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Savage is sent to his knees after being hit with a kick to the side of the head by a Titan he says "YOU WILL PAY FOR DESTROYING THE FOLLOWERS OF GOD I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Savage felt something off about this Titan and says "They brainwashed you?" The Titan attacks but Savage catches their fist then says "No it can't be that's not possible your Berserker" Berserker was destroyed and thought to have been lost forever. However the Church repaired his soul and brought him back. As their bodyguard and protecter after reciveing so many Divine Blessings Holy Blessings enchantments and power ups he was able to rival the more powerful Titans and overtime he evolved countless times. He was now as attractive as Savage and as powerful as Savage. Savage says "You are more handsome then the girls at my mansion are beautiful how dare you take my looks" They fight it out however Berserker goes all out Savage says "So they managed to make it so your rage doesn't make you lose control it's focussed rage i'll end you!" Savage goes all out but is being overwhelmed by Berserker then Savage obtains a new level he says "Behold Diamond Savage!" Diamond Savage defeats then destroys Berserker he then returns to normal and says "Berserker was once my best friend a worthy rival and motivated me to train how dare you do that to him i'll end you!" Savage kills the members of the Church more ruthlessly then anyone before he ends up finding a Dog girl being beaten by a Pope who had just had his way with her.