Chapter 6: Night Meetings

Outside, it started to snow to Thane’s disapproval. He didn’t think anyone would follow him into the forest, but if they wanted to, his tracks weren’t hard to miss. For the safety of those in town, he hoped no one came after him.

As for where he was going, he wasn’t entirely sure. All he knew was that the border was close and as soon as he crossed it they would find him.

He hiked through the forest for almost an hour before he spotted a single standing torch burning in a grove of birch trees. Thane approached it and stood straight with his hands clasped behind his back.

Behind him, a voice carried on the wind. “You are Thane Edwards?” it asked.

Thane fought the urge to turn and fall prostrate to the ground. He’d forgotten the effect they had on people who didn’t keep their emotions in check. Turning at a casual pace as though the sound didn’t affect him at all, he answered. “I am Ambassador Thane Edwards. With whom do I have the honor of speaking with this evening?”

The torch flickered as the snow flurried in front of him. When the white flakes dispersed, and a woman with silver hair, ivory skin and a gown of midnight blue materialized before him.

The wind whipped at her hair, but it never seemed to blow it into a position that would compromise her vision or eloquence. Her lips were the color of rose petals and when she smiled, her fangs managed to gleam in the weak light of the torch.

She looked Thane up and down with her amethyst-colored eyes and licked her lips. “Thane Edwards,” she purred. “I must admit, I’ve never met a human who wouldn’t look prettier after we turned them,” in a few steps she was right up against Thane, her full bosom pressed against his chest. Lifting her hand, she ran her smooth, cold fingers across his jaw and then brushed his lips.

Leaning in close to his neck, she closed her eyes and breathed in. She did a single neck circle and then said with displeasure, “You stink of peasant.”

Thane could not deny the woman was striking to look upon, but he’d spent enough time around them to know what was in their hearts. To the untrained, any other man would have crumpled at her touch, falling to her feet begging to be handled more.

To him, her fingers felt like marble; hard and void of life.

His physical body wanted to take her, but his mind was repulsed by the idea. He remained unmoving as he looked the woman straight in the eyes. “Are you the representative from the Winterblood Coven?”

Resting a hand on his shoulder, she leaned on him and then lifted a toned, creamy-white thigh up between his legs and against his groin. Thane didn’t so much as blink.

One of her eyebrows arched up in surprise. “Really? Nothing?” she laughed and the haunting sound did make the hair on his arms stand up underneath his coat.

She stepped away from him and said, “I am Baroness Amandine Cadieux.” Her tone shifted to one of boredom. “Alright. What did you want to say that couldn’t wait two days?”

Thane’s expression hardened. “I am not one of your slaves, Lady Cadieux. If you do not think what I have to say is important, by all means,” Thane nodded behind her, “Leave. I will inform his Grace this information was delayed because the Ambassador wasn’t worth your time.”

Aside from Amandine’s eyes narrowing, she didn’t display any emotion on her perfect, rounded face. She looked directly into Thane’s eyes and after several moments, her lips curled up into a smile.

“Thane, what I wouldn’t give to bed you.”

Folding her arms underneath her breasts, she asked with all hints of seduction, flirtation and mockery gone from her voice. “Please tell me what you know, Mr. Edwards.”

Thane nodded in approval. “First, one of you attacked my driver and I on the way to Skettus Hold. They stepped into the middle of the road and destroyed the vehicle I was in. Had I been in the front, I would likely be dead.” He changed his hands from being clasped in the back to being in the front. “We know of the border dispute. You and I both know that if an Ambassador doesn’t respond in five days after a declaration to expand is made, that a Coven can invade other territories without any repercussions.”

Amandine’s expression darkened. “You really believe we would do something like that and make enemies with your Order?”

Thane kept his tone impassive. “Whether I do or not doesn’t matter. It happened in your borders. If it is someone working on their own to start a war, Lord Skettus needs to know. If there is someone who is turning members of his Coven against him, he should know,” he paused to study the woman. Though she hid it well, he could see the concern in her face when it tensed. “Finally, if it was his intention to have me killed so he could move south without the IVSCD breathing down his neck , he needs to know that I know.”

Lady Cadieux nodded. “Is there anything else?”

