18. Italy


It didn't take many days for Santi to have everything ready for the trip to Italy. We decided to wait for Carla to finish her concerts in the United States, which were a couple of them.

Santi decided to stay in Los Angeles to, according to what he said, in case I needed anything, but I know he stayed to take care of me, he always cared a lot about me.

The day of the concert, when I returned home and said goodbye to the guys, I went to the terrace after Miky had gone to sleep. Many doubts running through my head after what Miky showed me who I apparently am. I spent the whole night investigating and that's how I understood why Santi is worried, or that's the feeling I got.

According to various media, Santi is, so to speak, a talent scout in music and worked for a record company. Apparently, he's quite famous in the field and apparently, we were together, as a couple. There were photos of us together hand in hand, with Carla and more people of whom I have no idea who they are.

What shocked me the most is that apparently, we were a couple. If that's true, I don't understand how he didn't tell me anything. It bothers me not to know anything about my life and even less to know if he was something important to me as he apparently was. There were also photos of him sitting next to a tombstone and with his eyes too red, photos with Carla and many rumours they're together, which seemed weird to me. If that were true, I would have realized there's something more between them than friendship.

As I continued my online search for my life, the memory came to mind of when Santi told me that he's in love with someone and he hadn't heard from her for years until the day he found me. At that moment everything clicked in my head and I realized I'm the one who abandoned him, which made me feel bad, because I had no reason to abandon him. Santi is a great man who deserves someone better than I can be, because I abandoned him without even thinking about the consequences.

As the days went by, I stopped talking to Santi as much as we were doing, because it felt bad looking at him knowing I'm the cause of his pain. He always tried to talk to me and try to find out why I didn't talk like I did a couple of days ago, but I told him everything is fine, that there's nothing wrong with me.

Today is the day we would fly to Italy. Miky had finished school a week ago and Carla had returned to Los Angeles after her tour. At this moment we were at the airport waiting for them to call us to go to the plane when I notice Carla sitting next to me looking forward.

"Can we talk or are you in such a bad mood that you don't want to talk?" She asked, annoyed with something, I guess because of the character I had had in the last few days. "Well yes, I'm in such a bad mood that I don't want to talk." I responded rudely, "Well, that doesn't matter to me, you and I have to talk seriously about something."

"I have nothing to talk about." I said, angry they weren't telling me anything about my life, "Of course, but we're going to go somewhere more private." She said, getting up from her chair and waiting for me to do the same. "I'm not going to move."

"Oh, of course you're going to move... Santi, stay with the guys and I'm going to accompany Jessica to the bathroom." She grabbed my arm and made me stand up. When we got to the bathroom, she made sure no one is there and as soon as he finished, he turned in my direction looking at me with his arms crossed and leaning on the sink.

"Now you're going to tell me what the hell is happening to you." Carla said, waiting for my response, which she wasn't going to receive. "That's none of your business." I said taking the same position. "It is when my best friend is too preoccupied wondering what he did to you to make you stop talking to him out of the blue." He responded with a frown. "He hasn't done anything to me, I told him."

"Of course, and you pretend he believes you when you don't even talk to him." She snorted. "Yes, I talk to him." I reported even though I knew what Carla is referring to "You know what I mean. Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you or do I have to guess?" He asked "Do whatever you want, I just want you to leave me alone." I responded "I'm not going to do it and you know it."

"The thing is, I don't know, I haven't known you for more than a couple of weeks and it could be I'm the same Jessica you have known for years in appearance, but that Jessica is gone, okay? She won't ever come back. Now I'm this Jessica, and if you don't like it, then leave me alone and go back to Italy without us. I'll continue with my life as I have continued for this time." I said frustrated with everything "I'm sorry Jess, I didn't mean that…"

"I don't care exactly if that's what you meant or not... You know what? I think we better go to the apartment, it makes no sense for me to fly to Italy, after all, everyone thinks I'm dead, its better things stay that way." I said angrily, "That's not true... Come on Jessica, I'm not telling you to do it for us, but the children are excited about going to Italy and Miky feels he's helping you get your life back, would you do it? He would hurt if you don't go. Would you do that to Miky?"

