[Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [18] Disappointed

"Call for the healers!" James' voice reverberated across the chaotic aftermath of the battle.

Among the injured lay two figures, Leire and Adrian, their conditions dire.

"Who are they?" James asked, concern etched into his features.

"They're both stable, but Adrian Dolphis has sustained severe injuries, including multiple fractures," came the response.

"I understand. See to their care," James instructed.

Surveying the scene around him, James took in the devastation that surrounded them.

In all his years of teaching, he had never witnessed an examination match of such intensity and danger. Despite numerous moments where intervention seemed imminent, he had ultimately refrained, grateful that no lives had been lost.

But despite the absence of fatalities...

"He really pushed himself," James mused silently, his gaze settling on Amael, who stood in conversation with Alicia and Martin.