Gold Will Light Wherever It Is

It was very easy to have doctor-patient disputes in the emergency department so it was common for doctors to be beaten up by their families.

As the Director of the Department, he often protected the rights and interests of his doctors.

He could not disappoint the doctor.

"The family members are still in a stable mood. They didn't cause any trouble."

Doctor He felt awkward.

It was embarrassing to be humiliated in the emergency department, and he was too embarrassed to say it, especially since there were five new House Officers watching behind Director Tan.

It would be too embarrassing to let these newbies know about his embarrassing matter.

Director Tan could not help but feel even more puzzled.

The patient had also been treated, and the family did not cause trouble or hit anyone. Why did Doctor He look like he had suffered a huge defeat?

"Is it because you were late and were rebuked by the doctors in the emergency department?"

"They don't have the guts."

Doctor He straightened his neck, and a trace of arrogance returned to his face.

The dignity and status of internal medicine were engraved in the bones of every internal medicine doctor.

No matter who scolded him, it was impossible for the doctors in the emergency department to scold him.

"Be careful with your words," Director Tan reprimanded, but his reprimand was very shallow.

He only asked Doctor He to be careful with his words to maintain the peace between the hospital departments.

He actually agreed with Doctor He's point of view.

The status of internal medicine was supreme. It could not be trampled on by other departments.

"How did the consultation go?"

"The sick child took a knock-off medicine. The paracetamol seriously exceeded the safety standard, causing allergic shock. After allergic treatment, he has already improved."

Doctor He was secretly glad that he had thickened his skin and stayed until the child's condition eased.

Otherwise, he would probably not know anything now.

"Yes, not bad. It seems that they still have to have doctors from the internal medicine department to find the cause of the illness! The medical status of the internal medicine department is something that no department can shake."

Director Tan nodded in satisfaction, and a proud smile bloomed on his ruddy face.

These words were mostly for the five new members behind him.

Let them understand that joining the internal medicine department was an extremely honorable thing. They had a bright future and a high status.

Doctor He felt awkward. He actually did not contribute much to the emergency department this time.

However, Director Tan did not know and was still flattering him.

This matter could not be hidden at all.

It would reach Director Tan's ears sooner or later.

Dr. He took a deep breath and suppressed his strong vanity. He decided to be honest. Otherwise, leaving a dishonest impression in the leader's mind would be extremely disadvantageous to his imminent promotion to an Attending Physician.

Losing face was a small matter, promotion, on the other hand, was related to his future.

"Director Tan, actually… I didn't contribute much to this consultation."

Doctor He mustered his courage and told the truth.

"Uh!" Chief Tan's smile froze. "What do you mean? Are you being humble or did you really not do anything?"

"I really didn't do anything. The cause of the illness was diagnosed by a doctor from the Emergency Department." Doctor He wished he could bury his head in his pants. He lowered his head, and his face was burning.

Admitting these things in front of the newbies had almost consumed his entire life of courage.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Director Tan wanted to take the opportunity to brag about the medical status of the internal medicine department in front of the newbies, but he did not expect it to fail.

He felt a little embarrassed.

"If you didn't diagnose it, at least you did something. If the doctors in the Emergency Department really had the ability to diagnose it alone, they wouldn't have needed the doctors from our internal medicine department to do it. Don't you think so?"

Director Tan tried his best to smooth things over.

There had to be a fig leaf, right?

"Yes, yes, yes. That must be the case. Otherwise, think about it. The Emergency Department has never been able to find the cause of the illness.They immediately found the cause as soon as Doctor He from the Cardiology Department rushed over. What does this mean? It means that Doctor He's contribution is the most important."

No matter where it was, there was never a lack of bootlickers.

Gaining the recognition of the leader through curry favoring was simple and crude, and the cost was low. To do this, one only needed to be thick-skinned and eloquent.

A smile appeared on Director Tan's face again.

"Doctor He, tell everyone, how did you help the doctors in the emergency department find out the cause of the illness?" Director Tan asked expectantly.

"I… I really didn't do much. It was a House Officer called Zhou Can from the emergency department who finally discovered that the child was taking counterfeit medicine after communicating with his family." Dr. He stammered as he recounted the incident.

He had really seen a ghost today.

After being humiliated in the emergency department, he returned to the internal medicine department. Coincidentally, he bumped into Department Director Tan who had returned with a new doctor and kept interrogating him about the emergency department's consultation.

Wasn't this rubbing someone's nose in it?

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene became exceptionally quiet.

The House Officer who was sucking up shrank back subconsciously, trying his best to reduce his presence.

There were also risks in sucking up too.

He would never have dreamed that the situation would turn around, causing his beautiful flattery to backfire.

Fortunately, Director Tan's attention was attracted by something else.

"You said that a House Officer named Zhou Can found out the cause of the illness?"

Director Tan looked especially surprised.

Even the House Officers behind him had complicated expressions.

Gao Jian, especially, had mixed feelings.

He refused to admit defeat after losing to Zhou Can in the House Officer examination. The two of them agreed to continue competing in terms of medical skills in the future. When the department heads chose people, Gao Jian took the initiative because his educational background was higher than Zhou Can's.

He joined the best internal medicine department.

This instantly filled him with confidence.

A doctor's growth could not do without a good learning environment. This included great teacher guidance, cutting-edge medical resources, and rich training opportunities.

In either aspect, the internal medicine department could completely defeat the emergency department.

Gao Jian believed that as long as he studied internal medicine for a few months, he would definitely surpass Zhou Can and leave him far behind.

Now, it seemed like a joke.

