Chapter 15: Human School

For someone like Theo, going to a school surrounded by humans while knowing that he was special was exciting. Unlike Scott, Theo looked at all the kids around him and he’d see a potential for a new friend. Of course, Scott’s words of warning about the humans always echoed in the back of his mind but Theo wasn’t the type of boy to judge a book by its cover.

Of course, there was a part of Theo that wondered what life was like going to the pack school. Scott had always suggested that option to the boy with the intent of making sure Theo was comfortable and happy. But then Theo would go through his routine of going to school, and his classes, and he’d realize that he was happiest here. Surrounded by humans.

“You’re going to help me study for that math test today, right Theo?” Theo was pulled from his musings when he felt the hand that clamped down on his shoulder and the face that appeared in his line of sight.