first date

Hope wakes up in Sosuke's room, snuggling into him further as she's enjoying the peaceful moment.

"Hi." She hears him say as he starts to brush through her hair gently.

"Hi." She replies and leans up to him, giving him a quick peck, only for him to pull her back towards him for a deeper kiss, one she is all too happy to return.

"I had a thought. Why don't we go to town and have our first official date tonight? I mean no artifact showed up yet... So if not now, when else?" He asks.

"That sounds like a brilliant plan." She replies and strokes over his cheek, poking his cross shaped scar ever so lightly.

"What is it?" He asks covering her hand with his

"How did you get this scar?" She asks softly.

"It was during my time in Afghanistan. I was sent out on my first mission. The target was supposed to be a vampire, however my enemy turned out to be a werewolf instead. As I later learned it was a test to see if I could adapt and survive." Sosuke answers her.

"I'm sorry you had to do so many things against your will." Hope tells him, kissing him and then kisses down to his collar.

"Ahem. I think we should get up or I will destroy my room sooner or later." Sosuke says embarrassedly.

"Are you sure?" She asks with a teasing smile and takes one of his hands, leading it up her belly to the underside of her breasts and laughs heartily when he pulls his hand back quickly.

"During training you were not so shy." She tells him, remembering Sosuke more than once groping her through her bikini.

"That was where I had a place to go if I lost control." Sosuke replies and pokes her nose.

"Are you sure? This is your last chance until tonight." Hope asks, getting up from his bed and puts her hands on either side of his hip while leaning close, her breath tickling his cheek while he can see down her loose shirt a bit.

"Hope." He huffs nervously.

"You're just so cute when you're flustered." Hope whispers before leaving his room.

After dressing herself Hope heads to her session with Emma and as she starts talking to the counselor a familiar wave washes over Hope, edging her on to get a release.

"What is it Hope?" Emma asks, seeing Hope act as though a jolt went through her.

"This is bad. I feel like I need to go wolf out but after what happened with Sosuke I'm not sure I can trust myself." Hope says worried.

"I will get Alaric." Emma says and comes back with the headmaster seconds later.

"What's the issue?" Alaric asks, stepping into the room and sees Hope's eyes glow.

"Uhh. the cells." Alaric tells her and the two head down to the werewolf cells.

"Please. Don't tell Sosuke. He'll only get worried about me." Hope pleads before she starts transforming and Alaric agrees.

To his surprise however that evening Hope still hasn't turned back.

"Any idea where Hope is? We were supposed to have our first date today but I can't find her anywhere." Sosuke asks.

"Uhhh. She made me promise not to tell... But you can find out on your own. Gotta love loopholes." Alaric says and thinks for a moment.

"This is a rhyme. I really like gel. Hope is stuck in a ce..." Alaric tells him and Sosuke leaves his office and heads down to the cells, seeing a lone white wolf in a cell which starts whimpering and covers its eyes comedically when he enters the room.

"Dr. S. didn't break his promise. Not directly anyway." Sosuke says, just waiting for a reaction but after getting nothing but her glancing at him by pulling away her paw every now and then he comes up with another idea.

He leaves the cells wordlessly and goes to the kitchen where he packs some sandwiches and a good amount of raw meat in a picnic basket and gets a candle, a plate and two a glass.

He then heads back to the cells and closes the door behind him. He enters Hope's cell and locks that one from the outside too.

Once inside the room he sets down the basket and pulls everything out, putting the meat in one of the bowls for her and fills the other one with water while he puts down a sandwich for himself and a glass of water.

"Since you are stuck as a wolf I'm guessing. I brought the date to you and don't worry. You don't have to say anything." He says with a smirk. Hope steps over to him and licks him across his jaw while he rubs her head.

"Dig in. I'm guessing as a wolf you get pretty hungry huh?" Sosuke says, picking up a sandwich himself and starts eating it while watching amused as Hope tries to eat as graciously as possible, clawing pieces off the meat and then licks it out of the bowl.