Gold would shine wherever it went.

Even if Zhou Can entered the worst emergency department, he could still quickly produce results. He diagnosed the cause of the illness that even the combined efforts of the emergency doctor and the cardiologist could not find the moment he entered the emergency department. God, how strong was this monster?

Gao Jian felt helpless.

However, this matter also stimulated his competitiveness.

He could do well in the internal medicine department too since Zhou Can could do well in the emergency department.

"Does the Director know that Zhou Can?" Doctor He deduced from Director Tan's surprised expression that he definitely knew Zhou Can.

He was especially curious about who that little House Officer was.

Even the department director of the internal medicine department knew this person.

"I don't know him. I only know that he came in first in this year's House Officer recruitment test. I heard that his surgical ability is not bad but his education is a little lacking. He graduated from Tu Ya Medical University and is an undergraduate."

Director Tan's expression was indifferent.

However, he was wondering if he had made the right choice back then.

A powerful medical talent could even support an entire department.

It would lead the department to glory.

If he did not choose that genius but chose an empty title with an educational background, he would probably regret it.

"So it's the top scholar of the House Officer examination. No wonder he's so powerful."

Doctor He felt a little better.

It was not an injustice to lose to a top scholar-level House Officer.

"Alright, go get busy! The five of you follow me to the big office. The directors of the various internal medicine departments will be here soon to choose you." The joy of Department Director Tan snatching Gao Jian, a graduate student from a famous university, faded a lot.

He hoped that Gao Jing wouldn't be too inferior to Zhou Can. Otherwise, he would suffer a huge loss.

He would know if Zhou Can was a dragon or a snake after developing for some time in the emergency department.

In the emergency department, Dr. Xu was familiarizing Zhou Can and Jin Mingxi with the emergency department's environment.

"Our emergency department is different from ordinary departments. This is a hodgepodge. We have to take care of all the patients' needs according to the hospital's rules. Be it headaches, fevers, car accidents, burns, or acute illnesses. Usually, there are only two doctors in charge of the consultation. This is the emergency department's consultation table, and that is the emergency surgery table."

The number of emergency departments in Tu Ya Hospital was terrifying. It was unimaginable that there were only two doctors.

How busy would they be?

"It's very tough to sit in the emergency department. Our department implements three shifts. Due to the shortage of manpower, sometimes we have no choice but to work two shifts in a row. You have to be prepared to suffer."

Dr. Xu gave them a heads-up.

"It's nothing to suffer a little as long as I can grow. I worked for 36 hours at the county hospital and almost died suddenly," Jin Mingxi said with a smile.

Zhou Can had long guessed that Jin Mingxi had been in the medical field for some time.

He had an undergraduate degree and was 35 years old. It was very likely that he had 12 to 13 years of work experience.

In terms of surgical ability, Jin Mingxi was not weaker than the current Zhou Can.

"What about you? Are you afraid of hardship?"

Dr. Xu was very satisfied with Jin Mingxi's answer and turned to look at Zhou Can.

"I'm not afraid of hardship. I'm just afraid that Dr. Xu won't trust me, and will treat me like a baby and won't give me a chance to train and grow." Zhou Can needed to constantly diagnose and treat illnesses to obtain EXP and quickly level up.

What he was most afraid of was not getting the chance to train.

Originally, he wanted to become a House Officer in the General Surgery Department.

This was because Deputy Director Liu already had a certain foundation of trust in him and had said that he would nurture him.

Unfortunately, man proposes and God disposes. The Director of the surgical department did not even look at Zhou Can when he was choosing his staff.

His first choice was the overseas returnee, Du Leng.

"Don't worry, there are opportunities for training. However, as a House Officer under me, I have to see that you have the ability before I give you the right to try," Dr. Xu said solemnly.

"Doctor Zhou, you want a chance to train? I have a lot of them here! I'm counting on you two newbies to grow up quickly and help us share some of the burden."

The young doctor who was doing treatment took the time to smile and greet him.

News of Zhou Can's contribution in the resuscitation room had already spread. The doctors and nurses in the department were especially polite to him.

"Luo Yong, don't multitask when treating patients. Be careful of making mistakes." Doctor Xu warned the young doctor. "Let's go. I'll bring you to the observation room and the infusion room."

Perhaps he was worried that it would affect the two doctors, so he didn't introduce them further and brought them to the observation room and infusion room.

Only the busy figures of the nurses could be seen here.

Doctors rarely visit either area without an emergency.

"Hello, Doctor Zhou!"

A beautiful nurse smiled and greeted Zhou Can.

"I remember you. The brave girl who rebuked Dr. He in the emergency room," Zhou Can replied with a smile.


She covered her mouth and smiled until her eyes narrowed.

"The cardiologist has always been arrogant. I have to thank you for creating this opportunity to reprimand him. My name is Ye Tingting. I'm in charge of the patient's supervision in the observation room. I'll occasionally help out in the resuscitation room. Doctor Zhou, if you need anything, feel free to look for me."

Not only was she a brave girl, but she was also especially enthusiastic.

"Haha, then please protect me in the future, Beauty Ye."

Zhou Can laughed happily.

He realized that the happy family-feeling in the Emergency Department was not bad.

"I'll take you to see the two core places in the emergency department, the ICU and the operating theater."

The Emergency Department was basically made up of internal and surgical departments, observation rooms, infusion rooms, resuscitation rooms, operating theaters, and ICU.

The operating theater and the ICU were the best examples of a department's strength and was Zhou Can's favorite.

However, he did not know what surgeries the emergency department's operating theater would undergo. Would he be able to get a chance to train?