Terrifying Counterfeit Medicine (2)

A cold is prone to viral myocarditis and can also cause shock.

However, this rarely happened to children.

The X-ray and blood test were normal and could basically be eliminated.

Zhou Can left the resuscitation room and walked straight to the family.

"Who are Zhu Wenwen's parents?"

"I'm the child's mother. Doctor, how's my son?"

"He's being resuscitated. The situation isn't too optimistic. Has Zhu Wenwen been living with you recently?"

"That's right! My son is very obedient. I never expected a cold to be so serious. Boohoo…"

As Zhu Wenwen's mother spoke, tears fell.

"Listen to me. The hospital is doing their best to resuscitate them. If you can provide some important information, it might be very helpful to the resuscitation work."

Zhou Can communicated patiently with the family.

"If you want to know what's going on, just ask. I'll definitely cooperate."

She looked at Zhou Can with tears in her eyes. She could only count on the doctor now.

"Are you sure Zhu Wenwen hasn't had an injection or an IV in the clinic?"

"I'm sure."

"He took only the cold capsule?"

"Yes. I fed him myself."

"How many pills did you give him?"

"Four pills. He took two last night and two this morning. I gave them strictly according to the instructions. It said that he should take two pills at a time and three times a day."

"Did you bring the rest of the medicine?"

"I brought them all. I was worried that I would have to continue giving medicine to my son when I arrived at the hospital. I brought them all."

She rummaged in her bag and found a small plastic bag containing a box of medicine.

Zhou Can took it and took it out to check.

The packaging box had 'cold capsule' written on it, to treat headaches, nose congestion, and runny nose…

No, wait, why does it have different packaging from the cold capsule in the hospital pharmacy?

Good Lord, it is a knockoff brand.

These days, pharmaceutical companies have also learned to ride on the popularity.

They would package similar medicines produced by its own company into medicines that were very famous in the market.

For example, the famous one was the 999 cold capsule.

This pharmaceutical company removed the three nines and pushed the envelope.

The information about the manufacturer was all true. It was the name of a pharmaceutical company that he had never heard of.

What Zhou Can was most concerned about was the composition of the medicine.

All drugs sold on the market had to go through multiple reviews by the regulator. This could not be faked.

The composition of the medicine must also be declared truthfully.

"Evodia lepta, wild chrysanthemums, caffeine, acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate, mint leaves. The supplementary ingredients are talcum powder."

The composition was exactly the same as the 999 cold capsule.

He could not help but admire the strength of these small pharmaceutical companies.

He took out the medicine inside. There were 12 pills in the foil, and there were only eight left.

This meant that the child's mother was not lying.

The sick child took four pills.

Actually, the usage on it was customized for adults. 12 year old children should use half of it.

However, many parents were worried that the medicine would be too little and ineffective. They usually chose to let their children take the adult dosage.

Normally, there should be a paper instruction manual inside.

After Zhou Can took out the capsule, he realized that there was indeed a folded white instruction manual in the box.

The content on this was basically similar to the description on the box.

Normal consumers often could not be bothered to look at it.

Only professional medical personnel could discern some different information from the instructions inside.

"This medicine contains a strong paracetamol ingredient. It can quickly relieve the pain and allow you to recover."

This line that sounded like an advertisement attracted Zhou Can's attention.

What do they mean by a stronger effect?

Only an increase in the dosage could have a stronger effect.

What was paracetamol? Ordinary people might not know, but Zhou Can knew very well. Acetaminophen and paracetamol were the same medicine.

This also meant that the composition of this box of fake cold capsules might far exceed the authentic 999 cold capsules.

In order to seize market share, small pharmaceutical companies often increased the composition of key medicines and increased the effectiveness of their medicinal effects.

As for the patient's safety, the black-hearted bosses did not care.

It would be fine as long as no one died from eating it and no serious consequences such as crippling someone.

"I understand now. The sick child is most likely allergic to paracetamol or he's overdosed. That's why he went into shock and became critically ill."

Zhou Can's heart lit up.

No wonder he felt that the sick child's symptoms were familiar. He had seen a similar description in a medical book in the library.

He did not expect to encounter such a case today.

[Pathology Diagnosis EXP+1.]

The EXP arrived on time.

It seemed that the cause of the child's shock was an overdose of acetaminophen.

"This time, we don't have to ask those emperors from the Cardiology Department."

Zhou Can was now a doctor in the emergency department. His honor was naturally tied to the emergency department.

He was very happy to be able to share the burden of the Emergency Department.

"Thank you for the valuable information. This box of medicine is not authentic. I'll take it to test the ingredients first." Zhou Can instructed the family before returning to the resuscitation room excitedly.

After entering, he realized that the 'Emperor' of the Cardiology Department had finally arrived.

It was a young doctor in his thirties.

From the looks of it, he should have just arrived.

He was checking on the sick child.

He was so young, so he was definitely not a chief physician. It was very likely that he was a doctor causally sent over to deal with an errand.

"You are inviting a cardiologist for a consultation for a cold. Don't you emergency doctors usually study?"

This person's face was cold. Instead of finding the cause of the illness, he mocked the doctor from the emergency department.

The doctors in the emergency department were all furious, but they did not dare to say anything. They had to endure it now that they were asking a favor.

"From the symptoms, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, and other indicators, the patient's shock state is not particularly serious. It's not life-threatening for the time being. Show me the blood test report."

His arrogant tone made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

It was not appropriate for Director Lou to personally hand over the examination report, especially since this person sounded like he was ordering his servants around.

Think about it. Was it appropriate for the emperor of a country to hand over documents to the subjects of another country like a servant?

Even though the status of the Emergency Department was low, it was not to that extent.

Zhou Can was just about to step forward to be a messenger.

The nurse beat him to it unexpectedly.

She naturally took the examination report from Director Lou and handed it over.

"Doctor He, this is the blood test report of the child."

After the other party took it and examined it carefully, he did not seem to find any valuable information.

"You've done films before, right?"

"I took a color ultrasound and a CT scan. I didn't find any problems."

She handed the film over.

Doctor He examined them carefully one by one, but he still did not find anything.

Actually, he could not make the doctors in the Cardiology Department too mythical. Everyone's standards in basic medicine were not much different.

If he did not even know how to read a radiographic film or a blood test result, he would not have stayed in Tu Ya Hospital.

"Doctor He, did you find out what's wrong?" Director Lou asked.

What he was most concerned about now was how to save the patient.

"Don't be anxious. This patient's situation is a little complicated. I have to think about it again." Doctor He looked down upon them just now and he couldn't come down if he didn't come up with a solution. He could only persist.

"Hehe, even Doctor He from the Cardiology Department has to think seriously to diagnose the cause of the illness. It seems that this cold is not simple!"

An emergency doctor who was holding back his anger fired.

He didn't mock him openly, he was just sarcastic.

Doctor He had been very arrogant towards them when he first entered after all. Saying that the emergency doctors did not study and had to consult a cardiologist like him for a common cold.

"It's not difficult. It's just a little complicated and I have to be more careful when diagnosing it." Doctor He was still stubborn.