This Misunderstanding Is Big



The other roommates chimed in.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll toast first!" Zhou Can was happy today, so he naturally had to enjoy himself to the fullest. He raised the bottle and raised his head to drink.


"How manly!"

"As expected of the top scorer. How domineering!"

When his roommates saw him finish a bottle of beer in one go, they could not help but cheer and clap.

"Let's eat!"

Everyone began to destroy the delicacies on the table.

As they ate and drank, everyone began to talk about their future plans. Some were prepared to go back to their hometown's city-level hospital to apply for a job, and some were prepared to make plans after getting a doctor's license.

Gu Jie was very indignant that he had failed this time.

He planned to use his father's relationship to enter a better hospital to train first before taking Tu Ya's House Officer recruitment examination next year.

Zhou Can was the luckiest among them.

It was just like the imperial examinations in ancient times. Once one became a High Scholar, their fate would change greatly.

His roommates were worried about their future, but he could spend all his energy on improving his medical skills.

That night, Zhou Can fell into bed drunk. His roommates were also very drunk, some of them even lost their composure. They cried like children because they failed to become House Officers.

Everyone thought that they were geniuses from the moment they became sensible.

They only realized that they were only the ones at the bottom of the pile when cruel reality descended. They had been working hard and fighting for more than 20 years of their lives, but they were still ruthlessly eliminated in the end.

Yet they could not confide in anyone.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, they threw away all their disguises and released the sorrow and sadness brought about by frustration. Crying should not be defined as cowardice and humiliation.

Instead, it was the best way for humans to express their afflictions.

When we were babies, we would cry when we were hungry, cry when we were in pain, and cry when we were unhappy. Later, as we grew older, everyone told us that we had to learn to be strong. It was embarrassing to cry.

Hence, many adults no longer cried.

Zhou Can was in a daze when he heard his phone ring. He casually rejected it.

He would continue to reject it whenever it rang.

The person seemed to be addicted to harassment. Not long after, his phone rang again.

"What kind of lunatic disturbs people in the middle of the night?"

Drunk, he cursed incoherently and simply turned off his phone to seek peace.

The next morning, Zhou Can felt his head swell and ache when he woke up.

He sat up and rubbed the temples on both sides of his forehead and the Fengchi acupoint on the back of his neck. The pain symptoms were greatly relieved after a massage.

Other than treating other people's illnesses, he could also quickly settle his own headaches and fevers in his life.

He habitually picked up his phone to check the time, only to find that it was switched off.

He had drunk too much and had some memory loss.

After trying hard to recall, he vaguely remembered that someone called him in his sleep and he hung up.

"It was so late. Who would call me?"

Could it be that the emergency department asked me to work overtime?

Thinking of this, he became nervous.

Doctors were a special profession. When a patient needed to be resuscitated, they had to rush back to the department to participate in the resuscitation even in the middle of the night.

This was because saving people was like putting out a fire. Sometimes, even a few seconds of delay could lead to the death of a living life.

After turning on his phone, he swiped open the screen and checked his missed calls.

"Yang Chan!"

He did not expect it to be a call from Yang Chan.

Even though the two of them had exchanged phone numbers for more than a year, they had never contacted each other.

There were only two possibilities why she suddenly made so many calls at two in the morning given her pride. Either she accidentally pressed her phone and dialed the wrong number, or she encountered an extremely urgent matter.

"Oh no, did she encounter a criminal and was asking me for help?"

Zhou Can's heart sank. It had been hours since she made the call. If she really encountered a criminal… He didn't dare imagine the consequences.

Drinking ruins things!

He quickly tried to call back.

No one picked up the first time.

This made him even more nervous.

Fortunately, the call finally connected on the second try.


There was a hint of laziness in her unclear voice.

Why did it feel like she was not awake yet?

He felt slightly relieved knowing that she was still alive.

Hopefully, nothing bad happened.

"Class monitor, why did you call me last night?"

"Zhou Can!"

The class monitor's voice suddenly rose, as if filled with anger.

"Did you deliberately not answer my calls?"

"How could that be! I didn't get off work until midnight last night. When I returned to the dormitory, my roommates celebrated with me. In the end, I became intoxicated and hung up on you in a daze. You… aren't in any danger, right?"

After Zhou Can explained, he probed.

"You're the one in danger!" She retorted angrily at Zhou Can. "It's all your fault. The sentence you posted in the class group caused a huge misunderstanding, making the classmates and teachers think that something happened between us… Tell me, did you do it on purpose?"

"I didn't say anything in the group chat, did I? I just wanted to thank the teachers and classmates. What misunderstanding did I cause?"

Zhou Can was dumbfounded.

"Go take a look yourself! You b*stard, you made me lose sleep all night. Hurry up and explain to everyone in the group, do you hear me?" She was still so domineering.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll go see what those b*stards said to make our class monitor so angry. Don't worry, I'll definitely think of a way to clarify this matter."

After Zhou Can hung up the phone, he entered the WeChat group chat.

Immediately, his head hurt.

Wasn't it just a sentence: "Bring glory to Class 512 with Yang Chan?"

Why were these gossipers so good at causing trouble?

