Chapter 10

Once the weekend was over, Adam's first move at the university was to butter up the school records department clerk long enough to get her out of the room so he could look up Victoria's student file and find her address, phone number, and any other pertinent information he could use to catch her with Beau. Adam's deceitful ways never truly bothered anyone because it seemed like he was usually just out to look charming. No one would have guessed his true intentions were so vile.

Adam had previously tried to find Victoria's online presence, but she was quite the sleuth at keeping herself off public records. The only thing he found was that she once lived in Edmonton.

"Good morning Estelle, how are you doing on this marvelous day?" Adam asked her, hoping to con her with his false aura of glee. He secretly judged how unattractive Estelle was with her 1990's big Texas blonde hair, and way too much make up for a woman her age.

"Fine, thanks. How can I help you?"

"Actually, I was just here to see how I could help you. I imagine you're quite busy and since I've finished my tasks for the day, I thought I might lend a hand to the university's hardest working ladies."

Estelle was too smitten with his charm to sense how fake he truly was.

"Oh you're too kind Professor Walcott. Yes actually, I'd love a hand sorting through these files. I just need to have them aligned in application date order."

Adam took a seat beside her and grabbed the files, ready to pay his dues and complete mundane paperwork. After getting near the end of the pile, Adam knew he had to find a way to get Estelle to leave.

"Say, do you have any coffee in here?"

"We do, its in the lobby out front. Help yourself."


"Oh, okay. Thanks. Would you like some?"

"No thanks, I'm lactose intolerant."

Adam created the perfect plan. He came back a few minutes later with two hot coffees.

"Good news, I found a coffee shop with lactose free milk! I couldn't resist getting you one!"

"Oh, thank you Adam. I don't have much else for you to do. I do appreciate greatly you helping me, though."

Adam didn't take this as a sign of defeat. He just needed to wait until the lactose kicked in and Estelle went running to the bathroom for him to jump on her computer, login, and steal Victoria's home address. He waited in the hallway, hiding his face with a copy of the Vancouver Sun every time someone walked by so no one would question why a professor was lingering around in student services. It was only 17 minutes later when Estelle made her beeline for the restroom, and Adam promptly slipped back into her office. He plopped down in her seat and saw her open window was a romance novel. He rolled his eyes and minimized the window. It took a few clicks until he found the student records program and typed up her last name. Luckily, she was the only person with the surname Montoya. He took a picture of the screen so he'd have an absolute copy of all her records. And just a little bit of thumbing around he found Beau's address, too. They lived in the same neighborhood. Even better, he thought. Adam put Estelle's stupid romance novel back on the screen before slipping out as quietly as he'd slipped in.