I didn't want to continue listening to anything else. If I was taking this trip, it's because Miky had asked me to, and the only thing that mattered to me at this moment is him and Madison.

When I got to the place where we were before, I sat down and looked at a fixed point in the airport. It may be none of them were to blame for my bad mood, well, actually no one was to blame for my bad mood, but realize you're a shitty person for abandoning the person you love the most is not pleasant.

It didn't take us much longer to get on the plane and apparently, I had a seat next to Santi, but I couldn't sit next to him, so I went to the opposite corner and soon fell asleep.


I don't know what's wrong with Jessica. It had been a couple of weeks, to be exact, after the day of the concert she hadn't spoken to me like she did at the beginning, and from what the guys said, she's not in a good mood at all. I don't know if it's because I said something that bothered her, if she felt bad or what's happening.

At this moment we're an hour into the flight and Jessica is asleep. I'm trying to figure out why she's staying away from me, maybe she regrets coming to Italy? Did I do something to her to stop her from talking to me and I didn't even realize it? I thought from now on things would be better and I could get her back, but apparently that isn't going to be easy.

"I think she's not good." Carla said next to me making me look at her instead of Jess. "What are you talking about?" I questioned a little confused. "Jessica." my best friend responded, looking at her, "But we already know that, something has to happen to her." I said, "I think that too, but I have no idea what could happen to her."

"We think she's stressed." I had no idea the kids were listening and seems they know more than we do. "What are you all talking about?" Carla asked "For weeks, Jessica has been acting weird, well, not acting weird, but she spends the night on her cell phone and on the terrace. She practically doesn't even sleep."

"I think she's investigating who she is." Madison said "Why do you say that Madi?" Carla asked as I'm still trying to understand what's happening. "One time I went to get a glass of water and I could see she was reading a story or something like that and her name appeared, because it's Jessica Leone, right?"

"But then I don't understand why she acts like that." I muttered, "She would discover something she doesn't like that makes her feel bad." Madison said with a shrug. "That's impossible." Carla and I responded quickly, "I don't know, I just know since the day of the concert something hasn't been right."

"That's what I think, and if I did something to her without realizing it?" I asked worried "I doubt it, I think it's something that's on her mind. If it had been your fault, believe me, she wouldn't talk to you, but she practically doesn't talk to anyone, not even with us." Miky revealed "Then we have to discover what's going on in her head that makes her like this. She can't see her parents like this. You guys will have to take care of that, because Jessica won't say anything to us."

"She can tell you something, Carla." I said and she let out a bitter laugh. "Believe me, she won't say anything to me, not after the bathroom." My best friend responded "What happened in the bathroom?" I asked, turning in her direction and hoping she wouldn't bother Jess any more than she already is herself. "Well, maybe I took her to tell me what's happening to her, but I ended up saying something that bothered her and well... You can say I made her angrier."

"Shit Carla, you should have kept your mouth shut." I said frustrated "I tried, but you know that doesn't suit me. You haven't been well since Jessica has been like this, and I don't want the depressed Santi come back, so I had to do something so you at least go back to being the same as you were a couple of weeks ago." she defended herself, "Well, you ended up screwing up." I responded, annoyed, "I know, and I'm sorry, but they'll figure out what's wrong, right, guys?"

"Of course, you'll be the first to know, we promise." I nodded and they went back to talking about their things until they fell asleep. After a couple of hours, I fell asleep too, and when I woke up, the first thing I did is look at the place where Jessica is, or at least where she should be. I turn to see if Carla is there, but she wasn't there either, which makes me start to worry.

I'm about to get up when Carla appears next to me with Jessica, who looks more thoughtful than she was before and starts looking out the window. "Where were you?" I asked without looking away from Jess. "Jessica had gone to the bathroom and suddenly a flight attendant came to me telling me there's a problem with the girl who's accompanying us."

"What's wrong with Jessica?" I asked worried, "There's no problem with Jess, it's just Monica apparently is on this same flight and imagine how she got. She thought she was seeing a ghost, that tells you everything." Carla responded, shrugging her shoulders. "Is Monica here?" I asked, looking away from Jess. "Yeah, apparently she's going back to Italy."