"You can be as messy as you want." He tells her , stroking over her back, really realizing how soft her fur is for the first time.

Hope shakes her head negative and Sosuke pulls the bowl of meat over to himself, taking a knife out of the basket he starts cutting up the meat for her and then pushes the bowl back over Hope digging in happily.

"I don't know why you asked Dr. S. to keep it a secret that you wanted to get some release." Sosuke says after the two eat their meal in comfortable silence, the candle he lit dancing next to them while they sit across from each other.

Hope whimpers quietly and leans her head down sadly.

"Are you scared to hurt someone?" He asks and she nods her head.

"I understand that. I mean look at this morning I pushed the sexiest girl ever out of my bed so I won't hurt anyone by accident." He tells her.

"Come over here." Sosuke tells her, patting the floor beside him and moves the bowls next to his plate before refilling both, cutting up Hope's meat for her.

He just enjoys the silent moment, both eating their food while he's rubbing her ears and stroking through her fur.

"It's getting late huh?" Sosuke asks sometime later, looking through the small window in the room and gets up, Hope standing behind him with a wagging tail, licking his hand.

"I think I understand, but this is not goodbye." He tells her and puts everything but the water bowl outside the cell before locking it again with him inside and he takes off his jacket and lies down on the bed in th cell, patting the mattress beside himself and with a happy yip Hope jumps onto it next to him, lying her head down across his chest while he drapes his jacket over them and kisses her on top of her head, saying "Good night Hope." before they fall asleep.

|The next morning|

"I don't trust my eyes. What the heck happened here?" Alaric asks, stepping down to the cells and sees the picnic stuff outside a cell while inside it Sosuke is lying on its bed with a stark naked Hope clinging to him.

"What?" Sosuke asks, waking up and looks around for a moment.

"This looks bad doesn't it." The teen asks the teacher who's intentionally looking away while Hope wakes up and gets Sosuke's shirt draped over her and the jacket tied around her waist while she's still half asleep.

"Sosuke?!" She all but yells embarrassed, pulling his shirt down so it'd cover more, struggling to cover everything due to her bust stealing material from the bottom of it.

"I'll go get you some clothes." He tells her, kissing her forehead and exits the cell and heads to their rooms.

"You guys have become so weird." Alaric says, shaking his head and leaves as well.

2 minutes later Sosuke comes back with her clothes from yesterday and sets them down on the bed before moving to the cell door.

"So... uh do you remember what happened yesterday?" He asks her embarrassed.

"No. What happened?" She asks, lying convincingly.

"Uh, Oh it doesn't matter. I'm gonna bring away this stuff. I uhm brought you by some food yesterday." Sosuke says and excuses himself, heading up to his room afterwards and falls face forwards on his mattress embarrassed, hoping it will come alive and suffocate him.

After Hope heads to her room she takes a shower and gets some new clothes. Moving towards her door while her hair is still semi wet.

"It shouldn't matter if I don't tell him right?" She asks herself and sighs stepping across the hall guilty hearted.

"Only I could have my first ever date be with a wolf who doesn't remember a thing." Sosuke sighs into his mattress.

The door to his room is then unlocked by magic.

"Whoever it is, could you pick one of the swords on my wall and kill me please." Sosuke requests.

"Request denied." Hope tells him, climbing onto his back and lies down on top of him.

"Sosuke?" She asks after a moment of calm silence and he hums in response.

"I remember everything. I just couldn't let anyone else know." Hope tells him.

"Really?" He asks, turning around with her holding herself up on the bed, letting herself down again when he faces her.

"Really. And I love you even more for it." She says, lying her head down sideways on his chest before her eyes widen in realization that she just told him she loves him more or less.

"Don't worry. I didn't hear anything." He says feeling her freeze up in his arms and rubs her back soothingly.

"Then open your ears, because I love you." She tells him clearly this time before kissing him longingly.

