
"Oh, uhm bad timing I guess. I take it the puddle means the Croatoan is gone?" MG asks, arriving behind the two embracing couples.

"Yeah. It's gone. Good job MG." Hope tells the vampire, reluctantly removing her lips from Sosuke's.

"I think we should talk." Sosuke whispers in her ear and she nods, the two walking away as if they are in their own little world.

A few minutes later they reach Sosuke's old room and he unlocks it, being glad to see everything as it was. He let's Hope enter his room with her being happy to see something familiar. He then locks the door behind them.


"It looks almost the same." She says, looking around with a smile.

"And so am I, mostly." He tells her, closing their distance in record time and kisses her feverishly, pushing her back against a wall with enough gusto that they knock some books off a shelf.

"I was going to have a serious discussion with you, you know."Sosuke groans in her ear frustrated.

"What's stopping you?" She asks nervously, running her finger up his torso.

"Everything about you. I was so mad when I actually remembered you ditching us to sacrifice yourself..." He says, moving his hands from beside her on the wall down to her waist and firmly pulls her against himself.

"But... it was the right thing to do as it turned out." He admits, all but headbutting the wall above her with a sigh.

"For what it's worth. Believing that I could get out and see you again is basically everything that kept me going in Malivore." Hope says softly, looking up to him.

"Damn. I wish I could stay mad at you even for a few days, but if I'm being honest I would have done the same in your position." He groans annoyed.

He then stares into her eyes before closing his and releasing a long breath. When he snaps his eyes open he breathes in, smelling her hair as he does so and hotly starts kissing over her throat while lifting her off her feet.

"What's happening?" She moans while smiling happily, scratching over his chin.

"Something that is long overdue." Sosuke tells her, setting her back down and looks at her intensely as if asking if she's OK with it.

"OK." She replies with a wide smile and reaches underneath his shirt, pulling it off him impatiently while she bites her lip sexily.

Sosuke then turns them around, leaning against the wall himself before pawing at her long sleeved shirt and she helps him take it off her body, unclasping her bra immediately after and lets it drop to the floor while giving him a sultry look.

"God I am so lucky that you're into me." He says and kisses her over and over while she smirks happily.

During the kissing he kicks off his shoes and socks before raising one of her thighs, Hope humming appreciatively.

His hand then slides further down and helps her out of her shoe, repeating the same with the other one before stepping further into the room with her.

"I love you so much." She pants between kisses.

"I love you too. Now more than ever, I mean I got to fall in love with you twice." He tells her, dragging his hands up her back and holds onto her tightly while she's pushing him towards the bed.

"My beautiful tribrid." He huffs, licking over her neck passionately.

"Yes my love?" She asks with a mewl, scratching through his hair.

"Are you OK with this? I mean it's kind of rushing it with my memories only back half a day." Sosuke asks.

"I don't care. I love you and I trust you completely." She tells him, receiving a hungry kiss from her lover as reward.

Sosuke unbuttons her black pants and slides his hands into them, moving over her juicy ass before pushing the pants down her legs with Hope stepping out of them.

"Your turn." She says biting her lip and she unzips his jeans, grabbing onto the jeans and his underwear to push both down his body, looking him over while licking her lips.

"You really bulked up a bit while I was gone." She says, stroking over his arms and shoulders.

"It was all work, no play for me afterall." He says softly and lifts her up by her waist with ease, setting her down on the bed before pulling her panties off her legs.

"Any smart comments?" She asks with a shy smile.

"None that could describe how beautiful you are." He says, leaning beside her and caresses her chin and neck while giving her a kiss that seems to stretch on forever while she strokes over his chest happily.

"I am such a lucky bastard." He huffs hotly, after finally releasing her lips.

"And I'm a blessed woman." She replies with a smirk.

Sosuke grins at her before starting to kiss down her body until he reaches her belly button.

He slips off the bed and pulls her towards him when he's kneeling between her legs with her squeaking cutely as a deep blush overcomes her face.

He wastes no time in exploring her folds with his fingers while looking up to her, glad she puts a pillow underneath her shoulders and he can see her reactions to his endeavors.

Sosuke pushes the index and middle finger inside her pussy and moves them in and out slowly before moving them over her inner walls curiously, her occasional gasps and her lust filled eyes encouraging him.

Once he has a first impression Sosuke leans down to her lower lips and kisses over them before sneaking his tongue into her folds and starts rubbing it inside her pussy while one hand starts groping one of her thighs and his other helps keep her elevated off the bed.

He continues eating her out for a couple of minutes, enjoying watching her sweat and squirm pleasantly at his touch and his tongues movement.

"Sosuke. Any more and I'm cumming before it even starts." She huffs, trying to pull him up to her.

"That's the plan. I want to savor every aspect of this with you." He tells her, kissing and sucking on her thighs while rubbing two fingers inside her pussy until she has an orgasm, her muscles clenching erratically. With a pleased smile Sosuke then moves her fully onto the bed and kneels beside her, watching her come down her pleasure high while he rubs his member slowly.

Hope looks at him once she feels normal again and slaps his hand away from his cock, letting hers take its place instead and she leans up, starting to make out with him excitedly while exploring his tool with her hands and strokes it diligently, being surprised how warm it is against her skin.

"Hope." He groans and kisses her once more before moving her hand away gently and pulls her up to him, hugging her to himself as they start to make out again, Hope rubbing her pussy against his member while smiling into the kiss.

