Ten Of Million Dollars In Net Worth

Some people were like this. They could not bear to see that you were better than them.

They were naturally indignant when they saw Zhou Can suddenly become so outstanding while they did not even qualify for Tu Ya's Internship.

Zhou Can chose to ignore these people.

Since the teachers had already congratulated him alone, he had to express his gratitude!

"I'm sorry, I just underwent surgery and finally have time to touch my phone. Thank you for your careful guidance, my dear teachers, for allowing me to achieve today's results. Thank you, students, for your congratulations and encouragement. I will definitely not forget my original intention and work hard to improve my medical skills. I will bring glory to Class 512 together with Yang Chan."

He ignored the group chat after sending this message.

There were still many private messages waiting for his reply.

The people who sent him private messages were either his family or his close classmates and friends.

"Ah Can, Impressive. You actually got first place in Tu Ya's House Officer exam! Remember to treat us when you go back to your hometown!"

It was a message from his childhood friend, Cheng Dazhuang.

The two of them were classmates until high school. Both of them liked medicine. Unfortunately, Cheng Dazhuang's college entrance examination score threshold was a little low. In the end, he only attended a Normal Medical University. Zhou Can was considered very lucky to have stepped on the line and entered Tu Ya Medical University.

At the very least, he could be considered a key undergraduate in the category 985.

After graduation, his fate and Cheng Dazhuang's were completely different.

He had successfully obtained the Internship at Tu Ya Hospital and was now hired as Tu Ya's House Officer. His future was very bright.

However, Cheng Dazhuang sneaked into the local county hospital because he was only studying for a normal undergraduate degree. He heard that he had to look for connections everywhere.

He had probably completed a year of internship and continued to further his studies as a House Officer in the hospital.

They were both House Officers, but their statuses were already worlds apart.

Cheng Dazhuang was equivalent to a disciple of a third-rate sect, but Zhou Can was equivalent to a disciple of a famous sect.

The gap between the two of them would continue to widen as time passed.

Cheng Dazhuang had worked hard to become an Attending Physician in 10 years. His medical status and standard might not even be comparable to a junior resident of Tu Ya Hospital.

This was also why countless people were fighting to get into a good school.

Zhou Can couldn't help but smile when he thought of his childhood friend.

In a person's life, kinship, love, and friendship could not be lacking.

These were the best things.

"Hehe, you're surprised, right? I was lucky enough to get in. Speaking of a treat, it's your treat even if I go back to our hometown!"

After replying to his childhood friend's message, he received private messages from some classmates and friends who were close to him.

These people were really well-informed.

After quickly replying, he opened the most important message.

It was from his mother.

"Brat, did your work go smoothly? You haven't been asking us for money. I just transferred 50,000 yuan to you just now. Eat better."

Zhou Can's heart warmed.

His mother was really good to him.

His parents opened a food processing factory in his hometown. They specialized in deep processing agricultural products. Due to their honest management, hardworking and willing to do business, their business was quite prosperous. He did not know their exact annual income.

Zhou Can only knew that his parents had given him everything he needed since he was young.

However, it was different from the way those overly doting children were educated.

They had led Zhou Can to establish the correct concept of money since he was young. Zhou Can had never done anything retarded like fooling around, taking drugs, gambling, driving luxury cars to blow up the streets to show off his wealth.

Other than treating friends to meals occasionally, he basically used the rest of the pocket money given by his parents to invest and learn.

When he was 10 years old, his parents gave him 500,000 yuan as a birthday gift and told him to spend whatever he wanted.

In the end, Zhou Can used it to buy shares in Tencent. He used his mother's identity information to buy them as he was underage. Back then, the purchase price was about 94 yuan per share, so he bought a total of 5,300 shares.

At his 20th birthday party, his parents generously gave him a million yuan as a birthday gift.

It was still the same drill. He could spend it on whatever he wanted.

Actually, his parents were smart. They only dared to be so willful because they knew their child well.

In addition, his mother saw that he was an adult and suggested transferring the shares she bought on behalf of him when he was 10 years old to him.

Zhou Can was already a university student. His knowledge and outlook had improved greatly.

He felt that Tencent's share price had already risen to a high point. It was better to liquidate it and switch to real estate.

Hence, he asked his mother to sell the 5,300 shares of Tencent stock at 586 yuan per share. He made a total of more than 3.1 million yuan.

It had more than doubled in ten years. This was a very successful investment.

Especially when he was only ten years old back then.

Many children's concept of money at this age was basically still at the level of entering a small shop to buy snacks.

It had to be said that if the children of the rich could be guided correctly, their knowledge, understanding, and structure would far exceed that of the children of the poor.

Zhou Can was equivalent to running on the shoulder of a giant.

Later, he took the three million yuan from the stock liquidation and the one million yuan from his parents' 20th birthday gift. After careful consideration, he bought four lakeview houses in the provincial capital.

At that time, because this lakeview building was relatively remote, all kinds of supporting infrastructure had yet to be built.

Therefore, the sales of the buildings were stagnant.

He bought four large suites with an area of 121 to 142 square meters for 6,500 yuan per square meter.

Not through loan, but full payments.

He was only 20 years old that year.

The houses were handed over in February this year. After Zhou Can received the keys, he renovated them simply.

Three sets had already been rented out.

There was another set that he was prepared to keep for himself.

The rent was not much. A house's monthly rent was about 2,000 yuan.

However, that meant more than 6,000 yuan in total, which was equivalent to a month's salary for normal workers.

The key was that the price of the four houses had increased from the initial 6,500 yuan per square meter to about 17,000 yuan per square meter.

This was a real appreciation.

