
"Who are you and how did you get onto school grounds?" Sosuke asks, immediately on guard and jumps up at the sight of her while taking out his switchblade.

"Hey. Stay calm alright. I'm Josette Laughlin. And I don't know how I got onto the school grounds, let alone how I am alive." She says.

"Josette? Did you by any chance a relationship with Alaric Saltzman?" Sosuke asks, remembering Josie telling him about her birth mom when they were kids.

"Yes. We were getting married, when... Well I think you see what happened." Josette replies.

"Alright. I need you to come with me now." He tells her, keeping his blade at the ready.

"Where are we going?" She asks, looking at the knife nervously.

"To give your almost husband the shock of his life." Sosuke answers awkwardly and continues to lead her into the school and to the headmasters office, luckily only being seen by some of the younger kids at school.

"Uhh, Dr. Saltzman? I really need you to hang up the phone right now." Sosuke says, walking into his office, seeing the man with his back to the door talking to someone on the phone.

"What is it this time... Holy God!" Alaric says, shouting at the end while grabbing his crossbow from behind his desk and aiming it at Josette.

"Ric? It's me." She says fearfully.

"I take it she is your fiancee come back to life?" Sosuke asks the headmaster who nods while hyperventilating and then shouts "Dorian!"

A minute or so later Dorian enters the office and sees both men with their weapons pointed at a woman in a bloodied wedding dress.

"Whoa, what's going on in here?" Dorian asks, trying to calm down the situation.

"Ric, please put down the crossbow. My freakout level is at 11 right now." Josette says.

"I take it you know her?" Dorian asks.

"I know who she's supposed to be. The love of my life." Alaric answers.

"Hold up, hold up. You're his dead fiancee?" Alaric asks freaked out.

"I'm Jo." She replies, looking over to the newcomer while still holding her hands up in surrender, Sosuke stepping over to the headmaster with his blade still drawn.

"Uhm, so... You want me to handle this?" He asks the headmaster.

"No. Yes. Wait, I don't know yet." Alaric says flustered.

"Wait, wait, wait. If she's the next monster... Maybe she can tell us more than the Dryad did." Dorian tells the two men.

"How did you get here?" He asks Jo.

"Uhm I was sort of yanked awake and then I was just walking though the woods." She says nervously.

"Nothing suspicious about that." Alaric says angrily.

"Remember our situation." Dorian tells Alaric.

"Hah, OK. But no one sees her, especially today." Alaric decides, lowering his crossbow.

"Why today?" Sosuke asks, folding up his knife and putting it in his pocket.

"Whose birthday is today?" Alaric reminds Souke and after a few moments the teen says "Ohhh, yeah I think you're right." in realization that the woman's children have their 16th birthday today.

"Get me Emma." Alaric tells Dorian who nods and whips out his phone.

Meanwhile in the guidance counselor's office Hope is talking to Emma and after rambling on for a while about her crush on Landon and what she likes about him she breathes out asking herself "Oh my god who am I right now?"

"A normal teenager. And though I do love hearing you have a crush on a boy. You don't need a counselor, you need a friend." Emma tells her and looks at her phone after it vibrates in her pocket.

"Oh, before I go. Don't let that friend be Sosuke please? He's dealing with his own issues right now." Emma adds, fearing what might be the outcome of Hope blabbing on about her crush on Landon to the already hurt teen.

"O-OK." Hope replies not seeing why her talking to him would be a problem, but trusts Emma's advice.

Later that day Sosuke is at the old mill while the other students are partying safe for a few exceptions.

"MG? You of all people I didn't expect to skip on Lizzie's party." Sosuke says surprised, seeing the Vampire super speed and stop only a few steps away.

"I didn't skip the party. I was the party. At least until Werewolf prince Rafael showed up and turned me into the pumpkin." MG says upset.

"I know the feeling." Sosuke replies, putting on his shirt, having been chopping wood for a while to release some anger.

"You know the feeling?" MG asks doubtful.

"I headbutted a tree yesterday, but that surprises you?" Sosuke asks dumbfounded.

"Yeah. I guess I don't really know you at all. When I came here a year ago everyone warned me to stay away from you." MG informs him.

