“My brother is working late so looks like I’ll be walking home today,” Theo told Percy with a shrug of his shoulders.
Shoving his phone back in his pocket and falling in line beside the boy. Theo was used to walking home, usually alone or sometimes with his friends. He never really had a problem with it, though he wished Scott would be more open to meeting his friends and their parents.
“You’ll have to ask your brother for permission again, right?” Percy had asked with a raised brow followed by a nod from Theo.
Thankfully Percy didn’t live far from Theo and his family, which gave Theo the chance to walk home with a friendly face. He didn’t like walking home alone all that much.
“Scott usually doesn’t mind me hanging out with you and the guys, but he’ll definitely want to meet your folks pretty soon. Work keeps him so busy as it is that he hasn’t had much free time on his hands.” Theo explained to Percy.