"And what happened to Jessica?" I asked, assuming she's more frustrated than before since she wasn't understanding anything. "She has no idea who she is, or at least that's what it seems like. At least I calmed Monica down so she wouldn't overwhelm Jessica anymore. So don't even think about going to her, she'll be fine." My best friend assured, "I hope so." I sighed and she ended up putting her hand on my arm. "You'll see."


At this moment we're landing, and thank goodness, because I'm tired of being on the plane. I could feel Santi's gaze on me, and it made me nervous. The only thing I know is I had to relax and try to be the same as before with Santi. During the flight I was able to think clearly while Miky and Madison were asleep and I came to the conclusion that what is in my mind doesn't have to be true. I highly doubt I would leave Santi like that out of nowhere. What I still don't understand well is what I was doing in Los Angeles, the point is I would have to ask Santi and I hope he would answer that at least.

When we got off the plane, we headed to the place where our suitcases would be, and as soon as we left the airport, a car was waiting for us and Carla's fans, but there's security who made sure no one came near her and consequently we. As soon as we got into the car, which, by the way, Carla made me go in front along with Santi, I stayed looking out the windshield at the landscape. Everything seemed familiar to me, but without knowing it, I don't know, it's a very strange feeling I don't know how to describe.

In the back I could hear Carla talking to the kids and Santi would intervene in the conversation from time to time, but basically, the two of us were silent most of the way.

I don't know exactly how much time passed since we left the airport, I just know it's quite a long time when we stopped in front of some houses, everyone gets out except me, who stays looking at the building that isn't familiar to me, so I guess I was never here, but apparently Carla was, so I guess that's where she lived.

"Does Carla live here?" I asked, looking at the house and everything around it. "Yes, and it's where you and the kids will stay." Santi said, "Hey, I don't want to bother Carla…" I started, but he denied it with a small smile on his face. "Don't worry, you're not going to be with her. She lives in the house next door, plus this is a very quiet place, the kind of place she needs after the tour."

"And where are you going to stay?" I asked curiously "At home, I'm going to go home. It's not too far from here and we have the city one and a half kilometres away from here and from my house." He answered, "Hey…" I started, standing up and looking for a way to apologize for my behaviour toward him these days. "What?"

"I'm sorry about these days... It's just everything overwhelms me a little. "Discovering out of nowhere I had family and friends... It's complicated." I said sincerely, because that's one of the things that bothered me even though it's not the main thing. "I understand and don't worry, if you need something, you can tell me anything, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know. Thank you for being there, you're a sweetheart." I said with a small smile on my face "So things will go back to the way they were at the beginning?" He asked in a hopeful tone. "I hope better than at the beginning." I responded, "I'm looking forward to it, now let's take your suitcases to the house before those three come down, I get the impression they're up to something."

"It's not a good idea for them to spend so much time together, they have too much free time to think." I said, "Especially considering Carla has the mind of a five-year-old and likes to get into mischief." He admitted, laughing softly. "Then let's go before she spread it to Miky and Madison."

We got out of the car and Santi wouldn't let me take a single suitcase, so he took them inside one of the houses. We head to the door I see Carla is running back and forth with Miky and Madison behind her, at least she's distracting the guys, it's something I would thank her for later. "Guys, be careful, we don't want what happened last time."

"What happened last time?" Santi asked next to me. "Miky fell and got a gash in his head, they had to put fifteen stitches." I said "Wow shorty, how did you not tell me that?" Carla asked with a smile on her face. "Because it was like three years ago."

"You had to be very brave to endure that needle. If I tell you something, will it remain a secret?" Carla asked and Miky didn't hesitate for a single second to nod. "I'm afraid of needles." Carla whispered "I would say you're terrified of it, Carla." Santi laughed next to me, "Well, that's the least of it, I don't like them at all. You won't tell anyone, right?"

"No, you have my word." Miky assured, "That's how I like it, dwarf." Carla congratulated him. "Are you afraid of a simple needle and aren't you afraid of being in front of thousands of people singing?" Madison asked next to Miky "No, not really, and before you start messing with me Jessica, let me tell you your house has the best views and the most rooms so you don't have to share them, and let me tell you that you can't choose a room, because these dwarfs have already chosen."

