Chapter 9

"You never show up anymore, Edison. What's going on?" Walcott asked Beau as he and Reed sat outside in the university court yard, sipping coffees and enjoying their time before he showed up.

"I have a life outside of the school, you know," Beau rolled his eyes, hoping this would be the end of his questions.

"Pff, you have no life. Who is she?"

Reed and Beau's eyed loomed at this not only rude, but nosy question. Beau couldn't help but wonder if Adam's large nose lead him in all directions of life. What a bastard. Yet still, Beau held his tongue. He would never get rude with anyone as he enjoyed being known for a demeanor of simplicity and kindness.

Reed didn't say much, instead leaving Beau to fill in people's blanks.

"If you must know, I have a girlfriend now and we are rather preoccupied with each other's company."

"Is she someone I've banged?"

"Of course not!"

"Well then why won't you tell me her name? Are you ashamed of her? Is she a student?"

Beau began to sweat but hid his composure quite well, instead blaming it on the hot coffee he was sipping on. Think quick, he mentally told himself. "Ava," he blurted out. It was his last girlfriend. Last being 4 years prior.

"Ava huh? Got a picture of her?"

"Really Adam, why are you so adamant on prying in everyone's business? Beau doesn't need to prove to you that his girlfriend is real. And if he doesn't want to spend time with us, which I admit is a shame, it's not your job to insist he make his whereabouts known."

Beau mentally high five-d Reed for stepping in and putting the jester in his place. What a nosy, pitiful, fool. He'd never understand how a person of his caliber made it as a university professor. He couldn't even qualify for teaching Kindergarten. Even those students were more mature than he.

"Fine, you're right Reed. I was just curious why our man has missed the last three weeks of our events. We miss having you, truly."

"Oh please, spare me of your false compliments," Beau rolled his eyes. "You just want to know about everyone getting laid because getting laid is your favorite activity, no matter who it involves."

"Touche, Edison. Well, I don't see why you haven't bought Ava to one of our events. Of course we'd all love to meet her. Anyone that can get into your life has to be quite the catch, no?"


"Did Ava used to be Dave?"

"Of course not!" Beau's body grew hotter than the drink before him. "If you want to see what she looks like so badly, I'll bring her tonight!"

"Really then, I'm excited to meet her. Tell her to bring a friend for me!"

Beau couldn't believe what he'd just said. How was he going to scour the world for a date just to shut Adam up. More importantly, how could he find a date and not feel like he was cheating on Victoria. How disastrous a situation could inflate in a mere matter of minutes. He hated himself for always falling pray to Adam's constant social pressures. He knew he didn't have to prove anything to anyone, yet still. Not living up to the circle's standards and not having a fine woman around made him look pathetic, which is something he could simply not have.

"If you two will excuse me, I have to ready some notes for my lecture," Beau stood up and quickly walked away. In his head he was running a marathon in an attempt to determine how he'd solve tonight's equation. Hire an escort? Beg his sister?


Ava was crazy about Beau and no doubt would kill to be on another date with him. Beau dated Ava when he'd started his masters degree. Ava was a nurse who was far too clingy and annoying for Beau's tastes. Beau put up with her for as long as he could until after 8 months, he finally found the courage inside of himself to end things. Things didn't end well. Ava began insulting him on facebook, making false allegations all in an attempt to get her to contact him again. This only lead to Beau deleting his entire online presence, changing his number, and hoping he'd never run into her again. Was saving face really worth all of that agony?

"Hi Ava, it's Beau. It's been a while since we've seen each other. I wondered if you'd be interested in attending an art benefit tonight with me?"


Beau felt such shame as he buttoned up his dress shirt, knowing any minute now there would be a knock on the door and the woman on the other end wasn't Victoria. He'd attempted to contact her and give her an excuse about where he would be this evening, but luckily she was at work. He knew there'd be no chance of running into her. This still didn't change the fact that he was absorbed with shame and guilt of betrayal.