"I was wondering how we were going to have our first time." She pants in his ear, caressing his neck with one hand, the other stroking over his collar while he sits down on the bed, his legs underneath Hope, stabilizing her further.

"Why?" He asks with a smirk.

"Just curious to see if we have the same fantasy in our heads." She tells him, her eyes fueling him on more than he had imagined possible.

"Guess we'll find out." He says and moves his hands down to her ass and lifts her up enough before she takes the initiative and pushes herself down on his cock, taking him all the way inside with a little grunt of pain from losing her virginity.

The two remain in this position for a few minutes, their eager hands and heavy breathing making it everything but tame though.

When she feels ready Hope swings her hips up before going back down slowly, enjoying how it feels having his hot tool drag over the walls inside her pussy.

As if on command both of them exchange another heated eye contact and latch onto each other's lips for as long as their air lasts them while Hope is slowly riding her boyfriend.

Feeling her get a little restless Sosuke kisses down her throat and starts licking and biting her nipples teasingly while he helps her move better with his hands supporting her hips until she pulls them further up her body and lets him grope her glorious breasts.

She then starts riding him faster gradually and pushes him down slowly and stops, simply grinding against him while dragging her hands over his muscular body teasingly as if challenging him while he's lying on his back.

"What are you going to do now Sosuke?" She asks with a grin.

Sosuke, takes her hands while leaning back up and wraps them around his back before he gets out of the bed and hikes his arms underneath the back of her knees and hugs her to himself as best as possible while starting to fuck her passionately.

"You know me too well." She pants in his ear and closes her eyes in joy while he bounces her on his shaft with controlled movements as he's standing in front of the bed, carrying her.

"Hope." He moans in her ear after keeping this up for a while and let's one of her feet down, Hope shakily standing on it while Sosuke pulls her other leg to his side, making it circle around his lower back.

"Why'd you stop?" She asks a little frustrated when he pauses fucking her.

"Because I wanted to free my hands." He tells her, grabbing her round ass firmly with one hand while the other slides up her chest and to her neck, caressing it while keeping his lips just shy from hers.

"Your move." He whispers teasingly and barely finishes saying it before she greedily makes out with him, their tongues exploring each others mouth while he starts fucking her, pulling her further into his hips thrusts with the hand on her ass.

"Sosuke." She sighs out breathlessly when an orgasm overcomes her two minutes later and she clings to his larger stature while her muscles squeeze down on him, making him pull out of her as he shoots his load over her thigh and the floor.

"I love you so much." He tells Hope, worn out himself while leaning his forehead against hers, still holding her close to himself with her standing on one leg.

"I love you too." She pants, biting his earlobe sexily.

"That was amazing." Sosuke says, moving over to the bed and lies down with her, Hope lying down on his arm and turning towards him, circling one leg around his, playing footsie.

"Yeah. I wasn't expecting the return of your memories to turn out that great." Hope agrees, drawing circles on his chest with her finger.

"I never imagined I could be so happy. To be satisfied simply by lying here together with you." Hope tells him, looking up to him.

"As a kid I never thought I could be truly happy, period. But that started changing one day at the tree." Sosuke tells her honestly.

"You didn't need to become superhuman to feel happy. I bet sooner or later your corny ass would have made me fall for the human you too." Hope tells him, peppering kisses over his upper arm.

"I was talking about the time you protected me during that storm." Sosuke informs her with a smile and pulls her erotic body against himself, his hand firmly placed on her lower back with her leaning into his chest.

"I guess I have to stop calling you crybaby now though huh?" She asks softly, breathing in his ear.

"It couldn't hurt our relationship if you did." He replies, looking at her with appreciation.

"Alright. Better come up with something to describe you losing control over all of this." Hope tells him challengingly while dragging a hand of his down her body.

"That hasn't happened since I got hit by lightning again." He pouts.

"Still is a funny story." She replies with a happy smile, her eyes looking back at him joyfully.

"You really can be quite infuriating." He groans, brushing through her wavy hair with one hand, the other rubbing over her leg.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" She asks, challenging him.

"Nothing. Just hold onto you tight and love you with all my heart." He pants into her ear while leaning into her soft body, half trapping her beneath him.

"Giving up so easily?" She asks, stroking over his chest.

"just making sure my beautiful girlfriend is happy and if having fun on my behalf helps with that... then I'm OK with it. I'll just beat up everyone else who dares to make fun of me afterwards." He tells her, a light rumble in his throat.

Hope smiles, touched at this and wraps her arms around his back, Sosuke still half lying on top of her.

"I'll always be happy as long as I have you by my side." She tells him with a heartfelt smile and pulls him down for a long, heavy kiss.

During the kiss she rolls them over with him on his back again and her straddling him.

Breaking the kiss she looks down at his fit body lustfully and takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"Oh? Am I having a certain effect on the werewolf inside?" Sosuke asks, his eyes lighting up mirthfully while stroking over her inner thighs gently.

"Nhh. Stop. Please." She begs with a moan and he retrieves his hands, before pulling her down to him by her arms and hugs her to his body, letting her get in a comfortable position.

"It's endearing, seeing that I affect your animal side." He tells her.

"Well you do. Quite a lot in fact. And I blame your date nights with me as a wolf." She tells him pouting slightly.

Sosuke kisses her on top of her head while one hand gets lost in her soft hair and leans back humming happily.

With a content smile both quietly take in the other's presence until they fall asleep.