Injecting Medicine

"Nice! The suture is neat, the distance between the sutures are reasonable, the knot is firm, and the incision cortex is tight. This standard ain't bad!" Doctor Xu nodded in satisfaction after checking.

"Has the tetanus shot been administered?"


"Alright, remember to get the patient to get a rabies vaccine at the epidemic prevention station in time. Come over and change the dressing once a day. Push the patient out."

Dr. Xu gave the doctor's orders.

The greatest risk of being bitten by a dog was contracting rabies.

The mortality rate of this disease was 100%.

Vaccination was the only effective protection method.

"Doctor Zhou can sew so well even though he just entered the operating theater. He's quite outstanding!"

Doctor Lu smiled and praised him.

"You flatter me!"

Zhou Can dealt with it carefully.

From Doctor Lu's sloppy attitude when treating the patient, it could be seen that this person's character was average.

The second debridement of the patient just now might have made Doctor Lu hold a grudge.

He had to be wary.

"Don't be so humble! Being praised by Dr. Xu is enough to prove that you're extraordinary. You're so outstanding. You have to share the burden if there are any surgeries in our emergency department in the future!"

Doctor Lu was still praising him with a smile.

However, Zhou Can felt that this fellow was up to no good.

As a newcomer, Zhou Can naturally lowered his stance.

He might as well show himself as a novice.

"No problem, no problem. I'm a junior. It's only right for me to work more."

His answer was impeccable.

Doctor Lu did not say anything else.

The atmosphere between the two sides was quite harmonious.

The operating theater of the Emergency Department was actually quite busy.

As soon as the patient who was bitten by the dog was pushed out, a new patient was pushed into the operating theater.

"This patient accidentally fell and injured himself. There's a four cm long wound on his left forehead. After examination, there's no bleeding in his skull. Doctor Luo Yong took a look and said that he'll just have to suture the wound in the operating theater."

Dr. Xu took the scan and looked at it carefully. He did not find any problems.

"Alright, go ahead!" Doctor Xu said to the nurse and turned to look at the patient. "Can you walk?"


"From the scans taken so far, there's no big problem. It's just a flesh wound. We're preparing to clean the wound and suture you. According to your description, your head hit the edge of the coffee table when you fell, right?"

"Yes. The ground I just mopped was too slippery and I accidentally fell."

"You're considered lucky! Two days ago, we received an old lady who fell and broke her femur. Her femur needed major surgery. You have to be careful when you mop the floor in the future."

Dr. Xu was strict with his doctors, but he was amiable when talking to the patient.

This allowed Zhou Can to see his cute side.

"Doctor Zhou, I'll leave this patient to you!"

Dr. Xu turned his head and threw the patient to him.


Zhou Can could not help but be delighted. Another chance to earn EXP.

It seemed that Dr. Xu's trust in him had increased after the misunderstanding of lying was resolved.

In addition, the surgery ability he had displayed was not bad. This patient with a broken head was directly rewarded to him for training.

He knew that he had to perform every surgery seriously if he wanted to obtain more surgery opportunities from Dr. Xu.

"Come, please lie down first. I'll wash the wound first after I give you a local anesthetic. If there's no problem, I will be able to close the wound directly."

Communicating with the patient before the surgery was a basic requirement for every doctor.

It could allow the patient to have a rough understanding of the entire surgery, increase trust in the doctor, and reduce doctor-patient disputes.

"Doctor Zhou, please don't leave an ugly scar when you suture."

"I'll do my best."

In addition to considering the healing of the wound, he also had to consider the aesthetic aspect of the patient after he recovered.

Whether an ugly scar forms, in addition to being related to scar constitution, was also closely related to the doctor's suture level.

Zhou Can's suture skills were about the same as an Attending Physician's in a county-level hospital.

A small wound on his forehead was definitely enough.

After letting the patient lie on his side, he administered anesthesia first.

In the past, he had tested many local anesthetic injections on small animals. This was the first time he had done this on a human body.

There was less muscle on the forehead, just a thin layer of skin under a hard skull.

It was more difficult to inject anesthetics than other parts.

This was not a problem for Zhou Can.

