I was still gradually walking to my room to complete my sleep, when I heard that music… "thug life". That was Elias' favorite music. It just reminded me of him once again and I simply purred, "AWWW, I miss you Elias. I just kept walking toward my room, but the music became louder and then louder. Suddenly I heard someone say, "you say you miss me, I'm right here" I recognized that voice. That cheerfully miraculous voice. I just lifted my tired and bored head up to see... "Ahhh!", I screamed out loud. Elias you're here. I immediately ran towards him and threw myself at him. "I really missed you." "Yeah I guess that's clear..." he replied. WOWW. Elias was back. Elias was truly back…back home. I didn't even wait for him to hug him back and asked him, "what'd you bring for me biggie." Reluctantly, he replied, "uhm, nothing much. Just a box of chocolates." A BOX OF CHOCOLATES, all for me? It's for you and Elvis…I interrupted, "no Elias, this is not fair. I'm the senior here, can't I have it all? Please, please, please. "I would have let you have it all, but the devil is at the door. I turned around to see, and it was thee Elvis. He was watching with his arms folded. "Well, well, well, what was about to happen here. Eating chocolate without me? I want my share NOW!", He said. That loud and disrespectful tone was what made me furious, and I spoke, "And who do you think you are. What if he decides to give me all of it, what are you gonna do? My tones got higher and higher and my words got harsher and harsher. Suddenly, "MOMMY", Elvis screamed. That chicken ran away crying for his mommy and all I could do was laugh while Elias shook his head. Then, I heard that lazy voice call unto my name again. That's the second time today. I just stayed calm and went to meet her. I walked around looking for where my mother was and I saw Elvis sitting down beside her, holding her arms and sobbing even though I know it's fake. "Where is my baby's share of chocolate?" "Mommy am I not your baby too" I replied trying to make Elvis angry. "Are you a baby like me "replied the five-year-old Elvis trying to make a point. "Elias bought these chocolates for you and Elvis and now you want to colonize it because he's little and defenseless…another thing I didn't like about my mother… always supporting the cunning Elvis without even blinking. She always believes all what he says, speak of me. "Answer oo… in fact bring it here let me share it. She began sharing the chocolate into two cheating halves, but I got the biggest part… Lucky me!!!
You know some times I sit down and think about why I was named White...Probably it's because I was an albino, but my mum was from Amsterdam in North America and my father is a pure indigenous IGBO man from Imo state in Nigeria. My mom used to say that I was given birth to as a white baby and that was why she named me White…such a name. That was just one of the funky names my mother gave to us. My full name was Obi Eleanor Ifechi, then my mother added White and since then, everyone calls me white. My brother Elias was given the name Fancy. His full name was Obi Elias Uchenna Fancy…. How hilarious. And my younger brother's full name was Obi Elvis Munachi Glow. I don't know what went wrong with our mom when we were being named, but it needs to be fixed fast.
I went back to Elias to use his phone with him. He was watching tick tock videos and I stayed there peeping over his shoulder watching with him. Looking at all the fun trends and videos I've been missing all the while, I started sobbing painfully. My brother noticed this and tried to console me. "Why should my life be such a mess… why does my mother hate me so much … why do I feel this lonely pain in my heart? I hate my life", I said with so much agony and tears rolling down my cheeks. I really broke down into tears in front of my brother. I knew that he felt my pain through his facial expressions. I also saw tears on his face. He put me back together and laid me back sitting on the bed. He spoke in a soft tone trying to tell me sorry and make me feel better. He then gave me his phone saying that I could use it and it was at my dispose, promising to find a permanent solution. Well I did feel better and became happy again. Elias was just an angel. I used his phone quite badly because I drained his data, but there was nothing I could do to help myself. I had 102 messages in total to reply, new posts to view, new movies to download and I had 1024 notifications to answer to. When I was done with my phone session, I was sweating like there was no tomorrow. My hands and fingers moving fast to meet up with trends and gossips. It just felt like a large burden has been lifted from my heart, but not completely because I can't continue using his phone forever. What if he goes back to school?
Although I had no smart phone, but I sure did have a room phone line beside me. With it I used to talk to my besties and class mates. I could never miss out on that evening fun. My friend Bianca was the only one who knew all about me and all my sorrows, joy and happiness. I'm also very close to Harry in my class whom was one of my favorite boy bestie. He was a guy so there was a limit at the things I could tell him, but babe Bianca was the best. We used to nick name ourselves then. I was Elly and she was innocent Benz. We laughed played and teased each other and other people at times. She was a real definition of a beauty, but she always says she's ugly. I never minded about that because I loved her with all of my heart. That night, I called her and gave her the breaking news about my brother's return. She seemed really excited and when I asked her why, she said that nothing happened and I shouldn't mind. Deep down, I didn't really 'never mind'. I knew she had a huge crush on him, but she claims to just know him normally, she never admitted that she liked him, but with the little sense I have, I could figure out one or two things. We were not of the same age, but she always behaves much more babyish. I was 15 and she was 16. We were in ss3 preparing for our final exams. My other pal Harry was another wahala on his own. He is always lying around like a bag of beans and he didn't even know the course he wanted to study. He would say, "All I know is that I'm a science student. I can do anything". Although this boy was lazy, he was really intelligent. He was one of the toppers of our class, and he always maintained it. He just entered 16 this month and that was just the first term ofss3. Harry was a nice and carefree person, he helps me a lot especially in chemistry. I just wished I was like him.
