Did The Family Punch You? (2)

Go do your thing.

Doctor He's face turned pale.

He had come as a king, but he was not capable enough and was slapped in the face by a House Officer.

His status had also plummeted.

If he left just like that, he would most likely be laughed at when he returned to the department.

If he didn't leave, he was worried that something would happen and he would be implicated. Moreover, it would be a little awkward if he continued to stay here.

He decided to observe the situation before leaving, gritting his teeth.

He would be able to give an explanation when he returned.

"Wow, the patient's blood pressure is up. The convulsions are also decreasing. That means anti-allergy treatment is right."

"That's great!"

Director Lou heaved a long sigh of relief.

An unprecedented smile appeared on his face.

Even the especially serious Doctor Xu smiled.

The atmosphere in the resuscitation room changed from tense to relaxed.

Zhou Can had successfully resolved a crisis.

"What you're doing is too risky and doesn't conform to medical procedures." Doctor He was still protecting his so-called face.

"It can't be helped. The doctors in our emergency department don't study much. All we know is that a method to save people is a good method." An emergency doctor mocked him instead.

"Doctor He hasn't left yet? Let me tell you quietly, doctors in the Emergency Department are not all talk and no action." The nurse also began to rebuke him.

Actually, everyone had long disliked this guy.

However, this Doctor He did not have any eyesight. It was fine if he refused to leave, but his mouth was also very foul.

In terms of level, Director Lou and Attending Physician Xu were both higher than him. In terms of seniority, they were also older than him.

Since when did he have the right to point fingers here?

The doctors wanted to show some mercy to pave a way for future encounters.

However, the nurse did not have these concerns. She could retort if she wanted to.

She was hinting to him that they shouldn't be tardy the next time they called them over for a consultation.

"I'm going, I'm going alright!"

Doctor He could not afford to offend her and quickly admitted defeat.

He did not forget to flatter himself before he left.

"I was actually worried that your anti-allergy treatment plan wouldn't work or push the patient into a more dangerous situation. That's why I wasn't in a hurry to leave. It's convenient for me to help if anything happens, right? I'm relieved to see the patient's condition improve. Goodbye."

Before Doctor He left, he deliberately took a few more glances at Zhou Can.

It was as if he wanted to remember this extraordinary House Officer.

This was the first House Officer whom he was inferior to.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled as they watched Doctor He escape in a sorry state. They had finally vented their anger today.

Cardiology doctors were usually arrogant and rarely suffered losses.

Most of the time, physicians were authoritative in consultations. After the discussion, they often made concluding remarks.

This time, Zhou Can, this little House Officer, had gained authority.

He had earned enough face for the emergency department.

"Chief, Chief, the child's blood oxygen has also gone up! His heart rate has also decreased."

"Haha, good, good. Very good. When the child wakes up and returns to normal, tell the family not to bring the child home first. Give them a bed in the observation area to treat the child's cold."

Director Lou made a series of arrangements.

The child's shock was caused by an overdose of medicine and an allergic reaction to paracetamol.

Now the shock was resolved.

His cold was still there. They definitely had to treat his cold next.

He did not dare to let the family bring the child back to cause trouble again.

If something happened again, all their efforts would be in vain.

Normal cases could not be admitted to a Grade A Provincial Tertiary Hospital like Tu Ya because the hospital beds were very tight.

Under such a special situation, letting the child stay in the observation area of the emergency department was the best solution.

"Little Zhou, it's all thanks to your meticulousness this time. Don't worry, I'll remember this credit. I won't take it from you." Director Lou was a little ugly, but he was quite straightforward.

It was actually quite good to work under such a leader, much better than those leaders of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Thank you, Director Lou."

Zhou Can did not decline seeing his straightforward personality.

Otherwise, it would not be graceful and would make people feel that he was hypocritical and unreasonable.

If he remembered his contributions, he would be able to use them when he had the chance to further his studies and be promoted in the future.

"After entering the emergency department, we'll be family in the future. There's no need to be so polite. Arrange for Dr. Xu to bring you and Xiao Jin." Department Director Lou turned to look at Dr. Xu.

Zhou Can's heart pounded with such a strict senior doctor.

He was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid of being scolded.

"Old Xu, work harder during this period of time. Teach them diligently for about half a month. Then, slowly let go and let them do what they can. I can be at ease if I hand them over to you to take care of."

Department Director Lou seemed to trust Dr. Xu very much.

Whether it was treating the patient or asking him to take care of two House Officers, he felt especially at ease.


Dr. Xu nodded solemnly in agreement.

"The two of you will follow Dr. Xu in the future. Let me tell you, Dr. Xu is famous for being strict. Be prepared to be scolded."

"If it's done well, I definitely won't scold anyone."

Dr. Xu corrected him expressionlessly.

Not long after, the sick child woke up. When the family outside learned that the child was safe, they cried tears of joy and thanked the doctors repeatedly.

They were completely different from their previous image where they were throwing a tantrum.

Sometimes, doctor-patient relations are strained because doctors' treatment fails to meet the expectations of the patient or family.

As long as the illness was really cured, almost no patient would cause trouble.

A very few strange patients or family members were the exceptions

When Zhou Can walked out of the resuscitation room, the child's mother walked forward and thanked him repeatedly.

This made Zhou Can feel especially gratified and gave him a sense of accomplishment.

If the child could not be saved, it would be a devastating blow to the family.

Saving this child was equivalent to saving a family.

When Doctor He returned to the internal medicine building, he bumped into Department Director Tan, who was picking people back.

Behind him were five House Officers who had just been selected.

"Hello, Director Tan!"

Doctor He was so arrogant in the emergency department that he was out of print.

He was as humble as a reptile in front of the director of the internal department.

Humans were so realistic.

"Oh, Doctor He, you're back from your consultation? You're not allowed to delay it anymore the next time the emergency department invites you over for a consultation. If Director Lou from the emergency department calls me personally, people will think that our internal medicine department doesn't know the big picture and is arrogant. If this matter reaches the ears of the hospital leaders, it won't look good on everyone."

Director Tan also knew the personalities of his doctors.

He couldn't help but knock a few words in.


Doctor He did not defend himself.

It would be big taboo to talk back to the leader when one was criticized. It would only make the leader feel worse about the person.

Accepting advice in good faith was the only correct way.

"Looking at how dejected you were just now, does it mean that sick child couldn't be saved?"

Director Tan's expression softened a little seeing his sincere attitude.

"He's saved."

"Then why do you look like you've been beaten up? Did his family beat you up?" Director Tan asked with concern.