19. Date


I was a little nervous the next day. I basically hadn't slept after I told her it's a date and she didn't say anything. I don't know if she would regret going out with me or not. Also, before leaving Carla's house, she told me to get ready that she would arrange our date today, which honestly scared me a little, because coming from her I don't know what to expect.

Before going to the house where they were staying, I stopped by the record company to tell them I could work part-time for a while, which they accepted, since in the last four years I practically didn't come to work in the building, only for songs very urgent and I didn't go to the plant where I worked at all, so it must have been a pain for them if I think about it.

The morning passed quickly, luckily for me, I said goodbye to them and left the building to go to Carla's house. It didn't take me long to get there, and when I arrived, I could see the door to Carla's house open, as practically always is, but I can also see Jessica's house open and the children playing in the sand near the entrance. Before I get out of the car, I take a deep breath and get out.

"Hey guys, where are Jessica and Carla?" I asked with a big smile on my face. "Inside the house, they're looking at what to wear for her date with you I assume." Miky said looking at me "How did you...?" I started, but quickly stopped. "Because this morning we came to see Jessica and literally, she had her clothes scattered around the house and she was wondering what to wear."

"And we heard Carla say Jess had a date, she didn't say your name, but I'm sure it's you, am I wrong?" Madison asked this time. "No, you're not wrong." I answered honestly, "And what are you going to do on your date?" Miky questioned. "Talking, after all, is what she wants."

"At least tell me that you will tell her what is between you." He asked "What is there supposed to be between us?" I asked, a little confused as to how these kids knew so much. "Come on, we're not stupid. We realize the way you look at Jess, also, Carla is telling us things." Miky admitted, "When is she telling you things?" I asked, putting myself on alert. "When Jessica isn't there if that's what's worrying you. But let me tell you, what you think seems silly to me. Don't you realize how my sister looks at you?

"How is she looking at me?" I asked with curiosity and a little lost "With love..." I don't know why it makes me feel like everyone knows something I don't, it makes me feel stupid. It seems obvious Jessica has feelings for me, but I'm sure that's not possible.

"No, apparently he has no idea." Madison said with a big smile on her face. "I just don't know what you're talking about." I responded, "I don't really know what you're talking about either." Carla's voice said coming down the stairs "About what you told us, Carla. You were right, he doesn't even realize it."

"What are you telling them Carla?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "The truth, dear." my best friend responded simply "And Jessica?" Miky questioned, realizing she wasn't coming after her. "She'll be here in a bit, don't worry, shorty."

Just at that moment I see Jessica appear behind Carla and I can't help but stare at her. She's beautiful. She had her hair down and a dress that reached the middle of her thighs, black and tight to her. I also have to say it had a plunging neckline, but otherwise, I'm speechless and from the laughter I heard in the background coming from Carla, I knew she had done this on purpose, but at this moment I couldn't care less.

"Carla, are you sure this is okay ...?" It's at that moment Jessica looks up from the ground and sees me gawking at her, I can swear she blushes a little. "Well guys, before something happens that we don't want to happen in front of the kids, it's better you go, plus you have the table reserved in an hour, that's practically how long it takes you to get there."

"Are you sure you don't mind staying with them?" Jess asked and Carla only widened her smile "Not at all, we'll have a great time, right guys?" Carla asked, looking towards the guys. "Yes!!" They exclaimed excitedly, "Now stop worrying and go, they're going to be fine, I promise Jessica. Besides, you two have a lot of things to talk about."

With those words I come out of my trance, and I approach Jessica to take her hand and go to the car. Before I could get to her, Carla stops me and leans closer to my ear. "This is my second gift of the day, I'm glad to know you like to see how it turned out." She said "You're incorrigible." I laughed, because I don't know why it hadn't crossed my mind, she would do something like that. "You know it." Our best friend responded, laughing, "Thank you, really." I thanked "It's nothing, I just want to see you both happy, because even though you think otherwise, I know Jessica loves you."