It was just a few seconds later that the dreaded sound of the door bell caught his attention, and his breath. Even if it was just a meeting of friends, he felt he'd choke on his own breath just pretending to be on a date with someone else. He kept thinking about poor Victoria, and how hurt she would be if she knew what he was doing. Beau would never dare to hurt her, never dream to make her feel anything but wonderful. Yet here he was, doing just that.

Forgive me, Victoria. I swear this is good for both of us.

Beau opened the door and forced the most sincere of smiles for his guest. Ava stood looking as lavish as he would have hoped for anyone attending an art benefit. Now he just hoped he could make the night go smoothly without anyone asking more questions to get him in even more trouble.

"Beau!" she gushed, and engulfed him into a hug. "I am so, so happy you called! I have missed you so much it's unreal!"

He was sure it was.

"Yes Ava, I'm so happy you could join me tonight, only."

It seemed she completely disregarded that comment.

"How on Earth have you been?"

Ava's demeanor was as if she'd won the lottery. She was enthusiast, smiling widely with her picture perfect smile. Her make up was stylish and sophisticated, black and nude colors blended into a smokey eye. Her matte mauve lipstick matched the shade of her elegant silk dress. She was truly a beautiful woman, but not to Beauua.

"I've been decent, I suppose. Just trying to live life and finish my dissertation."

"You must tell me all about it," Ava took the lead and put her arm around Beau's, then literally dragged him out the door. It seemed as though she couldn't wait a second to be seen with a man she'd wanted so badly. And Beau badly wanted out of this sure to be a disaster evening.

The spectrum of the evening was glamorous as usual. The chilly art venue temperatures made everyone buy a drink in an attempt to warm their bodies with booze. No one dared to show up in anything less than stylish couture, not a woman without a fully painted face. And in the middle of it all, Beauua felt sick with contempt to be on a date with another woman. At long last, the moment finally arrived for Beauua to pull off his heist. He relaxed Ava into saying it was a date. He wasn't sure how he'd talk her out of it once he'd gotten the hell away from Adam.

Beau pressed the most sincere smile on his face before approaching his social circle; putting his arm around Ava and trying to touch her in the lightest, most nonsexual way possible. Reed gave Beau a look of pity, as only he knew this was a total sham of an arrangement. Beau reciprocated the silent exchange with a helpless smirk, intertwined with shame.

"This must be Ava! I've heard all about you!" Adam approached the false couple and quickly wrapped his arm around her slender waist. Beau supposed he did this to eat at him, little did he know that Beau mentally hoped any guy would snatch her away from him just so that she wouldn't pursue him once the evening was over.

"Really? What has Beau told you?" she blushed, believing that she was in a perfect world with the man she adored.

"Well, we haven't had to be told anything. Beau just stopped showing up and we knew a captivating woman had to have shown up in his life."

Beau's sweat was ready to gush. Please, don't let her question anything. Just play along, Ava.

"Oh that's too kind, thank you sir. I don't believe we've met."

"Oh how rude of me, I'm Adam Walcott. Fellow professor at the University of British Columbia."

Adam seemed too thrilled to be meeting her. Beau knew his intentions were ripe with anarchy. What was he brewing?

"May I get you a drink?" Adam inquired.

"Please, red wine."

"Anyone else care for a drink? The evening is on me!"

A few people answered back for refills, but Beau stayed silent. Adam looked back at Beau before leaving to go get drinks. Beau feared that Adam was looking for signs of jealousy. Perhaps Adam was onto Beau's sham. What was he looking for? More importantly, why did he care so much what was going on in Beau's personal life? This bothered him deeply. More so than betraying Victoria just to save face.

Adam wasn't going to say a word to Beau. Not a single thing. It all made sense why Beau got so defensive when they saw her at the art gallery, after he'd overheard Travis telling her that he witnessed him eyeballing her every class. Soon enough, one of them would slip up and he'd have proof that he was seeing Victoria.

