The next morning, I woke up in quite a joyous mood. Little rhymes roaming through my head as a hopped past the dining area. I went and cut tomatoes, pepper and onions ready to prepare a breakfast of tea, bread and fish sauce. I was always the one who woke up the first and prepared myself and my brother for school. I would cook breakfast for all, boil water and bath my brother before any one even comes out of their bed room. I swept the living room and took my own bath, ready for school then my father showed up earlier than usual. I had to serve him his breakfast before I left. When I was ready, I went to Elias' room to look for him so he could drive us to school, but he was nowhere to be found. My heart started beating fast, but I didn't know why. I felt like he was in harm's way wherever he was but I paused and thought of it…. What if he's in the bathroom or somewhere else and I was busy overthinking things.
Suddenly my lower eyelid started twitching and I kept banging my left foot against stuff. It was a bad omen. Could it be what I'm thinking… that Elias is not alright? Has he died…? No!!!! God forbid that. It's not possible. Elias has gone back to school o so stop looking for him and tell the gate keeper to drive you to school. WHAT! *now in tears*… why Elias why? Why have you left me? Now there is nothing left of me without you here. What else shall I do…? 'Hey what is it. My friend get up from there and get to school!!" my dad screamed. Every time you'll be gumming yourself to that boy as if he's your shield. You can't even have a stand on your ground. Get out of here jare, before she will be having head like avocado pear. When the boy gets married you'll go and live with him. Get out of my sight this instant before I get angry. My father was still mumbling those his heart breaking insults when I left the house shattered. My grief was too much. From one thing to another… why then? Why?
When I got to school, I was still in a bad mood. The first person I saw was Bianca, sitting quietly on the table on her own. She was the only one in class, so I decided to be open with her. The more I got closer to her the more I felt tears roll on my cheeks. I tapped her and she stood up. I hugged her immediately and started crying heavily. I never felt that way before but I couldn't hold myself. She tapped my head slowly and wiped my tears and finally I redrew myself from her. She then sat down and I rested my head on her lap explaining all that happened. I wasn't really that sad that my brother left but my father made it worse by rubbing salt on my wound. Bianca felt bad for me, at least that's what I thought, but I felt glad that I had told her everything that happened. Suddenly, someone walked into the class. I didn't care whom it was, so I stayed where I was resting on Bianca's laps. That person walked towards where we were, well that was strange. I stood up to look and I saw that it was Daniel. "Why are your eyes red" he asked. I told him to not mind that my brother has left for school, and I felt a little down. Since then people started gradually walking into the class and we all settled down and had our various classes. Things went well for us until it was time for our lunch break.
For the first time this term, our terrifying principal had not come to our class but now he was here, fury and frustration writing all over his face. I felt a little scared because of the bad omen sign that I had that my day would go all terrible. Before I could think of anything else, the principal screamed, "Daniel!" I felt even more scared then. "Where did you go last night and what did you do. Your father had come here to complain to us today that he didn't see you throughout yesterday since he came back from work. He was just here few minutes ago ranting about this school being a bad school although you've been here for only one day. What is all this. Answer me this instant before I slap you in the face" the principal screamed. 'Sir…sir… I was just out for a moment. When I came back from school, my father was not home, so I went out for ice cream and when I came back, my dad had already slept off. My mom actually even saw me to bed last night, so it must be a misunderstanding. "We'll see about that, the principal replied. Come downstairs with me to write this statement and write a letter of apology to the school for this. I mean this is unacceptable!!! Ok sir Daniel replied.
I felt relieved that Daniel did not tell the principal the truth that he came to my house, if not that would have stained my testimonial, and this was the year I was meant to write my final exams. This whole situation got settled before school was closed and I was still feeling glad that I didn't get involved even though I was meant to. I, Bianca and Daniel walked home together. We spoke about the situation at hand and Bianca got to know about all that has been happening. Daniel bought ice cream for myself and Bianca as always and we headed straight home.
When I got home, everywhere seemed quiet, it was quite strange but I loved it. I took off my clothes and had a bath, did my assignments and cooked myself up fried yams and egg sauce. I enjoyed myself in the peace and quiet of the afternoon. It was already 5:20 but dad had not come back with Elvis from school. I started becoming worried about them for a moment and decided to call dad. His phone rang and rang but there was no response, until the line finally said that he wasn't reachable. "Where could dad possibly be?" I asked myself. I then decided to go to Elvis' school myself. Luckily for me, he was still there sitting and playing around with their gate man. "He's the only child left in school and I decided to let the teacher go while he stayed with me" the gateman said. "Dad hasn't come to pick me White, where is he?" Elvis asked. "I have no idea" I replied. Let's go home now… "Thank you sir" I said to the gate man.
We got home safely, but my time with Elvis was really frustrating because he kept on complaining and asking silly questions that I got tired of answering. I got a really bad head ache by the time I got home, so I drank water and went off to sleep. I woke up later around 8:05pm and still dad was not back. I then heard a loud bang at the door. I checked, it was mom. She had a gloomy look on her face, she seemed very worried. She looked like she had been crying for days. She dropped her bag and walked to her room, dropped herself dead on the couch and started sobbing. "What's wrong mom" I asked as if I cared. *no answer*. She gave me a letter which seemed to be from dad which read,
Dear Evelyn,
I'm leaving you the kids and my house and properties. I'm no more capable of taking care of you guys anymore because I have being fired from my job. I was accused falsely of stealing the company's funds because I was the one in charge of the finances as per being the Finance Manager. They accused me of stealing a sum of 12 Billion Naira from the company's bank account and I was asked to repay it. I didn't tell you guys for days because I didn't want you to be so worried. I redrew all of my money from my many accounts and gave it to them, but I still had a debt of 2 million to pay. I sold one of my cars and paid my debts and I was fired this morning for breaking their trust. I don't have a single dime left with me and so I decided to leave you guys since I didn't have any importance to you guys anymore. You are a fashion designer and I know you make a lot of money from it. I left so I wouldn't be an extra burden of expense for you. I have successfully paid the kids fees for the rest of the session and I hope I did well. I love you guys and I have made this drastic step to help. Please don't bother looking for me because you won't find me. Till we meet to part no more.\
Your loving husband,
Stanley Obi.