Chapter 5: Getting Acquainted

Thane was startled awake by a sudden jolt to his body. In the front, the driver looked up and said, “Sorry about that Mr. Edwards. The roads up here aren’t the best.”

Thane shook his head. “No need to apologize Lambert. What’s our ETA?”

“Two hours, sir.”

Tall trees created a wall on both sides of the highway, obscuring their view completely when they were forced to make sharp turns. Street lights and travel signs were nowhere to be seen, which never sat well with Thane.

Unable to get a signal on his phone, he asked, “Lambert, where are we?”

“I think we passed nowhere about an hour ago,” he tapped the GPS built into the dashboard. “This isn’t even working, it just keeps going around in circles. But I can tell you,” he pinched the screen causing the map to zoom out until a single dot appeared. “We’re ten kilometers north of wherever Caribou Falls is.”

Thane tossed his phone on the seat next to him. “When we-”

At the end of a turn, a figure in a long, black coat stepped out in the road in front of them. Lambert had a split decision to make; turn hard and possibly flip the vehicle, or bring the car to a halt to minimize the injury to Thane and himself. The man in front of them would die, but he wasn’t about to sacrifice their lives for a stranger.

Just as Lambert slammed on the brakes, the figure rushed forward and slammed his shoulder into the front of the vehicle.

The vehicle came to a jarring halt, the entire front left half of the car folded in on the drivers side, pinning Lambert in the vehicle. Fire ignited in the front and began to spread rapidly.

Thane kicked the back passenger door open and stumbled out. Using the car to lean on, he circled around to where Lambert was stuck. He briefly looked around for a body in the street, but didn’t see one.

Getting a grip on the crumpled door, Thane shouted, “Lambert! Do your best to push, I’ll pull!”

Lambert shook his head. “Can’t move my legs, boss.”

Thane ignored him. “Focus on the door first, John. We need to get you out of there.” Bracing a foot against the car, Thane pulled.

Veins and muscles bulged on Thane as he put everything he had into opening the door. His growl turned into a roar as he reached the peak of his strength.

Metal groaned as the door began to straighten out.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and deafening boom. . .

Thane thrashed awake, his heart a beating war drum in his chest. His breath came out in pants and he was sweating profusely. Kate appeared on the couch next to him and took his face in her hands.

“Thane, it’s okay. You were having a nightmare,” her voice was gentle. “It’s me, Kat–Ms. Holland. You’re safe.”

His breathing slowed. The pupils in his blue eyes returned to their normal size. Thane swallowed, took her hands and lowered them slowly. “Forgive me,” he began, and then looked out the window. It was dark. He stood up. “What time is it?”

Kate looked to the kitchen. “Six. Are you okay Thane? Who’s Lambert?”

“My driver,” Thane replied. “I wasn’t able to get him out.”

Kate stood up, genuine sympathy filled her eyes. “I’m so sorry Thane,” her expression had changed entirely, she didn’t look like she was just thinking about him anymore. In a shaky voice Kate said, “Do you want to talk about it? That kind of thing can haunt you the rest of your life if you let it,”

Thane clenched his jaw and composed himself. “It’s alright. Thank you.” He spotted his shirt and surcoat laying on the back of the couch. Taking the button-up, he put it on.

Kate’s eyes widened. “Thane! Your cuts!”

Thane glanced down at his wounds. Most of them were closed, some of them had already scarred over. “Several of them were shallow,” he said, without much conviction.

Kate might of had some childish characteristics, but she wasn’t stupid.

Standing up she ran her fingers over the pink scars. “They weren’t that shallow. I was there, remember?” She traced one that was the shape of a crescent moon. “How is this possible?” she whispered.

For a moment he stood frozen, allowing himself to feel the divine sensation of her smooth fingertips passing lightly over his skin. For a moment, he didn’t care about meetings, negotiations, boundaries or treaties; all he cared about was being as close as he could to her. What kind of spell did she have over him?

Only for a moment.

Thane started to reach up to touch her hands, but backed away instead. “I have been told my healing is genetic. It is fast, but it’s only possible when I sleep.”

“Unbelievable,” she reached out to touch them again.

Thane turned to the side and quickly buttoned up his shirt.

After a moment, Kate walked toward him and placed her palms on his back. Not knowing what to say she pointed out, “You’re so warm,”

When he didn’t move, she took another step closer and rested against his back.

In a far more serious tone she said in a soft voice, “How are you so calm after what just happened to you?”

The ringer to her intercom buzzed angrily causing them both to jump. Thane looked into her eyes, to her mouth, her chest, and then back to her eyes again.