"Doesn't surprise me." Sosuke says, cleaving another block of wood in half and tosses MG the axe.

"Give it a shot. I find it therapeutic." Sosuke says, sitting down on the railing of the old mill instead while the young vampire goes over to the chopping block.

"So, are you always alone?" MG asks.

"Mhh sometimes Pedro shows up." He replies with a shrug.

"Aren't you lonely?" MG asks.

"Well what can you do?" Sosuke says, leaning back and looking up to the stars.

"You could make friends." MG tells him.

"The wolves won't even acknowledge my existence thanks to Jed's orders. The vamps want me gone and the witches... Well they are usually too wrapped up in their own stuff to give me the time of day." Sosuke replies.

"Hope?" MG asks knowingly.

"Too focused on throwing herself at Landon." Sosuke replies.

"Thereby the headbutting of the trees." MG chuckles.

"You catch on quick." Sosuke tells him chuckling.

"Though I don't know why you are chasing Lizzie." Sosuke says.

"I like her. She's sweet and kind..." MG says with a smile, chopping his third block of wood in half.

"Lizzie? Huh. I've known her for 7 years and all she ever was is bitchy and stuck up to me. Story of my life I guess." Sosuke says with a sigh.

"I know Lizzie isn't perfect, far from it sometimes even, but she has a good heart." MG insists.

"You're the expert on her. I'll trust your word." Sosuke replies.

"Hey, have you guys seen Josie?" Penelope asks, walking up to the two boys.

"Nope." Sosuke answers while MG shakes his head.

"She didn't show up to her party." Penelope says concerned.

"Maybe she didn't want to go because it's Lizzie's party anyways." Sosuke tells her.

"She's not in her room either though... Wow you're gonna howl at the moon dressed like that?" Penelope says, turning to Hope when she passes by them in a beautiful red dress while carrying a shovel.

"Sorry no time for bitchy banter... But I could use your help finding Josie." Hope tells them, Sosuke hopping off the railing and walks over to the group.

"What happened?" Penelope asks.

"Apparently her possessed biological mother buried her in the cemetery." Hope tells them.

"Talk about winning first time anyone said that sentence ever." Sosuke jokes, grabbing two shovels and hands Penelope, as well as MG one The three of them following Hope with Sosuke bringing the double sided axe he was using earlier.

"MG. Listen to her breathing." Hope tells the vampire, the four of them stepping to the cemetery grounds of the school after a short walk, during which Hope did catch Sosuke checking her out.

I think I got something."MG says nodding and starts digging a few steps away from them only for a Zombie to pop out of the ground, snarling and wailing.

Penelope jabs her shovel in the undead's chest but nothing happens.

"That won't work. To kill a walker you gotta go for the brain, everyone knows that." MG says, after stabbing his shovel through the undead's head.

"Every nerd maybe. And just call it a zombie." Penelope corrects him.

"Make that Zombies." Hope says, multiple undead coming towards them, Sosuke already rushing at one and slices its head in half.

"The three of us can handle this. You just go find Josie." Hope tells MG.

"Got it." MG agrees nodding and super speeds ahead.

"So how do you want to do this? Magic?" Hope asks Penelope, the two standing back to back while Sosuke is chopping through Zombies on his own a few meters away from them.

"I say we DIY and pretend their Lizzie Saltzman." Penelope suggests.

"Works for me." Hope agrees and uses her shovels side to slice through a Zombies head while Josie stabs hers into another Zombies head.

"If there were no threat on Josie's life this would be fun." Sosuke says, kicking a Zombie against a tree and throws the axe after it, beheading it. He then grabs the Zombie trying to get him from behind and tosses it head first into the tree impaled axe.

"No arguments here." Hope agrees with a smirk.

"I got the point today by the way." Sosuke tells her, coming over to her and Penelope after the Zombies around him are all dead.

"Fine. Not like you can still win with how low your score is." Hope replies teasingly, jabbing her shovel into another Zombies chest and pins him to the tree, taking Sosuke's axe and splitting its head in half afterwards.

He pulls the shovel out of the tree and the three follow MG.

"You two are so weird." Penelope tells them as they are jogging after their friend who they can see digging in another spot already.

