Obtaining Acknowledgment

Jin Mingxi was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat and his face turned pale.

He would probably be careful with his words in the future after learning from Zhou Can's mistakes. Otherwise, he would die in minutes if he touched Dr. Xu's sensitive nerves.

Dr. Xu called Elder Liu to verify it.

Doctor Lu continued to debride the patient's wound and prepare to suture it.

"Hello, Chief Physician Liu!"

"Yo, it's Old Xu! I guess you must have something since you phoned me."

It sounded like the two of them were indeed very familiar with each other.

"Nothing special. I just wanted to ask if you know an intern called Zhou Can."

"I know him. He's a very good young man. I originally wanted to take him in as my last disciple after he obtained the qualifications to be a House Officer. Who knew that he would be snatched away by your emergency department? What happened?"

Elder Liu's praise for Zhou Can was overflowing.

"It sounds like you have a high opinion of him!" Dr. Xu's originally dark face softened a lot. "I just want to ask if you asked him to suture the skin when you led him to the surgery?"

He was basically certain that Zhou Can was not lying from Elder Liu's high praise for Zhou Can.

However, he still wanted to verify it.

The operating theater was already quiet, and Dr. Xu's receiver was very loud. Dr. Lu, Jin Mingxi, and the others could hear it clearly.

Jin Mingxi was alright. He knew that Zhou Can was very capable and was more or less mentally prepared.

He was only a little surprised.

Doctor Lu and the nurse were not so calm.

They sized up Zhou Can again in shock.

It seemed that the Emergency Department had recruited a capable person this time.

"Old Xu, my dear Old Xu, is your seriousness illness acting up again?"

Elder Liu seemed to know Dr. Xu very well and knew what was going on.

"You still haven't walked out of the trauma of that matter! Zhou Can has been an intern under me for nearly a year. It was only later that I realized that his potential was very outstanding. It was a neck lymph node tuberculosis resection surgery. Back then, the situation was very dangerous. This kid's diagnostic performance was really peerless and he fought for a chance to suture the skin. Back then, I was still a little hesitant."

"The neck has abundant blood vessels and a lot of nerves. I would be even worried if the resident doctors under me were suturing. He's just an intern. Can he suture it well? But I couldn't bear to reject him when I saw his eager gaze. To be honest, I was really frightened when I saw him suture the first stitch. Fortunately, that kid is very hardworking. The more he sutures, the better he gets. His standard is not inferior to my resident doctors."

Elder Liu's words were enough to prove that Zhou Can wasn't lying.

"Sigh, what a pity. That kid was snatched away by your Emergency Department. If he was in the General Surgery Department, I would definitely have sent him over to be nurtured. That kid is an intern with the most potential I've ever seen in my life."

The high praise Elder Liu gave made Zhou Can blush.

At that time, his suture technique and ligation technique had advanced to Level Three when he was suturing halfway through.

That was why Elder Liu was especially stunned.

It was not wrong to say that his potential was outstanding.

With the EXP system, as long as he could earn experience quickly, it was possible for him to advance to the surgical level of an Attending Physician in a year.

There was no one else in the entire country with such potential, let alone Tu Ya Hospital.

"So he's really not lying. However, you dare to ask him to suture the wound on his neck for his first try. You're quite bold. Alright, there's nothing else, I'm still in surgery. Let's talk when we're free."

Dr. Xu really hung up just like that.

This was a call to a senior Deputy Director doctor. His casual tone and his impoliteness when hanging up was both shocking.

As the attending doctor of the Emergency Department, his status was far inferior to Elder Liu from the General Surgery Department.

Why was he so daring?

Moreover, when Elder Liu chatted with him, his tone and attitude were completely that of someone of the same generation.

Who exactly was Dr. Xu?

Elder Liu said that Doctor Xu had yet to walk out of the trauma of that incident when they were chatting just now.

It gave people endless room for imagination.

What was this situation?

This Dr. Xu was definitely a person with a story.

If there was a chance in the future, he could slowly understand Dr. Xu's story.

Zhou Can felt a little relieved at Dr. Xu's seriousness.

"Zhou Can, I'll let you suture the patient! A doctor's ethics first. My attitude just now was too serious. Don't take it to heart." After Dr. Xu hung up, his attitude towards Zhou Can changed drastically.

His trust in Zhou Can had clearly increased.


Zhou Can nodded.

If the misunderstanding was cleared up, everyone would be happy.

Dr. Xu turned to look at the patient.

"Don't worry. I specially called Chief Physician Liu just now to verify it and praised Doctor Zhou's suturing skills. He won't be any worse than Doctor Lu."

Dr. Xu was experienced in dealing with patients. He helped Zhou Can gain the patient's trust with just two sentences.

"Then I'll have to trouble Doctor Zhou."

The patient squeezed out a fawning smile at Zhou Can.

After entering the operating theater, the patient's status was actually quite weak.

They could basically only be at the doctor's mercy.

Doctor Lu walked down the operating table and made way.

Zhou Can put on the sterile rubber gloves with the nurse's help and prepared to suture them.

"Doctor Zhou, is Line One okay?"

"You're very professional."

Zhou Can smiled in response.

The tension at the calf was extremely small, and it was suitable for Line One.