Yet he remained still, refusing to act on his emotions.

Kate went to the speaker and hit the button to answer. Her voice shook. “Y-Yeah?”

Tim’s cheery voice responded on the other end. “You two ready for dinner? Monroe’s looks pretty busy tonight, might be good to get there early to get ahead of the rumor train.”

Kate sighed. “Come on up.”

“That’s okay. I’ll wait.”

Kate looked to Thane. “You okay?”

Thane gave her a half smile. “Uh. Yes. I am. Though,” he held out his hands. “I can’t let you keep paying for me like this.”

Kate gave him a smile, though there was tinged with sadness. “You won’t be here for long, right?”

Thane’s smile faded. “No, I uh, I suppose not.”

She shrugged. “It’s a one time thing then. No worries.”


Sure enough, the restaurant was at its capacity, which put a little under fifty sets of eyes on the couple plus one.

Kate sat with her head low and the menu covering half her face. Thane’s friendly smiles were returned by kind looks from the females and spiteful glares from the men. Tim was leaning on his forearms, looking at Thane. After a few minutes of awkward staring he said, “So Thane, we didn’t get a chance to talk much, what is it you do again?”

Thane’s tone was apathetic as he said, “I’m the middle man who handles negotiations for rich families regarding land disputes. They are very much into their formal attire is why I’m wearing this,” he pulled at his shirt. “Many of them are extremely vain and will not cooperate with anyone who is not at least half as attractive as they are. Believe me Tim, it’s not about the work, it’s about the money.”

Tim was a little disappointed with the answer he got. “That actually sounds like it sucks.”

A middle-aged waitress approached them, smacking her gum loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. “What can I get you fella’s tonight?” she asked.

Tim went first. “Well Sallie, I’m feeling rather adventurous this eve. I will go with the clam chowder and a side of garlic bread.” Keeping his eyes on Thane, he folded up his menu and held it up for Sallie to take.

Between smacks, the woman asked “What about you hun? Anything look good?” She leaned slightly forward, exposing some of her cleavage. “Maybe I can suggest something?”

Tim held up his hand just as Thane was going to order. “Let me guess, a salad?”

Thane gave him a puzzled look. “Actually Sallie, I’d like the fish and chips with some mushy peas and a side of malt vinegar.”

Sallie raised her eyebrows at his order but continued on after she wrote it down. “And what about you Katey? Now I know you don’t want anything to drink as you already have this tall glass of water.” She smacked irritably as she waited for Kate, who was clearly embarrassed to be there.

In a quiet voice, Kate said, “I’ll actually take the house salad.”

Sallie replied in a belittling tone, “You gotta speak up hun, I can’t hear you.”

“I said the house salad. With the vinaigrette.” Kate shouted.

The waitress smiled at Thane while saying between gum smacks to Kate, “Alright, you don’t have to yell.”

Just as Kate was giving her menu back, Thane plucked it from her hands and held it out to the woman. With a charming smile he said loud enough for those around them to hear, “For pity’s sake, it’s a stick of gum not a bloody bale of hay.”

Sallies mouth clamped shut and she stomped away, glaring at Thane.

Kate looked to Thane who was staring at the alcoholic beverage menu. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes I did.” he replied in an instant.

The grin on Tim’s face was huge. To Thane he said, “She is definitely going to spit in our food, but that was totally worth it.” He looked at Kate who still had her head down. “What’s wrong Kate?”

“I forgot what it was like, being new here.” she said. “I love these people to death Tim, but I can’t stand how they gossip about the new people who come here. I’m sick of the dumb nicknames they make for me and I hate,” she stopped, realizing how loud she was getting and lowered her voice. “I hate it when they’re right.”

The three of them didn’t say much afterward and poked at their food when it was brought out to them.

When Thane saw his meal, he almost insulted the waitress again but then decided against it.

His order came out exactly as Sallie heard it; fish with potato chips, a side order of peas and tartar sauce.


Kate was quiet the rest of the evening after they ate and on the walk home. She stayed close to Thane to keep warm, but didn’t try to put her hands anywhere they shouldn’t be.

After bidding Tim goodnight, the two headed upstairs in silence. Without removing her shoes or coat, Kate said goodnight to Thane and went to her room.

Thane stood by the door, debating on whether he should leave or not.

His mind mocked him, ‘do what you want. Go to her. She’ll probably be safe this close to their border. After all, they’re not the kind of beings to wait several years for just the right moment to inflict pain. Perhaps you could ask John what he thinks?’

Frowning at the thought, Thane retrieved his surcoat and walked out the door.