He was not short of money now, nor was he prepared to sell it.

This was a provincial capital city after all. In addition, the infrastructure around the house was gradually being perfected. Line Six of the subway led directly to his doorstep. In addition, the originally smelly Bajing Lake had changed drastically after management and construction.

Zhou Can believed that the housing prices here would increase. With the current housing prices, the value of his four houses was about nine million yuan. If it increased again, it would definitely exceed ten million yuan.

In addition to these investments, he also invested a large amount of his pocket money in himself.

Entering a martial arts school, entering a specialty class, and after entering university, buying medical equipment, books, props, and so on. These invisible soft investments were the most valuable.

It could allow him to not be at a disadvantage in the intense competition.

"Thank you, Mom, Dad!"

Zhou Can knew that his father definitely knew about the large sum of cash his mother had given him for his 10th and 20th birthday.

However, his father was usually strict and the father and son rarely spoke.

When they met, Zhou Can would call out "Dad" and his father would tersely acknowledge it.

Especially after Zhou Can entered high school, the relationship between father and son became even stranger.

"Brat, you're getting off work so late?"

His mother was still awake.

"That's how it is as a doctor. You can't just ignore a patient coming to seek treatment, right?" Zhou Can chatted with his mother, feeling especially relaxed.

"Your father and I only have one child. You have to take care of your health, do you hear me?" His mother had said the harshest thing to him.

This was also why he could be especially relaxed when talking to his mother.

"I know! You're still awake so late?"

"The factory accepted a huge foreign trade order and we made an appointment to go to their company to discuss it tomorrow. It's a two o'clock flight tonight. It's fine for me to just sit here. I'm just swiping on my phone!"

It was actually quite hard for his parents to earn money.

For example, they could only catch a plane overnight in order to obtain that foreign trade deal.

However, his parents' did not even blink when they gave this hard-earned money to their son.

This was the love of Chinese parents for their children.

"Wow, our factory's products are actually sold overseas. It feels so grand!"

Zhou Can even made a huge "good" gesture with his hands.

"Haha, there's still a lot you don't know! You would definitely have done better if you were in charge of the factory if you hadn't insisted on studying medicine. How is it? Do you have a girlfriend? Your father has nagged at you many times. It's fine if you don't want to take over the family business. At least give him a few grandchildren. There will always be someone who will take over the family business in the future."

As his mother spoke, she began to urge him to get married.

This was Zhou Can's greatest headache.

He was only 24 years old. What was the hurry?

It was not difficult for him to marry a beautiful wife with his qualifications, but he had to live his life with her after all. He could not just look at his appearance, right?

However, it would naturally be fine if he met someone he liked.

"Mom, let's not talk about it anymore. My phone ran out of battery!"

Zhou Can hurriedly ended the conversation.

"Rascal, you're playing dumb everytime there is mention of a girlfriend. Don't keep picking and choosing. Hurry up and bring one home!"

Zhou Can pretended not to hear his mother's nagging.

He realized that there was a message from the hospital after exiting WeChat.

It was sent to his phone at four in the afternoon.

"Hello, according to the employee benefits of the hospital, you are now a House Officer and can receive a promotion in accommodation. If you are interested, please apply for a two-person apartment card in the Logistics Support Department within a week. If you have any doubts, you can contact 139… Chen Qin."

In the past, he was an intern and could only live in a group dormitory with eight people.

Now that he had been promoted to a House Officer, his status had increased, and he was equivalent to half a regular employee of the hospital. The treatment he received had also increased greatly.

He could move into a two-person apartment.

Zhou Can had gone to take a look once. It was upstairs.

It had a separate bathroom and an air conditioner. The interior decoration was much better than the group dormitory. Usually, two House Officers would live in the same room.

Since most doctors needed to take shifts, if one of them worked the night shift and the other worked the morning shift, they would not even be able to meet.

Relatively speaking, a two-person apartment was much better than a group dormitory's personal privacy protection, noise interference, and so on.

Zhou Can decided to apply for a room card when he went to the hospital to work tomorrow.

When he pushed open the dormitory door, it was quiet inside.

His roommates were probably already asleep.

Instead of turning on the lights, he used his phone as a flashlight and touched his bed.

Suddenly, the lights in the dormitory were turned on.

"Welcome back, Hero 211! Welcome, welcome! Haha…"

His roommates were not asleep but waiting to celebrate with him.

They smiled and surrounded Zhou Can.

"Thank you, thank you, brothers!"

Zhou Can was really touched by them.

"We've already bought supper and are waiting for you. Let's eat!"

The two square tables were placed together with more than ten disposable food boxes on them.

After opening it, an alluring fragrance filled the entire dormitory.

There were braised chicken feet, crayfish, roasted lamb skewers, cabbage, vegetables, and so on.

The dishes were still hot. These roommates had really put in a lot of effort.

There were three cartons of beer on the ground.

It seemed like this celebratory feast would also be a farewell meal.

"It's fate that we're all gathered together. We've lived together for a year. Even though we might not even see each other a few times a month because of the day shift and night shift, the friendship between us as roommates is real. Come, let me toast everyone first. Thank you for allowing us to meet, get to know each other, and build a deep friendship."

Gu Jie was indeed worthy of having a father who was a leader. Like father, like son. His speech-giving level was quite high.

He had also been acting as the big brother of Dorm 211.

Everyone took a bottle of beer each without using glasses.

He clinked the bottle against the glass.

Gu Jie looked at Zhou Can.

His gaze was filled with blessings and envy.

"You sure hid it well! Everyone thought you were mediocre, but you got first place in the House Officer exam. It won't make sense if you don't punish yourself with one glass of alcohol first today!"