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The girl clings to Savage's leg and says "Save me papa!" Savage says "I'm not your papa" She says "Father is father!" He says "Fine what is your name?" She says "I'm Despair" Savage says "Who are your parents?" Despair says "Mom was something called a Titan papa was a human" Savage looks down at Despair and says in his head "It's a half breed? That's filthy and disgusting maybe I should kill her now?" She says "Father what's wrong?" Savage sighs and says "No it is wrong to kill because of something like race" He then says "Let's go home" He takes her back to the Mansion Insanity says "Darling your bringing children home now? Your a monster!" The Lone Wolf says "I'm calling the Military" Spider Goddess says "Child molester!" Savage forces them all to stay silent and frozen by pressure. Savage says "I freed her from another Church some perverted Pope was about to have his way with her so I sent him right to Hell" Despair says "Yes father saved me" They say "Father? You have another one? How many kids do you have?" Savage says "Who knows?" Hope says "How many women have you made love to darling?" Savage says "I lost count after two infinity" The bloodlust is extremely overwhelming that it holds Savage in place with fear. The girls look at him with looks so insane he would have nightmares for a month he says "It was before any of you" He vanishes and goes to another Church this was the very last one he had wiped out the rest. He goes inside then says "Where is everyone?"