Terrifying Counterfeit Medicine (1)

After Director Lou finished reading the medical record, he did not find any useful clues.

His gaze could not help but fall on the child.

"The sick child is 11 years old. His temperature is 39.7 degrees celsius. High fever. His breathing is rugged, and his blood pressure is dropping again and again. 86/54mm Hg. His heart rate is 155/min."

Each of these basic data was heart-wrenching.

The child was in an extremely dangerous situation. If they could not find the cause of the shock in time, he might die in the emergency room.

The doctor had already fulfilled his duty of resuscitation and did not have to bear any responsibility.

However, it would have a negative impact on the hospital's reputation.

The possibility of a medical dispute was very high from how the family reacted.

Director Lou and the doctor's expressions became more and more solemn, and a trace of anxiety seeped out from between their eyebrows.

"Have you done all the necessary checks?"

Doctors were also humans, not gods.

When experience and medical knowledge could not diagnose the cause of the illness, they could only rely on modern and advanced medical equipment.

"These are the results of the blood test and the scans taken of the brain, chest, and abdomen. There's nothing abnormal."

There were many reasons for shock, such as hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity, brain tumors pressing down on important blood vessels, nerves, and so on.

Director Lou took the checkup sheet and looked at it carefully, wanting to find any clues.

Sweat kept seeping out of his forehead.

It gathered into the size of a green bean and slid down his forehead. However, he could not be bothered to wipe it.

"From the results of the blood test, we can basically eliminate the possibility of poisoning. We can also eliminate sepsis. The scans taken can basically conclude that the child did not suffer from internal bleeding, and there is no obvious damage to his skull. No, I have to ask the family how they treated him in a small clinic."

Director Lou was experienced and had already started to have problems with the medicine used in the clinic.

Of course, this was only a suspicion.

"I've already asked. The family bought some cold capsules for the child to take. Other than that, they followed the doctor's instructions and gave the child more water. They didn't do any other treatment."

The doctor was experienced and the process was very rigorous.

He had asked everything he needed to know.

There was no problem with using medicine.

"Small clinics love to give infusions to patients. Are you sure they have never given infusions to children?"

"The family said no."

Sometimes, the words of the family might not be believable.

"Did you check the child's arm?"

"I took a closer look, but I didn't find any needle marks left by the IV drip."

This time, the person who replied was a thin middle-aged doctor with dark skin. It was obvious that this person was especially strict. Because he had frowned for a long time, a deep riverbed had formed between his eyebrows.

His gaze was like a knife that pierced through people's hearts.

"Dr. Xu has personally checked it, so there shouldn't be any mistake. Then, I don't have to take a look anymore. This sick child's condition is critical and can't be delayed anymore. Contact the internal medicine department and ask them to send a doctor over for a consultation."

Director Lou made a prompt decision and decided to ask the doctors from the internal medicine department for a consultation.

The internal medicine department was called the mother of medicine. Its definition of disease, cause, pathogenic fate, epidemiology, natural history, symptoms, symptoms, symptoms, diagnosis, experimental diagnosis, differential diagnosis of imaging, pathological diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis were all very professions.

In the face of such shock where they could not find a reason, perhaps only internal medicine doctors could give a more professional diagnosis.

"I've already called the Cardiology Department to send someone over for a consultation. I also said that the patient's situation is urgent. I hope they can send a chief doctor over."

The nurse beside him whispered.

Director Lou was silent for two seconds. "How long has it been since you called them?"

"Almost 15 minutes."

The nurse pouted.

The doctors from the internal medicine department had always been aloof and arrogant. It was not easy to invite them.

The status of the emergency department was not as high as the internal medicine department. It was fine if they invited them once or twice. However, if they invited them too many times, they would become very impatient.

"Call them again."

Department Director Lou also knew that it was difficult to hire doctors from the internal medicine department.

However, human lives were at stake, and the hospital had this mechanism. The emergency department was originally just an emergency conduit platform. When they encountered such a patient that they could not handle, they had the right to invite any department doctor they needed for a consultation.

Each department could not refuse.

"Forget it, I'll call Director Tan!" Director Lou was worried that it would be useless for the nurse to rush him, so he put down his pride and personally called Director Tan from the internal medicine department.

Director Tan did not decline and agreed to immediately urge the internal medicine doctor to rush over.

Zhou Can had been an Intern at Tu Ya Hospital for a year. He had been transferred to several important departments.

He could feel some of the disdain between the departments.

Internal medicine was one of the two most awesome departments in the hospital. Almost all critically ill patients, as well as various cancers, leukemia, and so on, needed internal medicine support. About 60% of the medicine prescribed by the pharmacy came from internal medicine.

Internal medicine was undoubtedly the boss be it medical status or ability to earn money.

Cardiology was the ace department of the internal medicine department.

It was normal for them to put on airs when they invited a cardiologist out of the emergency department.

After all, cardiologists were famous for being arrogant.

Perhaps they also wanted to use this method to tactfully remind the emergency department not to call them at every junction. Everyone was very busy. Don't invite them out of the emergency department for such a trivial matter.

Time passed by slowly.

Zhou Can's gaze was fixed on the child who was still in shock.

His face was pale, but both sides of his face were sickly red from the high fever. He did not sweat, and his fingertips were cyan… These symptoms felt familiar. He must have seen them in books.

However, he had read too many books and could not remember for a while.

"I'm going to ask the family. I might be able to find something."

Zhou Can walked out.

At this moment, no one cared about a small House Officer like him. Director Lou only turned to look at him before continuing to study the blood test results.