He stabbed the needle diagonally and injected it.

[Congratulations on obtaining the Medical Injection Skill. Current EXP: Level 1 1/10. Failing Intern-level.]

Zhou Can was somewhat dumbfounded.

An injection was considered a medical skill?

Under normal circumstances, the nurse would definitely be the one who injected the most.

The nurses were basically the ones who injected the patients with all kinds of medicine. The more they practiced, the purer their skills would be.

"Fortunately, it's only an anesthetic injection for the patient. I'm afraid I would be beaten up by his family in minutes if it was an injection for a child, with this lousy injection technique."

He was not up to par, he would only be slightly stronger than ordinary people. He had to advance quickly.

Originally, two injections were enough.

Zhou Can coveted the high EXP when he did the injection into the human body.

He was injected with anesthetic in four parts.

He earned a total of four injection EXP points easily just like that.

He had to quickly think of a way to improve this medical skill.

Injecting medical skills was not only used for injections, but also for many scenes in surgery.

There was no harm in having more skills.

No matter which medical skill it was, being too trashy was not a good thing.

It could easily become a flaw in him.

"How is it? Can you still feel the pain?"

He asked the patient.

"Mmmh, it doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

The patient gave feedback on his true feelings.

It seemed that the anesthetic had taken effect and he could start debriding.

After washing out the blood clots and potential debris in the wound with peroxide, he carefully observed that the wound was still in good condition.

He just had to suture it.

Zhou Can was done suturing in less than 10 minutes.

A total of five stitches.

After checking, there was nothing wrong.

This was Zhou Can's first solo surgery. It was still very meaningful even though it was only a minor surgery.

Presiding and participating in surgery were two completely different concepts.

Presiding over the surgery trained one's comprehensive ability to stand alone.

"Doctor Xu, please take a look." Zhou Can looked up and realized that Dr. Xu was standing beside him, watching.

"Yes, you handled it well."

After disinfecting the patient's wound a second time, he applied gauze and sent him out.

The nurse would handle the rest according to the doctor's instructions.

"I basically have an idea of Zhou Can's surgical ability. Jin Mingxi, give the next patient a try."


Jin Mingxi's heart was already itching when he saw Zhou Can's repeated contributions.

He immediately agreed.

Soon, another patient was sent in.

The patient had a mild femoral hernia.

Jin Mingxi took the initiative to examine the patient.

"The patient's condition is not serious. There's no incarceration. I think repositioning it will be fine without surgery. Dr. Xu, what do you think?"

It could be seen that Jin Mingxi's diagnosis experience was extremely rich and he was very strong.

"Are you confident in completing the positioning?"

Dr. Xu asked.

"I do."

His answer was firm.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and do it!"

Dr. Xu gave him full authority.

Jin Mingxi let the patient lie down and relax. Then, he skillfully reset the patient's position.

Actually, patients could sometimes stuff it back themselves.

The so-called hernia was mostly because the intestines leaked out through the weak point of the hernia sac.

It would form a raised bump on the abdomen or the tops of the thighs.

Some were big and some were small.

Sometimes, it might not even be noticed by the naked eye.

The patient would feel extreme pain.

If the symptoms were light, it could be repositioned with physical technique. There was no need for surgery in that case.

It was just that this illness was prone to relapse.


The patient's painful snorting stopped as soon as Jin Mingxi finished speaking.

This also fully displayed his powerful strength.

"Rest well when you get back. Don't cough hard, lift weights, or exercise vigorously for the time being to prevent a relapse. If you feel unwell, come to the hospital immediately."

After he treated the patient, he professionally reminded the patient of some things to take note of.

This hernia patient was so easily cured that she walked herself out of the operating theater.

"Not bad, not bad. Our emergency department recruited two capable people back this time. It's definitely a blessing."

Dr. Xu revealed a rare smile.

The arrival of two generals in the Emergency Department was enough to greatly alleviate the serious shortage of manpower in the Emergency Department.

"Doctor Jin, I see that you're especially experienced in both your treatment methods and your orders. Which hospital were you in?"

Doctor Xu's way of addressing him had changed.

This was a form of recognition and respect.