"Is there something you know that I don't?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Obviously there are things I know you don't, but that's not news. Now go and enjoy your date with your wife." She responded, "I wish that were true." I admitted, "It is, believe me." She assured and I couldn't do anything but smile, that wasn't true, but I hope it is true at some point, for that I have to win Jessica's heart again. I approached Jessica, took her hand and we headed to the car to go to the restaurant Carla had chosen.

Along the way we were talking about some unimportant things and in a comfortable silence. Once we arrived at the restaurant, I got out of the car and went to open the door for her, which she thanked me. We entered the restaurant and I could see it's elegant. As soon as we entered, they already knew who we are, I guess they were waiting for us, which I will have to thank Carla later for this. They took us to our table away from the others, which would give us more privacy, especially considering no one knew Jessica is alive apart from Carla, the guys and me.

"This restaurant seems expensive." Jess said, looking in all directions. "When Carla does something, it has to be big, otherwise she's not happy." I responded, knowing what it was like, "I realized it." She murmured "Can I offer you something to drink?" asked the waiter, "A water for me." Jess asked, "Like her." I said, "Okay, I'll be right back." He said, leaving to get our drinks, "Well then I have to assume the date is true."

I hoped she hadn't heard it, but she did. I don't know what she's thinking, apparently, she's happy, which is great for me, but I don't know, it's kind of weird having a date with her after all this time.

"Well… Yeah, but if it bothers you…" I started, hoping it wouldn't bother her. "Hey, it doesn't bother me, it's okay." Jessica responded quickly and I frowned. "Oh yeah?" I asked "Yeah, now stop worrying." She responded, laughing softly, "Okay." I said, relaxing, "Can I ask you a question?"

"That's what we're here for, isn't it?" I questioned, leaning back in the chair. "When are you going to tell me what's between us?" She asked with a small smile on her face. "And what's there supposed to be between us?" I returned the question, playing dumb, "I don't know, that's what I'd like to know. Something tells me we weren't just friends like you want me to believe."

"Why?" I asked more seriously. "Something tells me so." She said "And what does it tell you if it can be known?" I insisted, "Well, I don't know, it's something I feel. It's no secret I'm attracted to you. You're handsome, funny... too good with me even after everything I've put you through these last few weeks." She's attracted to me? I didn't expect this, I expected anything but this.

"Attract you?" I asked, a little confused. "Come on, I'm so obvious the kids have noticed." She responded laughing, "Are you serious?" I asked, surprised. "The most serious thing you'll ever hear me say. Why you ask?" Jessica questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I just didn't expect this, that's all."

"Well, if you didn't know, now you know. I hope you don't mind." She responded and I quickly denied, because it wasn't something I want her to think. "No, it doesn't bother me, quite the opposite. I like to know, that makes me know the Jessica from four years ago is still there." I said "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it, I know." I assured, because it may be Jess had changed in some things, but who doesn't? Jess's essence is still the same "Tell me what I was like before." She asked, "Well, you were a great person before, like now. You loved your family so much and they adored you. Basically, everyone adored you." I said, "Do you think my family will be happy to know I'm alive?" Jessica asked now with a worried tone "I can assure you that. They didn't take your death too well. No one who knew you took it well."

"You neither." She pointed and I nodded, because there's no point in saying the opposite. "No, neither did I, but that's the least of it, because that's not true. You're alive and everything will return to its place." I said "And when do you think I will be able to see them again?" Jess asked, "If you want, tomorrow, but first I will have to talk to them before you come in."

"They don't know I'm alive, right?" She asked with a sad smile "No, they don't know. I didn't think it was a good idea to tell them on the phone. Besides, I'm sure they would think I had gone crazy and wouldn't believe me." I said, "I would have believed it."

"In that situation I'm sure you wouldn't. They knew how much I missed you, the sick I got because of it." I said, "Well, now you don't need to get sick, because I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." She responded, putting her hand on mine and giving it a little squeeze. "I'm glad to know that."