The next morning, I woke up quite earlier than usual and I got to school before the whole students. I sat there on my own and almost dozing off. I decided to sit up and do something, so I brought out my chocolate and began to eat it and gradually, a spec of it fell on my uniform. A combination of white and blue; white top, blue skirt and a red and blue striped tie. It was awful, truly awful. I couldn't wash it off and I didn't know what to do. I became anxious and started thinking about what people would say about me, but a part of me said "WHO CARES". I took heed to my instincts and walked like I was spotless and shining.
Few minutes later, the whole class was filled up with people chatting away and making a lot of noise. I would always warn them to stop, but they always threatened me because my friend Bianca was a loud mouth. They threatened to report her too if I report, and I didn't want that to happen. My wings broke when I realized there was a new student coming to the class. Worst part was that it was a boy. I wouldn't make a great first impression if he sees me with chocolate juice stained on my shirt. Things became worse when I went to Harrys seat to collect my text book. On my way back to my seat, this stupid boy, Joshua set leg for me and I fell flat on the floor. The whole class started laughing and making mockery, even the new boy! Since that day, I vowed to take my revenge on Joshua in a very painful manner. Not only did I destroy my first impression in front of the new guy by the stain on my shirt, but also I tripped and fell and he was laughing so veraciously. This new boy was sitting at my back and when I got to my seat, he said sorry. I felt a little relief and my anger subsided. My teacher asked me to help the new boy in all his work, guide him through and getting to know the school and its activities well. Fortunately for me, he became my friend, so I didn't feel that yearn for revenge upon Joshua. Meanwhile the new boy Daniel at my back was just there picking his nose. When I turned back I said EEWW!!! . I hope he didn't see me look at him. It was disgusting. Soon, I imagined how it will be if we were all aliens and not humans' .It felt weird. And if we were aliens, we will not be able to go to school because there will be no school bus. Meanwhile, Daniel was still picking his nose. It did seem weird, but it was better than other boys' bad habits. Some of them I will always find itching their butts, some scratching their teeth and others making stupid faces. Generally, I would say "I hate boys".
Later that day, Daniel was not able to complete his note and didn't understand his work, but he was not able to complete his work because the bell was rung. He asked me if I had a phone. At that moment, my heart sunk and tears flowed from my eyes. I immediately ran to the toilet in order not to attract attention and to avoid disgrace. When I came back to the class, I was still in agony when Daniel came to me and asked what was wrong. I pretended and told him that he shouldn't mind and gave him my room phone line. I didn't blame him because I thought from his perspective. I mean how he could think that a big girl like me wouldn't have a phone. Well we got closer, we went home together and he bought me ice cream on the way.
When I got home, I wasn't feeling so well because the people around me worsened my pain with their phones. I felt really bad. After eating my dinner, I went to my room and sobbed all night long remembering my mishaps and the situation. I completely forgot that I was expecting a call from Daniel. I had slept when I heard a phone call. Cleaning my tears, I checked whom it was. It was Bianca. When I picked it up, she sounded mad at me. She said I was no longer paying attention to her that I didn't even walk home with her or tell her bye. I apologized to her there and then and explained to her that I had to accompany Daniel to know the way around the school. She was almost crying saying that she hoped her friendship with me would not be shattered. She also said that she saw the way we were laughing and chatting away while she was alone at the far back. I apologized to her over and over again, but she kept talking and crying. I really felt pathetic on the inside and I promised her that she would walk with me tomorrow.
Later on when I was still crying, the phone rang again. I grumbled and judiciously stood up. I picked up the phone and lazily said "hello". The voice that replied sounded familiar. I thought for a moment and realized it was Daniel. I cleaned my tears and he began speaking. He asked me to tell him the page of the assignments and I dictated the rest of the note. He moved further and asked me what happened earlier that day. I didn't want to begin our relationship with lies, so I told him the whole truth. I couldn't hold my tears anymore, so I burst into tears. I started crying non-stop and didn't even realize that the phone call was not ended. He later managed to end the call. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. When I went to check, it was…DANIEL! Many thoughts ran through my mind at that spot. I mean what was he doing here, why did he come, what would my parents say when they find out, in fact how did he know where I live. Suddenly, I heard someone scream out my name from inside the house. It was dad … oh gosh I'm so dead. My father came out and saw Daniel at the door. My heart sank and my legs shivered. "Good evening sir" he greeted. 'Good evening my child. How are you doing dear? Fine sir". It was shocking, what was wrong with dad. Why is he being so friendly? Why is he not lashing out at me? "How do you know my daughter?" dad asked. She's my new class mate. He replied. I came to see her. She sounded worried over the phone, so I came over to see her in person. "Alright, you can come in". It's a trap how could my own father be this nice to a boy he doesn't even know but behaves anyhow with me. Daniel saw he confused look on my face and told me it was alright. He said that he knew my father for a very long time because he used to come to his house because his father and my dad were friends and business partners. He also added that he felt he convenience to come over because as soon as he heard my surname, he knew that I was his dad's friends' daughter. I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped off my sweat from all the tension. I and Daniel discussed about my phone problem and he assured me that it was fine and he didn't have a problem with that.