"I really thought you'd be mad I couldn't make the date."Hope tells him, combing his hair back a bit.

"I think being stuck as a werewolf is a perfect case of supernatural intervention. "

Sosuke tells her.

"So. Be honest, how did you find wolf me?" Hope asks cutely while hiding her face in his chest.

"stubborn, loyal and sweet. And your furr feels amazing." He replies, brushing through her hair.

"Want to feel something else nice? " Hope asks suggestively, bringing one of his hands down to her ass and the other up to her boobs when someone suddenly knocks on the door and she quickly rolls off him and lies down beside him.

"Yes. Come in." Sosuke says annoyed and Kaleb peers inside.

"I was wondering if you wanted some company... but I see that you do already. " the vamp says, wiggling his eyebrow and steps outside, speeding away.

"Now." Hope says annoyedly and uses her magic to close and lock the door before crawling on top of him and straddles him while looking down sexily.

"Hope, remember we need to be careful." Sosuke says gently.

"I told you that I loved you for the first time, so you better keep your cool for a while." She says devilishly, leaning down and kissing him ecstatically, her tongue darting out against his needily.


"I'll give it my all." He promises and grabs onto her ass, lifting her up while he stands up in his room and opens up a window he has on the ceiling.

"Just in case." He tells her and sets her down on the bed, hovering above her.

Looking down at her, Sosuke tugs on the bottom of her shirt and she smiles excitedly, taking it off over her head with his help, Sosuke drinking in the sight of her in a dark red bra.

"Now we're getting somewhere." She tells him and Sosuke kisses her again while his hands start caressing her body.

"Harder." She pants in his ear and makes him grip her thigh with more power, making her smile happily once he does as requested.

"You are so beautiful." He hums, licking across her collar while his free hand caresses her arm and hand playfully.

"How are you feeling? Still up for more?" She asks him with a smirk and turns them around, grinding on his groin slowly with both wearing their pants or in her case stockings and skirt.

"We'll have to find out the hard way." He groans and leans up, caressing her face with one hand while the other grabs onto her lower back, as he starts sucking and nibbling on her throat passionately, Hope leaning her head back slightly to give him full access.

"Hope." He groans sexily after a while, sliding his hand from her back to one of her thighs and gropes the flesh desperately through her stockings, making her hitch her breath sharply as a result.

"Sosuke, keep it up." She says with an erotic smile spread over her lips as she stops her small grinding motion on his lap.

He leaves her throat and places butterfly kisses up to her lips before engaging her in a war of tongues, both trying to show the other how much they are feeling right now.

During the kiss she grabs onto his jeans and pops open its button, before he grabs both her hands and intertwines their fingers,moving them around once more and pins her to the bed beneath him.

"We can't yet." He tells her after sounding like he had to gulp down his innermost desires and stares down at her, her brown hair pooled on the bed as she looks up at him with desire.

Sosuke releases her hands and leans down on top of her, one hand going through her hair and massages her scalp while he kisses over her cheeks as his other hand slides beneath her bra brazenly and gropes her soft breasts eagerly.

"Use both hands." She huffs sexily, giving him a sultry look while leading his other hand down to her breasts before she reaches behind her with some trouble and unclasps her bra, leaving it loosely resting on her body.

"Hope." he groans passionately and caresses her breasts, only stopping to tug the bra off of her and tosses it to the floor, leaning back to take in the sight beneath him for just a moment.

He then grabs her hips, pulling her up a bit and focuses on her breasts completely, kissing and sucking the erotic flesh while letting his fingers roam around it and squeeze her boobs just right if her groans of approval are anything to go by.

"I love you with all my heart." He pants, kissing up her breastbone and captures her lips with fiery passion again.

"I love you too." She mumbles happily against his lips while one of her hands rakes through his hair and massages his scalp and the other holds him close by his back.