"By the way, how is your grandmother doing? I remember she was the one who took care of you as a child and the one who took you to daycare." And she just had to remember that. I didn't like to talk about my grandmother, because it hurt me, after all, she was the only family I had until Jessica came into my life, and I didn't take her death so badly because I was already bad about Jessica's death, but it hurts me to talk about her.

"Have I said something I shouldn't have?" Jessica asked with a frown. "No... It's just my grandmother died a year and a half ago." I said "Shit, I'm sorry… I shouldn't have asked." Jessica responded, removing her hand from mine. "Don't worry, you didn't know." I consoled her because I could tell she's upset. "This thing about not remembering anything is a shit."

"Even if you remembered things you wouldn't know, like I told you, she died a year and a half ago, you weren't here." I replied calmly "I wish I could have been there for you. I remember she was an important person to you." Just then the waiter arrived with our order and left, but not before asking us if we needed anything, but at this moment I must say it's bothering me a little, because he wouldn't let me ask Jessica what she remembered. When he left, I turned my full attention back to Jessica as she's looking into her drink.

"Do you remember that?" I asked "Yeah, I have been able to remember some things, which is why I distanced myself from everyone a little." She admitted "And what else have you remembered?" I asked curiously, "Something with Carla, with people who I assume are my family." She responded, shrugging her shoulders. "You didn't remember anything else." I said "Nope, but I want to ask you a question and have you answer me honestly."

"I always answer you honestly." I said, settling into the chair. "Am I that person who left you four years ago?" She asked and I didn't expect that at all. How the hell did she know it was her that person I was talking about? If she didn't remember that, how do you know she's that person I told her about? I just hope Carla hadn't said anything to her, because then I would be really angry with her.

"You don't need to answer me, you've already given me the answer." She murmured, focusing her gaze on the window. "Jessica, that's not what you're thinking." I quickly said, "Of course it is, what I don't understand is why you still want me around you after what I did to you." She responded annoyed, "Because you didn't leave me like you thought."

"It's what everything points to, maybe that's why I've lost my memory." Jess answered and I denied "No Jess, you didn't leave. "You were going to come back." I said, "I don't understand." He said, focusing his gaze on mine, "Jessica, you had gone to Los Angeles because you had an exhibition. I wanted to go with you, but between the fact grandma was sick and that week I had an important meeting, I couldn't go. "You don't know how much I regretted not going with you in that trip, maybe then everything would be the same as before."

"Exhibition?" She asked with a frown "You're an artist Jessica and a photographer, one of the greats in Italy. You had signed contracts with that gallery you were at in Los Angeles, with artists who wanted each other for their photoshoots. "You made the cover for Carla's first album yourself; you were really good." I said, "All of this is a lot all of a sudden." She sighed. "I guess, but now I can ask you a question." I asked and she nodded.

"How did you find out that? Was it Carla?" I asked, trying not to show my anger towards Carla in case she had done it. "Carla has nothing to do with this. She was telling Miky about me and he was excited and told me what my name was, that is, he told me my last name and showed me a photo of myself. It was hard for me to believe it at first, but after returning from the concert I couldn't help but search for information."

"And what else did you find?" I asked, "I don't know whether to trust what I found. I guess the press doesn't always tell the truth, for example, that you and Carla have a relationship." my former girlfriend said, focusing her gaze on me, "No, that's the falsest thing they can say, but it's a way for them to leave us alone. We're clear about what we are and that's what matters at the end of the day. But I would like to know what else you found."

"Many things, but I would like to know what you feel, Santi." She asked and I frowned "Feel about what?" I asked, confused, "I've realized during these weeks you treat me differently than you do with others, and from what you told me, you didn't have a good time at all in these last four years, which fits the time I was gone. You told me we were great friends and from what I could read, we were a couple…"

"How long have you known?" I asked, surprised she knew. "Since the day of the concert." Jessica admitted, "Is that why you were acting so weird around me these last couple of weeks? Did it bother you talk to me knowing how I feel about you?" I asked, losing all hope of being with her again. "What? No. It wasn't that." She denied quickly. "So, what was it?"