Zhou Can and Yang Chan were definitely together.

Zhou Can was able to perform extremely well this time and become the top scholar in Tu Ya's House Officer examination because of the power of love.

They even said that his medical skills could improve so quickly because of Yang Chan's guidance.

All of them said it with a vivid description.

Human words were terrifying, and three people made a crowd of gossipers.

It was a very normal sentence, but these people overinterpreted it and kept spreading rumors. In the end, it turned into a farce.

Zhou Can didn't mind. They could say whatever he wanted.

However, Yang Chan was thin-skinned and did not sleep the entire night because of this matter.

She had been the class monitor for five years and had always maintained a good image in the hearts of her classmates.

This also made her care more about her reputation.

If Zhou Can did not clarify this matter for her, she would definitely suffer immense psychological pressure. Even her work would probably be severely affected.

The best way to deal with rumors was not to respond.

Otherwise, the people who spread the rumors would only be more enthusiastic.

It was definitely impossible to remain silent in the current situation. These bastards would think that Zhou Can had tacitly agreed to this matter. It would be even more troublesome when the time came.

What could he do to shut these people up?

Zhou Can calmly thought of a solution.

After thinking about it, there was only one way to quickly eliminate the rumors of his relationship with Yang Chan.

There was a saying in medicine called fighting poison with poison.

He could eliminate a rumor with a rumor.

After making up his mind, he began to organize his words.

"Thank you fellow classmates for being concerned about my marriage. I'm from a well-to-do family which cares about matching family backgrounds. My family has already chosen a good partner for me. In order to avoid causing a misunderstanding, please don't matchmake me again, lest it affect my marriage. It will even damage the class monitor's reputation. Please be magnanimous on account of our five years of schoolmate friendship. The rumors should end here."

After Zhou Can sent this message, he casually sent a 1,000 yuan red packet to the group.

First, he broke the rumors with rumors, then scattered money to show his kindness.

The students who had received red packets began to speak up for him.

"Wow, I actually snatched a big red packet worth 88 yuan. Thank you, Brother Can. Don't randomly match Brother Can with anyone in the future. He already has a partner."

"I knew it. If Zhou Can was really in love with the class monitor, how could there be no news of it? Everyone, don't read too much into it. How embarrassing would it be to cause such a huge misunderstanding!"

"Sorry, it's all my fault for saying something irresponsible in a moment of fun. I'm sorry! @Zhou Can, @Yang Chan."

The first person to spread the rumors immediately stood up and apologized after receiving the red packet.

This farce was finally appeased by Zhou Can.

"It's fine, it's fine. Just make it clear!"

Yang Chan had probably been watching. She quickly replied to the classmates who apologized in the group.

Zhou Can heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the matter had been resolved.

He quickly got out of bed, washed up, and helped his roommates clean the dormitory. Then, he said goodbye reluctantly.

After rushing to the hospital, he first went to the canteen to eat breakfast.

Tu Ya Hospital had a special staff canteen. It was cheap, good quality, and had a rich variety. One could spend very little money to eat many delicious foods.

This was not bad.

Of course, only hospital employees could enjoy this treatment. Patients and social workers could only eat in the outsourced canteen below.

The price and dishes were far inferior.

As he was eating, he looked up and saw Yang Chan, who had also come to eat breakfast.

There were also two female doctors traveling with her.

"Good morning, Class Monitor!"

Zhou Can smiled and greeted her.


Her face was expressionless, and her tone was very cold.

What's wrong with this woman?

Zhou Can was puzzled. Hadn't he already appeased the rumors in the group? There was no reason for him to be angry.

They had been classmates for five years. In Zhou Can's impression, she was a magnanimous girl.

Other than not dating, there was almost nothing wrong with her.

"Are you still angry about last night?"

Zhou Can asked casually.

The speaker had no intention, but the listener was interested.

The expressions of the two female doctors immediately became ambiguous.

A young man and woman who could be together at night must have an extraordinary relationship.

And only couples would quarrel and be angry.

They secretly sized up Zhou Can.

He was handsome and had an extraordinary aura. His confidence made him even more charming.

"Doctor Yang, who is this? Could it be your bae?"

"Hehe, let's go buy breakfast first! Take your time chatting!"

The two female doctors covered their mouths and stole a glance at the two of them, then left Yang Chan where she was.

"Damn you, Zhou Can. Can't you watch your words!" Yang Chan stomped her feet in anger.

Even her ears turned red from her shyness.

"Did… Did I say something wrong again?" Zhou Can looked innocent.

Thinking about it carefully, what he had just said would make people fantasize.

"Wait for me, the two of you. He's just an ordinary classmate of mine who wants to marry a rich young lady of equal social status. I'm not his type!"

She glared at him fiercely and chased after her two female colleagues.

Zhou Can was a little confused.

A woman's heart was like a needle at the bottom of the sea.

Why did she sound like she was brooding over the match he mentioned in the group chat?

There was no need to care so much even if her family background was indeed average!

If he couldn't figure it out, he wouldn't continue thinking about it.

He rushed to the emergency department to work.

He had earned a lot of medical EXP yesterday. Today was a brand new day.

His gains should not be less than what he obtained yesterday.