Hey Mom!

White!!!!! ... my mother called out in so much fury. UGHH!... I was so tired and sleepy. "what is it again" I said of course in my head. This lady disturbs A LOT…I stood up grudgingly and walked over to her room. I had just woken up from a very deep sleep when I was called, so of course I didn't have energy to start running errands for mom. I began grumbling when I heard my mom scream out my name again. With that voice, anything could go wrong, so I ran over to her replying "Yes mom", In a lazy-grumbly tone. When I got to her room, she asked me where I was. Obviously I was TOO tired to answer that. "Anyways" she said, I called you here for a reason. Please, help me by picking this handkerchief and hand it over...…

Wait, wait wait…so like uhm… this lady is totally crazy. I didn't even know the words that should come out of my mouth. I just tried my best to comport myself and did as she asked. As I gradually picked it up, many things ran through my mind…. Could this lady be alright? I was busy enjoying my nap and she wakes me up just to pick up a handkerchief…. "Give me already', she said, interrupting my thoughts. I gave it to her without questioning and was about to leave until… "mmmph" I sniffed. The air was quite nice. It smelled of finely processed lavender oil with a touch of rose water and vanilla extract. "oh my gosh mom, what's that wonderful smell I perceive" I asked. " oh, that? It's my new room perfume. I just bought it at the new super market down the street, and guess what? Its strayyy expensive. "wow, mom. You got a lot of money. Why not buy me a new phone? Uh uh" I said while pouting. "White! Don't start. Please. This perfume is more important than you are. Get it, now get out. This is the main reason I hated my mom. Saying that material things are way better than me. I bet if she was asked to pick either of the two, a newest fashion nude lipstick or me, she would gladly scream "LIPSTICK!". She just loved looking good for social media and nothing else. Mom was always on her phone; she was a social media freak…probably that's why she's so lazy to even lean to pick up a handkerchief.

PHONES, PHONES, PHONES! I'm pretty obsessed. I really want a phone at this point of my life. Whenever I see someone or people with phones, I just become automatically upset. Anger and sorrow always boil within me at the same time. I would always remember what my mom did with my phone and what my parents would always say when I told them to get me a new one. Once upon a time I used to have a phone and I was practically a social media person just like my mom. I used to take a lot of pictures and post them on my story and status. I had a lot of fun with my phone and it became my bestie. I named it Annabelle. I thought it was cute calling my phone by name. I'll be like, "hey Annabelle, how are you doing today. You'll totally not believe what happened today. Jeff broke the toilet sink and was caught on the CCTV. The principal showed us the footage today." Whenever I remembered those times with my phone, I just smile and say to myself, "How cheeky!".

I watched a lot of movies and videos, having internet at my dispose for online research and assignments. I called random numbers and pretend to be an adult on the phone telling them that I knew their future even though I gat no clue whom they were.

I also liked listening to music, but I loved chatting with friends and other people I don't know. But look at me today. A TOTALLY STUPID, DORKY, NOT TRENDING, ANTI-SOCIAL WRETCHED WITCH. I always feel pity for myself at times because I was no longer among those who will sit together early in the morning at school, discussing about famous celebrities, fashion, lifestyle and our celebrity boy-band crushes. I would just sit at my table and watch from a distance at the "Totally Social Babes", laughing and screaming at the top of their lungs.

What I missed the most about my phone was the chatting part and that was also the beginning of my misery. Mom would always see me chatting all the time, even into the night and smiling into my phone. I don't know what came over her, but one day she just walked into my room, FORCEFULLY snatched the phone from my hand and threw it on the floor. I was SOOOOO upset that day that I felt like going to kill her with a swipe on the neck with my hands. I was lucky that it still came on, but mom felt it was an opportunity to see what's on my phone. She inspected everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. Even down to the previous wallpapers that I used. She checked my histories on my browsers and all my social media. That was when she realized that I had blocked her from all my social media accounts. She started unblocking all of them, but I was way too smart. I simply opened new ones that I didn't even use and allowed mom to see those ones. When she opened my chats to read them, I started to grumble for her to just give me back my phone. I was so stupid because mom then realized that something was suspicious. She started doubting my actions when she saw that I had more of boys and boy's chats on my friend list. She made it a routine then to check my chat whenever I plugged my phone to charge. It was so upsetting because now, she told me to remove my password. As if that wasn't enough, she took the most self-traumatizing step which I was always afraid of hearing.