Thane ground his teeth together. “As his Grace Lord Skettus is Duke over this region, he will need to be notified to provide compensation for the loss of John Lambert, my driver, and Ambassador Lawrence Corren, who was in charge of this region before he disappeared.”

With one of her hands, Amandine rubbed her forehead. “Are you finished, Ambassador Edwards?”

“No. None of you are to go near that town I am currently residing in. If I see anyone from your Coven again that close to the border, we will revisit the peace treaties with the Covens east and west of your lands.”

The woman looked confused. “Where we’re standing is the closest we’re allowed to get to that backwater town.” She looked angry for a moment and then relaxed her face when she looked at Thane. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Thane Edwards. I will notify His Grace at once, for this-”

Amandine stopped talking and sniffed the air. Giving Thane an accusing look she said, “One of the serfs followed you.” She smiled, baring her teeth. “You know what that means being this far inside our border, don’t you?”

Thane’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. His reflexes shocked even Amandine. She looked down and tried to break his grip, but was barely able to move her arm. “Ambassador, you would do well to release me at once.”

Thane knew he shouldn’t have touched her. By not letting her go immediately, he risked ruining all future negotiations and his hard-earned reputation.

Keeping the fear out of his voice he said, “Leave them be. They do not know any better and had your Coven never attacked me, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and no one from that town would be here.”

He loosened his grip.

Lady Cadieux pulled her arm free, keeping her eyes on Thane. Her gaze drifted to where Thane had walked from, as though she could see through the dense trees to the one approaching. “I will grant your request, Thane Edwards.” Her alluring eyes slid back to his. “Should it happen again, you will need to do more to sate my thirst.”

Tapping him on the nose with the tip of her fingernail she said, “I’ll see you in eight days.”

Thane’s extension had been granted.

The snow spiraled around her and the torch went out, leaving him in darkness.


Kate was staring at the footprints on the ground when a set of strong hands grabbed her arms and whirled her around.

Thane did his best not to shake her as he hissed, “What are you doing out here?! Do you have any idea how dangerous what you’re doing is?”

Kate was scared at how frantic Thane was, but stood her ground. “I’ve been hiking out here a lot Thane, I probably know these woods better than you!”

Thane was frustrated with her, but more terrified of what could have happened had Amandine ignored him. “Kate, you foolish, little girl.” He let go of her arms and backed away from her, his composure returned.

The voice in his head spoke. ‘You almost got her killed.’

“Stay away from me.” His voice was cold and uncompassionate. “Your interference nearly cost me everything, Kate. Is that what you want?”

Kate didn’t know what to say. She’d only spent a short time with him, but never imagined him treating her this way. Somehow he’d made her feel guilty for doing something wrong she wasn’t even aware of.

He’d also frightened her. Even in his firm grip he was gentle, but from the way his voice shook when he spoke to how his dark blue eyes watched the darkness around them, Kate felt like she was in danger.

She backed away, breaking free of his grip with a single step. Kate opened her mouth with the intent to make a spiteful remark, but instead turned away and walked in silence back to town.

Thane watched her go, frustrated with himself for losing control and how much he was allowing Kate and the people of her town to become involved. He wanted to go to her and explain everything, if for no other reason than to not have to lie to her anymore.

In every other assignment he’d ever had, not once was he required to interact with the people from the towns or cities near or inside the borders. He’d certainly never developed feelings for any of them. He’d never put himself in a position where the Covens could threaten him.

Thane slammed his fist against a nearby tree, causing a light dusting of snow to cascade down from the shaken branches, covering his shoulders and head with a white coat. He glared at the tree with hostility.

Reaching up, he took hold of the thickest branch and pulled.

All of the frustration, powerlessness and sense of loss he felt poured into his muscles, and after a second the wood groaned and gave way. Pops and snaps rang through the forest as Thane ripped the heavy branch from the tree.

He stared at the meaningless destruction he’d caused, immediately regretting what he’d done. This wasn’t like him at all. His mind criticized him. ‘You will not succeed if you don’t regain control of the situation.’

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Spotting Kate’s footprints, he followed them back to town.


From the treetops in the distance, a pale man in a long, black coat smiled.