"I felt bad because I had left you. After everything you told me, I felt bad for everything I put you through." She said, shrugging her shoulders. "But that wasn't your fault." I noted, "But that's how I felt, that's why I couldn't look at your face. I felt bad about that." She admitted, "And why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I wasn't able to even speak a word to you, as I told you, I felt terrible." She admitted, "Well, I hope that's clear now." I said, with a small smile planted on my face. "More or less, it's complicated." Jess answered sincerely, "I'll be there for whatever you need, but you shouldn't think about that. You didn't leave me, you just left for work."

"That will help." She said and we were quiet for a while we ate. Jessica looked thoughtful, and I'm thinking about everything I discovered at this dinner. Now I can understand why she stopped talking to me like that out of nowhere, since Jessica is good as she is, it's understandable she stopped talking to me. But I also had the question going through my head about what I'm feeling, obviously I didn't have to think about what I'm feeling, because I felt great, like I haven't felt in a long time and I don't know why you want to know what I feel.

The rest of dinner we spent talking about how it felt to be here again and how the kids were adapting, it seemed like they're having a great time, which made me happy. Once we finished dinner, we left the restaurant and went for a walk along the beach. "I feel better than I have in these four years. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I can't handle what I feel anymore."

"What are you taking about?" Jessica asked, "You asked me before what I felt and I feel good, better than I have in all this time. For me, these last few years were shit because I thought I had lost the person I love the most. I don't know if it's luck or what that Carla decided to take me to Los Angeles without telling me anything, but luckily for me I found you again, Jess, I love you, more than anything and having the opportunity to have you in my life again is the best thing that has ever happened to me. In all this time I haven't stopped loving you and we have been together since we were twelve..."

And I couldn't finish saying what I was saying because suddenly I noticed Jessica's lips on mine. At first it took me a while to react, because I wasn't expecting it, but I soon followed her. At this moment, I'm the happiest man in the world. Once we need to take a breath, we separate, but we keep our foreheads pressed together, my hands on her hips and her arms hooked behind my neck.

"It's not that I don't like the idea, but what was this for?" I asked surprised, but with a smile forming on my face. "I felt like I had to do it, plus I've been wanting to kiss you for a long time." She said with a big smile on her face "It's obvious, I'm irresistible."

I could see a big smile on Jessica's face, she moved away a little and hit my arm lightly, which made my smile grow bigger if that's possible. "I get the feeling you're not really like that." She said after she stopped laughing, "No, I'm not." I admitted "Then why do you do it?"

"I like to see the look on your face." I said laughing, "You're stupid." She said pouting and trying to contain a smile "But a stupid you appreciate." I responded, "No, a stupid I love." Jess said and I raised an eyebrow "Do you love me now?" I asked even though inside I'm happy "It's obvious I'm attracted to you and whenever I'm with you I feel special, I feel loved and I love that feeling I must admit."

"Well, I'm glad to be that person." I said happily, "You always were." She answered this with a smile and if before I was happy to be able to spend time with Jessica, right now I'm the happiest person in the universe. My happiness couldn't be contained by reach my body, but I liked feeling that way, it's as if part of what I was missing all this time, is coming back.

"And what are we supposed to be now?" I asked curiously. "What we always were, at the end of the day, we never stopped being a couple." She responded "I like that idea. I love you, Jess." I said with a smile taking up my entire face, "I love you, Santi."

We kissed again and started walking to the car. After half an hour, we decided to go home. I'm a little sad to bring her home, because that meant I would have to separate from her, but on the other hand I'm happy because what I had been dreaming of all this time is becoming true, I'm with Jessica again and this time I would make sure nothing happens to her.

The drive to the house where Jessica is staying is in comfortable silence, and we didn't separate our hands at any time from the moment we got into the car. Unfortunately for me, the path was too short, probably because I didn't want to separate myself from her, so I turned off the car and looked ahead.

"I hate not seeing you until tomorrow." I said pouting "Then stay." She answered "Isn't that a bit hasty?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow. "Why would it be hasty?" she questioned "Considering we're a couple again…" I started and she laughed "We never stopped being, and why lie, I don't want you to leave and much less sleep alone."