Another Zombie shoots out again and Hope jumps forwards, beheading it as it is grabbing MG's legs.

"We're running out of time so get up and find her." Hope tells him.

"There is too much noise." MG tells her.

"Then pretend you're on a beach or something." Hope says angrily while Sosuke grabs a Zombie which snuck up behind Hope and pulls it backwards, into a broken tree branch.

MG closes his eyes after Hope's talking to and manages to Zone out noise after noise until he can hear Josie's cries for help.

He speeds over to her and starts digging with his hands, the other three following behind him, relieved to see MG pull Josie out of the ground once her arm shoots out of the hole.

Josie is coughing and crying, her feet still buried under when MG pulls her upper body out.

"Josie." Penelope says relieved.

"The Talisman worked." Hope says, seeing her gift around Josie's neck.

"What does it do?" Josie asks while wheezing.

"Make quiet things heard." Hope says with a smile and squeezes her hand.

"Could you guys take her out of here now? It's definitely harder to kill these guys while having to watch your backs." Sosuke interrupts the groups small happy moment, slicing through two zombies head simultaneously with the axe.

"He's right. We should get out of here." Hope says and pulls Josie out of the hold with MG, the three and Penelope heading back to the school while Sosuke stays behind to kill more Zombies.

20 minutes after the others made it back, Sosuke arrives at school as well, dark blood and dirt splattered over his clothes.

"You got them?" MG asks, pulling Sosuke in by his hand for a quick hug, being in his own world and feeling like a hero.

"I think so. There weren't even that much left. But I sweeped over the area twice." Sosuke answers.

"Nice going." MG repliea and pats his back as Sosuke continues on his way.

As he walks over to the stairs leading to the dorms he sees Hope and Rafael happily dancing together in another room and his mood does a 180.

"Then again, I better check again." Sosuke says, walking past MG who saw him change his mind after looking into a room next to the stairs and peers inside himself, seeing Hope and Rafael enjoying their dance.

"Damn." He sighs, looking after Sosuke with empathy and accepts Sosuke's earlier statement claiming that he knows how MG feels.

While Sosuke is back in the woods the Saltzman twins siphon the magic out of their biological mother and afterwards Alaric and Dorian head to the cemetery themselves, to pay respect for his late wife and to re bury the corpses come to life.

"Hahaha, what do we have here? I feel like I know you already. Having seen you kill so many of my minions." A cackling voice says, appearing behind Sosuke who immediately turns around and tosses a knife through the man's skull, before even seeing his pale white skin with a fleshy carving going around his face like an Omega sign.

"How tedious to think this would kill me." The man says, pulling the knife out and throws it to Sosuke's feet.

"Who are you?" He asks, grabbing the axe that was in a tree stump next to him.

"I am The Necromancer!" The man shouts passionately as if Sosuke would revere him.

"A Necromancer huh? Makes sense." Sosuke says thoughtfully.

"Not a Necromancer, THE Necromancer!" The man shouts and while doing so Sosuke rushes over with the axe and beheads him, his body touching around itself looking for its head.

"Freaky." Sosuke says, grabbing the head by its hair and slings his axe over his shoulder, kicking away the body following him a few times when it gets closer before it follows Sosuke with a defeated stature and holding one of his arms with the other after Sosuke cut it off.

On his way back to the school with his noisy companion Sosuke sees the two teachers standing at Josette's grave.

"Uhm. I think I know who caused all this." Sosuke tells them and tosses the head over to their feet, stopping the necromancers body from following with the hilt of the axe.

"I am the Necromancer! And I demand to be put on my body again." The pale head says, pouting at the second part.

"Did you behead him?" Alaric asks Sosuke.

"Well after I skewered his head like a shishkebab I figured this wouldn't make much of a difference." Sosuke tells them shrugging.

"Now shall we bring him to the cells?" Sosuke suggests.

"Yeah. Let's do that. We've got to talk." Alaric says, picking up the head angrily and slams it against a nearby tombstone, knocking the necromancer out for a while, his body also falling over unceremoniously.

"How we have to carry him." Sosuke sighs.

"You get to carry him." Alaric corrects him with a fake smile.