It Seemed Harsh, But It Was Actually Caring (2)

At this moment, he could already see the situation inside.

Waves of stench assaulted his face.

The abscess was even worse than he had imagined.

Necrotic tissues adhered together like minced meat.

"Open the wound a little wider."

After Zhou Can quickly stopped the bleeding point and carefully sucked away the pus in the abscess.

It had to be sucked clean, or it would easily cause abdominal contamination.

That would be troublesome.

There was no harm without comparison.

Compared to Doctor Lu's clumsy assistance, not only was Zhou Can's attitude ten times more serious, his hemostasis skills were also far superior to Doctor Lu's.

"Xiao Zhou, come and look for the cecum."


Zhou Can understood that Dr. Xu was focusing on nurturing him.

It was almost like he was teaching him step by step.

He followed the colon belt and pushed aside the fat on both sides, his gaze searching carefully. Soon, he found the cecum. Its color was slightly whiter than the small intestine, but it was not pure white. It was grayish-white.

He found the cecum and the appendix because they were connected.

Zhou Can used a gauze pad to lift the cecum and successfully found the appendix along the colon belt.

"The adhesion seems to be especially serious."

Zhou Can looked at Doctor Xu.

"It won't be difficult to separate them as long as we're careful."

Dr. Xu seemed especially calm.

He carefully separated the adhesive tissues. The entire process was meticulous, precise, and unhurried, vaguely exuding the demeanor of a Master.

During the separation, he constantly taught Zhou Can some techniques and explained the key points.

It took nearly half an hour to completely separate the adhesive tissue.

"Next, we can remove the necrotic cerebellum. Remember, regardless of whether it's the cerebellum or the appendix, try your best to do it outside the abdominal cavity to prevent contamination. If the conditions don't allow it, we can only remove it in the abdominal cavity. We have to place gauze around it and protect all the tissues in the abdominal cavity."

The lesion sites had been separated, and he could just propose abdominal resection.

Dr. Xu personally sutured the severed end of the colon.

He told Zhou Can and Jin Mingxi the key points, things to take note of, and all kinds of stitching techniques without reservation. As for Doctor Lu, he had probably already taught him.

"Collect the intestines and clean up the blood and fluid. After checking that there are no mistakes, you must check the number of surgical instruments and consumables."

There were often irresponsible doctors who forgot about surgical instruments or gauze in the patient's body.

It eventually resulted in medical malpractice.

These good habits needed to be developed from the beginning.

"Little Zhou, come and close the abdomen!"

Dr. Xu was right not to agree to let him open the abdomen and remove the cecum.

This was because Zhou Can was lacking in both experience and surgical skills.

After this learning session, he would at least have a much higher chance of success if Zhou Can were to cut open the cerebellum or appendix again.

Every doctor's growth was accumulated over time.

The EXP system could accelerate his growth, but it could not help him achieve it overnight.

Doctor Xu would also delegate power to him bit by bit and slowly nurture him.

It looked harsh, but it was actually a form of love.

If a child just learned to walk and you let him run, it would be equivalent to harming him. This was because the child would fall very badly if he could not run far.

Zhou Can earned another 20 EXP after suturing the patient's abdominal cavity.

He gave the patient a total of ten stitches.

His suturing skills were becoming more and more proficient.

Suturing a patient's body and suturing a pig's skin or a white rat were two completely different concepts.

Firstly, it felt different.

The human skin was more delicate and delicate when stitched up.

In addition, there was no psychological pressure when practicing with the pig skin. When suturing the patient, he would naturally feel nervous and under a lot of psychological pressure. His mental strength was also highly focused the entire time.

To be precise, this was the fourth time he had stitched up the patient.

Compared to the first time, there was obvious improvement in all aspects.

Even though he was not as calm as Doctor Xu, at least he was not as nervous as the first time. His heart was relatively calm when he closed the abdominal cavity for the patient just now.

This improvement in mental state was definitely not something the EXP system could give him.

It could only be improved through surgery.

"It's not bad. In the future, you can do the suturing of the epidermis and closing the abdominal cavity. I reckon Doctor Lu and Doctor Jin have long looked down on this kind of work, right?"

Even a fool could tell that Dr. Xu was deliberately nurturing Zhou Can.

"It's good to let Zhou Can train more," Jin Mingxi expressed.

"I really don't care about suturing the skin or perforation. Doctor Xu, when will you let me preside over a Level Two surgery!" Doctor Lu said with a smile.

"When you change your habit of being sloppy, come and make this request to me!" Doctor Xu said mercilessly.

Doctor Lu smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

The old lady's surgery was very successful. After waking up from the anesthesia, she was pushed out of the operating theater by the nurse.

In the emergency operating theater, an endless stream of patients was sent in.

To Zhou Can, it was simply a paradise for upgrading his medical skills.

Unfortunately, there were many surgeries that he could not do.

Either Doctor Xu would preside over the surgery or he could only persuade the patient to transfer to a specialist surgery.

Zhou Can only got off work at midnight when the doctor who was handing over his shift arrived.

When he walked out of the hospital, Zhou Can felt like his body was about to fall apart.

Being a doctor was really tiring.

However, the gains today were unimaginable.

Not only did he achieve his goal of staying in the hospital as a House Officer, but he also quickly integrated into the Emergency Department. He had already obtained the initial approval of Director Lou and Dr. Xu.

From now on, as long as he did not court death, his future would definitely be bright.

Doctor Xu had clearly begun to focus on nurturing him.

Even Jin Mingxi did not receive such treatment.

In addition, he earned a lot of EXP from suturing, Hemostasis, ligation, and injection. He earned the least EXP from incision, only earning two points.

Dr. Xu was worried that something would happen during the slightly risky dissection. He basically did it himself, not daring to let Zhou Can do it.

At most, he would explain the key points and precautions to Zhou Can in detail when cutting.

In the end, it took a long time to nurture a medical talent.

It was definitely not going to happen in a day or two.

Zhou Can also made learning adjustments based on the current situation.

In the future, when he returned to the dormitory after work, he could buy more white rats and rabbits to practice dissection at home. Practicing dissection on small animals would earn him five times less EXP than practicing on the human body, but there was no risk.

Moreover, he could practice at home every day if he wanted to. Even if he only increased his EXP by 20 to 30 points a day, his incision medicine could still be upgraded to the level of Attending Physician after practicing for two to three months.

He didn't have time to look at his phone for the day. He took it out to check.

There were quite a lot of unread messages.

The students of Class 512 were already in an uproar.

Almost all the students and teachers sent congratulatory messages in the group to congratulate Yang Chan and him on successfully obtaining the qualifications to be House Officers.

Yang Chan had already replied in the group.

It was nothing more than thanking the teacher for his nurturing and thanking the students for their blessings.

Zhou Can did not reply to the group for a long time. Some students could not take it anymore and began to chip in.

Why would he care about the teachers and classmates now that he had soared?

What was even worse was that some people said that he was now the top scholar of Tu Ya Hospital's House Officer examination. He did not even care about the teacher and had probably forgotten his teacher's kindness.

Zhou Can flipped through the comments in the class group and was rendered speechless.