So maybe Beau did manage to find himself a fake date, it still didn't dissuade him in the slightest. After all, he clearly flirted with Ava in front of Beau's face, and he saw no emotional conviction to see it happen and not do anything about it. Now, Adam just needed to pry into Victoria's life and see where he could find her slip up. Then finally, when Adam could prove Beau was having relations with a student, he could destroy his reputation. Adam loathed Beau with all of his might. He hated that Beau was considered the most attractive professor. He'd do anything it took to have the upper hand.

Once the evening had wound down and Ava had played her role well, Beau drove her back to his abode with ease. He started to wish he'd thought things through and picked her up instead of having her meet him at his house. Now he worried she'd want to come in for drinks, and more.

"Here we are. Do you need directions?" Beau asked Ava, hoping his innocence was believable and that she'd just go away.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could come in for a drink."

Beau screamed inside, but didn't want to be rude. He'd used her this evening, at the very least, he owed her a drink.

It took a turn for the worst when it seemed Ava purposefully got drunk and then threw herself on top of Beau, kissing him with force and pushing his body flat on the sofa.

Beau grabbed her wrists and pushed her up with whatever strength he could muster.

"What are you doing?" Beau's heart began pounding, his chest heaving in anger.

"I thought this was a date!"

Beau had no retort. It was true, he did call it a date.

"Well, yes, it was, it's just that. We should take things, slow. Please."

"Oh, okay."

Beau screamed "FUCK" inside his mind so loud it shattered glass everywhere. "I think you should go home now. I do have an early day tomorrow."

Ava chewed on her lip, looking for another reason to stay. "I'm drunk, actually. Can I spend the night?"

Damnit. Beau couldn't take a chance on her lying on that. He'd never let someone drive drunk; it was beyond his moral compass. "Sure. I have a guest room with a private bath. Make yourself at home. I keep a spare robe in there, if you'd like to wear it."

"Thank you Beau, you're so sweet," she cooed, giggling and kissing him on the cheek. Beau swallowed all of his fears, praying Victoria wouldn't make a surprise visit on him.

Beau laid in bed, snuggled up in his white comforter, feeling like a child hiding from the boogey man. Instead, as an adult, he hid from his fears, his white collar lies, his stupidity for being so paranoid and preoccupied with something as stupid as social stigma. Why on Earth did he have to always try to prove Adam wrong? What did it matter what Adam thought of him, or anyone for that matter? Because of all of this, he now felt pain in his heart. Even if he'd initiated no kiss, he felt like he'd cheated on Victoria.

He continued thinking this until he fell asleep. And when he awoke, he awoke to find himself snugged up with Victoria. She must have slipped in this morning, Beau thought to himself as he rolled over to wrap his arm around her waist. Then he realized Victoria didn't have a key.

His body flew back instantly, seething to find Ava had made herself at home in his bed.

"What are you doing?!" he spat, shaking in anger. She was naked. The robe was on the floor.

"You told me to make myself at home," she laughed, not taking his anger seriously at all.

"And this is your idea, crawling into a man's bed naked?"

"Beau, why would you ask me on a date if you didn't want to sleep with me?"

"Because…." Just get it over with, he told himself. "I have a girlfriend! I just needed a cover story about why I couldn't introduce her to those guys. She's a student."

Ava's entire composure sank at the truth. "You used me?"

Beau felt massive guilt now. No matter how annoying she was, no one deserved to be treated this way. "Yes, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it."

Ava quickly sat up and threw the robe on. "I'll see myself out."

"I'm so sorry Ava. I didn't mean to hurt you or lead you on."

"That's enough," she argued, rushing back to throw her clothes on. "God you are so pretentious. I feel sorry for your girlfriend, how anyone can put up with your demanding social life is beyond me. You'll do anything to make yourself look good, but the truth is you're a pathetic piece of shit! And don't worry, I won't tell Adam the truth, because unlike you, I have dignity!"

It didn't take but a few minutes until Beau listened to the sound of his front door closing to know she was gone. He couldn't get the image of her tearing up out of his head. No one's pain, not his, Victoria, or Ava's, was worth trying to one up Adam. She was right. He was so obsessed with his status, and that needed to end. Now.