Her operation methods were standard and skilled. Soon, she was threaded and handed the hook needle and needle holder to Zhou Can.

Zhou Can routinely checked the patient's wound before suturing.

Half of the palm-sized flesh had been torn open at the calf, and the mark left by the canine teeth was clearly visible.

The bite mark was extremely deep, forming a bloody hole.

The dog that bit must be extremely fierce.

When he flipped open the flesh, he could not help but frown.

Dr. Lu had debrided the wound for so long, but the treatment of the wound was quite rough.

It could only be said to be barely passable.

Zhou Can hesitated for a moment. If he pointed it out now, it would most likely make Doctor Lu unhappy. However, stitching up the wound like this was very disadvantageous to the recovery of the wound.

Not only was the healing slow, but it was also prone to infection and pus.

Finally, Zhou Can decided to prioritize the patient.

"Doctor Xu, can I clean the wound slightly a little more due to my personal habit?"

At this time, he could not say that Doctor Lu's wound was not handled well, nor could he say that his suturing skills were lousy in front of the patient.

Zhou Can only said that his suturing habits were different, which left Doctor Lu with enough face.

"Of course."

At this moment, Doctor Xu also noticed the patient's wound.

With his level, he could naturally tell at a glance that Doctor Lu was sloppy in his work.

This could not be helped.

The Emergency Department was already short-staffed, so many resident doctors were kicked over from other departments.

To put it bluntly, they were all old foxes who had been eliminated from the higher priority department.

These people had more than three years of work experience. They were either slacking off in their previous departments or had poor growth potential and standard.

They were all problematic people.

Every time the Emergency Department reported to the hospital leaders that there was a shortage of manpower, the weighted department would seize the opportunity to eliminate the weak and stuff those problematic doctors to the Emergency Department.

Not only did they help the hospital leaders solve the manpower problem, but the department also eliminated the doctors who were dragging them down.

Killing two birds with one stone.


They could bring in outstanding people after the seats were vacated.

As a result, the medical team in the higher priority department naturally became stronger and stronger.

However, it was hard on the emergency department.

Moreover, they had to suffer in silence.

Doctor Lu curled his lips with a nonchalant expression, seeing Zhou Can clean the patient's wound again.

This person was most likely an old fox who was trying to float his way through life.

Zhou Can was extremely meticulous in cleaning up with a responsible attitude towards patients.

Debridement of bite wounds was actually quite troublesome.

If the damaged tissues were not cleaned up, there was a high chance that sepsis would occur and an infection would occur.

Moreover, a dog bite would increase the risk of rabies.

It needed to be cleaned up even more.

"Young doctor, can you do it or not? Doctor Lu has already helped me deal with it, but you're doing it again. Don't tell me you're deliberately using me as a practice?"

The patient didn't know the truth and blamed Zhou Can instead.

Doctors often encountered such situations.

They clearly had good intentions, but the patient did not know what was good for him and scolded the doctor instead.

"Okay, it's almost done."

Zhou Can didn't explain further.

The patient did not know medicine. Explaining was equivalent to playing the lute to a cow.

Moreover, there was no way to explain this.

Unless he wanted to offend Doctor Lu to death on the first day he entered the emergency department.

"Just lie down in peace! Doctor Zhou is responsible for you. The cleaner he cleans you up, the faster your wound will heal." Doctor Xu's words were more weighty and authoritative.

When he said that, the patient became obedient.

The wound looked much more comfortable after Zhou Can's meticulous cleaning.

The next suture was the real test.

Dr. Xu and Dr. Lu stared at him, wanting to see if this kid could do it.

Zhou Can calmly took the needle hook and needle holder from the nurse's hand. After clamping them firmly, he held the tweezers in his left hand to assist.

He chose the first needle position and inserted it, passed through it, tightened it, and knotted it.

All his actions were done in one go.

Second needle, third needle…

This outstanding performance stunned everyone.

"The new Doctor Zhou seems to be stitching better than Doctor Lu." The nurse quietly commented in her heart.

Jin Mingxi also secretly admired Zhou Can's suturing skills.

Even though his suturing skills were not inferior to Zhou Can's, Zhou Can had reached this level in just a year of internship. He, on the other hand, had worked for a full 14 years to reach this level.

The learning time was one year to 14 years.

What was even more terrifying was that according to his experience, the chances of interns getting real-life sutures could be counted on one hand.

It could only be said that Zhou Can was too monstrous.

No wonder Chief Physician Liu wanted to take him in as his last disciple.

Yet such a genius was despised by the directors of the surgical, internal medicine, and pediatrics departments because of his low education.

They would definitely regret it in the future.

Nearly 20 minutes later, Zhou Can finally stitched up the wound.

"Doctor Xu, the wound has been stitched up. Please examine it." Zhou Can put down his tools, his heart filled with joy.

His EXP for suturing and ligation had increased by 21 points each.

It felt good to practice in person.

The EXP obtained was ten times that of practicing on the pig skin.

At this rate, his suture and ligation would probably reach Level Four in less than two months.

That would be the standard of an Attending Physician.

Just thinking about it made him excited.

What would it be like for a House Officer doctor to have the medical skills of two sects?

At that time, he would not only be able to suture just the skin, he would be able to anastomose the blood vessels, nerves, and intestines too.