"I don't care." I said sincerely, because I didn't really care where I slept, "Well, and another good news I suppose, it has a terrace, it's bigger than the one you had in Los Angeles, but I guess that won't matter to you." Carla said with a big smile on her face. "Stop making her dizzy Carla and give the guys a snack."

"I'm the one in charge here, Santi." She protested, pouting at the end. "But to your bad luck, you're the little girl here, so you need a babysitter." He responded, "You wish I were a little girl." Carla protested, "I would like you to be an adult, but hey, go play with the children like you were doing when we arrived."

"I'll do that, thank you. Come on kids, it's snack time." Carla said, causing the kids to start screaming excitedly and the three of them left the house where we would stay and Santi entered with the suitcases into the house apparently was the one where we would stay. He left the suitcases in the living room and I looked around at everything. It's spacious, and Carla's had good taste, or so it seemed to me.

"What do you think of the house?" He asked, without taking his eyes off me. "Too big, but pretty." I admitted, "Well, come, it has better views." He took me by the hand and I let myself be led to the terrace, which was double or triple the size of mine, but that's the least of it, what I liked most is the views. Santi was right, they were the best I could see. Practically the only thing I could see is the sea, there's nothing more than that, and with the sunset it looked much better. Nearby there were a couple of brightly coloured houses, but what I liked the most is the view in front of me.

"Is beautiful." I said sincerely "Yes, but let me tell you, it's not the most beautiful thing you can ever see." Santi responded, "Oh, no?" I asked, turning in his direction. "No, the most beautiful thing is the view I have at this moment."

I couldn't help but blush, but I turned to look back at the landscape to try to prevent Santi from seeing me like that, now or ever. "Well, I think it's better you rest, the jet lag will be hard at first, but you'll soon get used to it. Tomorrow I'll stop by here to see how you are and all."

"Santi, it's not necessary, you must have more things to do than keep an eye on us." I said, "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of everything, and obviously, I have to keep an eye on you. Tomorrow if you're not tired maybe we can go for a walk, to see if you recognize anything or a memory comes to mind."

"I think it's great." I responded, returning the smile "Then I'll stop by tomorrow, I'm going to rest. See you." He said "See you." I accompanied him to the exit and before he got into the car, I gave him a kiss near the lips. I could see a big smile appear on his face and it made mine widen too.

"Hey Santi, before you go, can you answer a question for me?" I asked, "Whatever you want." He quickly responded "When will you tell me everything?" I questioned, leaning against the door frame. "On our date tomorrow, okay?" He asked, "Ok" I said with the smile widening on my face.

With that he got into the car and left there, and it's at that moment I realize he said date. Would tomorrow be a date? "Well, at least I see things between you are as before." I couldn't help but jump. Why the fuck did these two like to scare? I turned around and you can see her with a big smile on her face and leaning on the door frame.

"The guys fell asleep, and I was going to tell you it's better to let them sleep at my house so as not to wake them up, they must be tired from the flight." Carla said and I nodded, because I agreed with her "Okay, if you don't mind." I responded, "No, it doesn't bother me, in fact, I'm delighted. How about you and I talk for a while?"

"About what?" I asked curiously "There are things you want to understand, right?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms over her chest. "I want to understand my life, know what my life was like before this, why?" I asked, my curiosity increasing. "Santi will take care of that, but I know there's another doubt in your head that won't go away, and I would like to be able to understand why you stopped talking to Santi like you did at the beginning a couple of weeks ago."

"That was for nothing. But according to you, what's the other doubt that is on my mind?" I asked, "About what there was and is between you and Santi." He said, "I don't know what you're talking about." I responded, looking away, "You don't know what I'm talking about, but you realized Santi treats you differently and he's different when he's with you than when he's with other people."

"Why?" I asked, "Why is he treating you differently?" Carla asked and I nodded "Why does he do that?" I questioned, "Come to the house, I'll explain things to you in great detail, but you have to promise me it will not change the way you see Santi, much less tell him I told you, because he kills me." The singer said "Ok"

"Then come in, this is going to take a while." I closed the door of the house and entered Carla's house. After all this time I'm going to have the opportunity to discover things about Santi and his way of acting towards me, something told me I won't going to be able to sleep much tonight.