"Then I won't let you do it. Come on, I don't want you to get cold." I responded, "It's not cold today." She noted, "Okay, it's not cold, but let's go to bed, you have to rest." We got out of the car and went into the house. Everything is dark, so I imagine the guys were at Carla's house and asleep, because it's almost one in the morning. As soon as we enter the house, Jessica closes the door while I'm going to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, but Jessica stops me by making me turn on my heels and joining our lips. I was surprised, but I didn't hesitate for a second to kiss her back.

I could feel how it's starting to get hotter and I couldn't help but leave my hands on Jessica's butt and squeeze it a little, but I soon realized if I kept going like this, we're going to end up sleeping together, and I didn't want that to happen, not unless she wants.

"Jess, Jess." I said, trying to stop her, "What?" She asked, turning away from me slightly. "I don't want to do anything you might regret." I said sincerely "Do you really think I will regret this?" she asked, letting out a laugh. "Well, I don't know… I just… I just don't want you to do it… I want you to be sure."

"I couldn't be surer, you're the person I love the most and I want to make love to you right now." She responded with a smile on her face "Are you sure?" I asked, Jess nodded and with that we kissed passionately again. I missed this woman, I really did. I love her and wanted to make up for all this time we weren't together. I ran my hands over her thighs to pick her up and luckily for me, she understood it the first time. She wrapped her long legs around my waist and I started walking towards the room.

Once inside, I closed the door with my foot and leaned her against it so I could kiss her to my liking. She's about to unzip her dress when she heard someone calling her. "Jess, are you home?" Miky asked from the entrance of the house "Shit…" Jess muttered "I think I better go, Jess."

"You're not going anywhere." Jessica said, giving me a menacing look. "Jess?" Miky called again. "Give me a moment, Miky." She asked "What do we do?" I whispered, "Wait here, I won't be long."

I put her down and just when she opens the door, I see Miky rubbing his eye, so I move away before he sees me, sticking to the wall and looking at Jessica. That's when I notice she has the zipper of her dress down and she's trying to hold it so it doesn't fall to the floor, so I reach out my hand and start to zip it up.

"Is that an arm, Jess?" Miky asked in a sleepy voice. "No, do I have more than two arms?" She asked, laughing, "No, but…" he began and I could see how Jessica denied, "But nothing, you're more asleep than anything else. What are you doing here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "I woke up because I heard a car and I was coming to see if it was you, that's all."

"Well, it's me, now you can go back to Carla's house." Jess said seriously, "And I can't stay the night here?" Miky murmured. "I don't think you want Carla to worry in case she wakes up in the middle of the night." She said seriously, "Not really." The boy murmured, "Well, that's why you have to go back to her house."

"You will be fine?" He asked and Jess nodded. "Sure, I'm going to shower and get into bed to sleep." My girlfriend assured, "Okay, see you tomorrow Jess" The boy said affectionately, "See you tomorrow, dwarf. Straight to Carla's house, huh." She said "I will, I love you, Jess." He repeated "Same dwarf."

With that, I could hear steps walking away from the door towards the outside, and then I could hear how the outside door closed and Carla's opened and closed almost instantly. Jessica closed the bedroom door and approached me with a big smile.

"Only you would think of trying to close my dress with Miky in front of me." my girlfriend said, laughing "I couldn't help it, you can't ask me that." I said, laughing, "And obviously I'm not going to ask you, I want you to make love to me, Santi." She said, "And here I thought you were going to take a shower and go to bed." I laughed, wrapping my arms around her hips. "And that's what we're going to do." She said "You told Miky you were going to bed, in theory it's to sleep."

"Luckily for us, it has many functions other than sleeping, don't you think?" She responded laughing and a smile appeared on my face and I approached her to start kissing her. I missed her lips, her body, her curves, everything, but most of all, Jessica's way of being. She wrapped her legs around my waist again and I started walking towards the bathroom. This is going to be a long night and the best one in a long time, that's for sure.