She asked me to redraw from the social media… she damn asked me to REDRAW from the social media and I was like "WHAT?" …. I know I couldn't, so I started making everything about me and my phone so secretive with locks and freezers. I lasted long, but I wasn't able to fool her enough about it. "Nothing is ever hidden under the sun White." She said when she finally found out. When she found out about it, that was the time my social life became over. She gave me so many lectures about those online threats. She used to talk about me giving off my nudes to strangers and having boyfriends all over the place. This was another thing I hated about my mom. I don't know why, but parents all over the world always assume that their teenage daughters don't have sense and can be easily manipulated by strangers. They always imagine that we would foolishly give our nudes to strangers out of what they call 'Cyber bullying'. I mean, what the hell is that. If any stupid guy bullies you for nudes, FUCKING BLOCK HIM. But no, mom doesn't understand that. She doesn't trust me... how could she think that I would do such a thing. I knew one or two things about boys and their fake attitude towards girls just to get what they want and then walk away. So at my age I wouldn't be falling for those kind of talks and sweet words from boys. No, no, no my mother does not think of me as that smart. She always thinks I would stray otherwise and ruin her reputation. She was finally caught in my trap when the time for midterm breaks had come and I needed my phone for my online assignments. I didn't realize that I was only fooling myself until my mother came up with a less befitting idea. It was not favorable at all for me. She collected my internet service provider, downloaded my assignments on her phone and sent it to my phone and gave it to me to do. It was so fucking annoying because I missed my former life.

My friends will always ask me what was wrong with my phone line and I would come up with a silly lie promising to get back in touch with them. Since she came up with that idea, that was what she would always do. One day, I took the phone, placed it on the center table and smashed it into pieces with my angry feet and left it there for mommy to see. It didn't come up anymore and that was when I realized myself. I never knew I was only frustrating my life more, because I never had a phone to even show-off.

I begged my mom to go and fix it and instead of giving it to a phone engineer to fix it, she sold it off and used the money to buy plenty chocolates and mince pies. I was over angered when I realized what happened to my phone. Since then I've been on my mother's neck to buy me a new phone, but each time, she would say something to make me cry and tell me to go and ask my dad for a new phone and stop disturbing her, that was when I knew it was the end. My father is a no go area when it came to demands that do not involve school levies. He would insult you black and blue that you won't be able to sleep for a week. My father had a very wicked tongue and he would always lash out at you at any slight mistake you made or anything you're meant to do and you've not done.

My elder brother Elias was my one and only savior when it came to social media. Although he's in college now, the little time I spend with him gives me freedom to use his phone. He's sort of the definition of cool. He knows what I pass through, he knows the kind of things I can do and the things I can't. He trusts me with all of his heart and body. He lets me do whatever I want, but always has a sensible boundary. He's the only one I get advice from that I know I can really heed to. In summary he's just so awesome. To be frank he also a girl fan, but there's a limit to which he can go. Welllll... moving deeper, those are his good sides as an elder brother. Moving onto his bad attitudes would just make me blow off. He behaves like a completely different person when he's outside than when he's in the house. Outside, he's cool, calm, quiet, friendly, kind and more positive than you'd ever imagine, but inside the house…. He's a rascal, trouble maker, stingy, sassy and he loves to eat. One day after my mom had served dinner, he took a portion of my meat, my younger brother's meat and his own share consisting of chicken, beef and bacon. When I start complaining about him to mom he'll just clear his throat ready for lies and turn the whole story upside down and make it all about me. Even I also get confused at times, I'll start thinking I was even the one who was wrong because the way he tells his lies is just so amazing. He acts so confident about what he says that I start feeling wrong, but when mom leaves, he starts making cheeky faces at me showing that he really lied.

All this, my younger brother took after but his is worse. He finds the worse places and embarrasses you, he watches a lot of cartoons, so he's now practically acting like a cartoon character. He also does the silliest things most especially so he can laugh at me. Just imagine, I found one of my sport bras in his bag one day, and when I asked him, he said his teacher said they were going swimming so he decided to take 'em, and all of a sudden, he started laughing. It wasn't funny at all to me because now, the whole world has seen my prettiest sport bras. Only God knows whether he really wore it to swim that day. That day still gives me the chills. The other day, we were going home, we heard some music playing at some bar around the school. All of a sudden this boy Elvis dropped his bag and started dancing … like he was seriously shaking his butts to the music and when the owner of our school walked out of the school I was trying to tell Elvis that Mr. Mensah was coming, but he thought I was joking. I simply left him there and walked away…