The kiss carries on for a while before Sosuke sits up on the edge of the bed and pulls her with him, Hope straddling his waist and smirks when she can feel his hardness bulging inside his jeans.

"I promise you. I will love all sides of you. Your smart witch side , your passionate werewolf side and when the time comes your dangerous vampire side." Sosuke tells her, looking into her eyes unwavering.

"You better." She replies smiling while caressing the back of his neck and shoulders.

He then gets off the bed, prompting her to wrap her legs around his waist as he carries her over to the wall leading to his bathroom and pins her up against it with his body.

"Hmm. I like that." She moans as he starts groping all over her body with his strong hands and starts biting her shoulder and neck lightly.

His hands finally settle on the underside of her thighs and her lower ribs before he kisses her desperately and starts grinding his crotch against her.

"Hnnnn." She gasps into their kiss sexily and holds onto his back strongly, trying to pull him in even closer, the two keeping this up until Sosuke starts to hum with electricity and his hands send comfortable jolts of electricity through her body and make her moan joyfully as she feels her pussy tingle at the sensation which takes her breath away.

Sosuke sets her down carefully and steps away, staring at her erotic appearance before their eyes meet and seemingly tell each other all they need to know.

Sosuke then closes his eyes and aims with both arms up and a streak of lightning erupts from him, shooting into the sky and disappears.

Breathing raggedly Sosuke picks up her bra and carries the item over with a smile, Hope letting him help put the item on while his hands cop a feel again which she encourages and kisses him softly.

"We need to... uhm get." He tries to say, but her lips stop him from doing so until he hugs her tightly and leans his head over her shoulder.

"We have training to get to." He pants out finally.

"I know. I'm just trying to prolong this as long as possible." She whispers in his ear and bites its earlobe softly.

Fighting down his desire, Sosuke manages to break free from her and he picks up her shirt, helping her put it on as well before hugging her from behind against himself and start kissing the back of her neck once he drapes her hair to the side.

"You smell so nice." He hums, his lips darting over her skin again and again.

"I hate that we have to stop. Training will be torture." She tells him, rubbing over his hands which are circled around her belly.

"Having to beat up this nice strong body of yours." She hums and turns around in his arms.

"You sound like you think you'll win." Sosuke says, his lips centimeters apart from hers while they exchange heated eye contact.

"I will." She tells him determined.

"How about this then. Tonight the loser sleeps over at the winner's room." Sosuke suggests.

"You sound like I want us to sleep together." Hope replies teasingly.

"Call it a gut feeling." He tells her with a smile and she nods, breathing hotly in his ear "deal." before stepping out of his hold reluctantly and goes over to her room.

As the day continues the weather outside seems to be the exact opposite of how Hope and Sosuke are feeling as a storm is raging outside and lightning booms every so often.

That night as was agreed upon Hope is waiting in her room for Sosuke to show up after she beat him in their spar and around 10pm she's getting annoyed and worried. She enters his room first but he's nowhere in sight. She then proceeds to look through the entire school, her mindset changing from one of annoyance to worry after every room she searches.

"Dr. Saltzman."

Hope says, knocking on the teachers door and wakes him up after her search.

"I can't find Sosuke anywhere. Where did you see him last? I'm worried." She asks.

"He was supposed to secure the furniture outside. I figured with his ability he'd be the safest one of us." Alaric tells her.

"We can see where he went on the security camera." Alaric tells her and the two hurry to his office where he pulls up the security footage covering most of their school's yard and around 7pm they see Sosuke move around some furniture until a flash of lightning hits

the spot he's standing at and makes the whole screen go white. Once the video returns to normal the two see a small burn mark on the grass where Sosuke was standing but no other sign of the teen after his encounter with the element he is trying to master.

"Where is he? What happened?" Hope asks desperately looking to her teacher for answers but he too is speechless.

"Good news is I doubt he got hurt. Bad news is something must've gone wrong with his powers. Otherwise I can't explain that." Alaric tells her.