou had long obtained the news through special channels. He knew that there were a few impressive people among the 20 House Officers recruited this year.

There was even someone with a doctorate degree from a famous foreign school.

It would be great if he could be recruited into the emergency department.

"Hey, hey, hey. Our pediatrics department serves the future flowers of our country. Shouldn't good talents be sent to our pediatric department first?" The Director of the Pediatrist department was a rather beautiful female doctor.

She looked to be under 30 years old.

Of course, her actual age might be more than that.

It was impossible for her to sit on the throne of a powerful department director like the pediatrics department without some qualifications.

Beautiful women have a psychological advantage when communicating with men.

This was because her beauty could naturally help her obtain the preferential treatment and good impression of men.

Humans were visual animals. This law was set by the Creator.

Zhou Can looked at the Directors of the major departments fighting over talents and thought to himself, So these big shots also live off the mortal world and fight for the interests of their respective departments.

He had won first place in the House Officer exam and should be a hot commodity.

He was more or less looking forward to entering a key department.

"I don't think we need to fight anymore. Let's take turns. Only one person can be chosen at a time. This is fair to everyone."

Director Xie suggested.

"That's a good idea. I agree."

Director Lou of the Emergency Department knew that his position was weak. It was already very good that he could obtain this result.

Therefore he readily agreed.

The other three directors also nodded in agreement.

"Director Zhang has already been chosen. Our surgical and internal medicine departments should be ranked first according to the weight of the department, Gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and lastly emergency care. Director Tan, let's fulfill the wish of my surgical department today. How about that?"

Department Director Xie smiled and looked at Department Director Tan from the Department of Internal Medicine.

"Director Xie, I naturally won't refuse since you've asked for it. Please give me your full support if the internal medicine department encounters troublesome patients and needs help in the future!"

Director Tan spoke in a friendly manner without a trace of anger.

It was very difficult for ordinary people to achieve this level of cultivation.

Internal medicine often encountered patients who needed to undergo interventional radiology and cardiothoracic stent surgery. Due to this kind of minimally invasive and interventional surgery having just become popular in the past decade or so, it was inevitable that their skills were rusty.

That was why they would get into trouble from time to time.

For example, they might not have made a good decision and tragically pierced the patient's heart when performing cardiovascular interventional surgery.

This was a human life. They would have to quickly call the surgical doctor to clean up their mess and put aside their pride for the time being.

Currently, even though the status of internal medicine was higher than that of surgery, it was an indisputable fact that internal medicine often asked for help from the surgical department.

Internal medicine had always looked down on surgery and thought that the surgical department was all about holding a scalpel; they were hopeless without a scalpel.

Director Tan took this opportunity to make a 'small request' to Director Xie from the surgical department. He did not expect him to refuse.

"Haha, we're all from the same hospital. We're family. Sure, sure. I'll inform my subordinates when I get back. They'll be on call if there's anything in the internal medicine department."

Director Xie laughed and agreed.

"Hurry up and choose someone! The emergency department has just received a critically ill patient. I'm afraid that those idiots under me will cause trouble when I'm not keeping an eye on them in the emergency department." Director Lou urged.

It was obvious that he had been worrying a lot looking at the deep wrinkles between his eyebrows.

Director Xie's gaze swept across the remaining 19 House Officers. His gaze only swept across Zhou Can's face before quickly landing on Du Leng.

"I chose Du Leng. Not for anything else, his doctorate from Johns Hopkins University is enough for me to choose him without hesitation." Director Xie didn't even consider Zhou Can, who ranked first in the overall results and scored full marks for the white rat surgery.

This surprised Zhou Can and left him feeling a little disappointed.

So academic qualifications could actually suppress everything.

The surgical department relied on surgery to make a living. It was really puzzling that he chose someone with a high educational background but did not choose someone with the strongest surgical ability.

"Gao Jian. He's a graduate student of the Imperial Capital Medical Academy. His medical skills are solid, and his surgical ability is extremely strong. My internal medicine department needs such a talent. Little Gao, do you agree?"

Department Director Tan of the University of Internal Medicine still chose graduate students from famous schools with higher educational qualifications.

Zhou Can was ignored again.

He felt suffocated.

He suffered unprecedented discrimination due to his low educational background, allowing him to recognize the reality.

He swore that he would work harder. One day, he would stand at the peak of medical skills and tell everyone that academic qualifications did not mean everything.

"Aiya, you've chosen the best two talents! Chen Jiaojiao. You're also a graduate student of the Imperial Capital Medical Academy. Your surgical ability is not bad. Our pediatrics department welcomes you to join us."

Director Tang's choice was no different from rubbing salt on Zhou Can's wound.

Zhou Can lowered his head, enduring the humiliation caused by his poor educational background.

"Zhou Can, are you willing to come to our emergency department?"

At this moment, Department Director Lou of the Emergency Department extended an olive branch to him.