Chapter 47: The Bubble Bursts

Many poets and storytellers describe disasters happening in slow motion. Aster was of the belief that this is because they intend to provide incredible detail; to paint a vivid picture so that those taking in the story can experience the terrible, vicarious thrill.

In truth, disaster strikes very quickly. When a dam breaks, the water is an angry god that carves a path of destruction and violence in mere seconds. When lightning strikes, it is quicker than a venomous viper. When the ocean races away from the shore, you have to run, not walk, to higher ground the instant you see it vanish.

And this disaster happened just as quickly.

The problem was, Aster nearly didn’t catch it in time to save himself. He was too worried about the glassy look in Jace’s eyes to notice the ocean running from the shore. He looked helplessly up at his soulmate, wondering where his mind was, when the stormy viper reared her head. His only warning was the hairs on the back of his neck standing up.